
초가잔빌ㅣBC1250년전 신과 여신들의 거대사원 인슈시낙(페르시아)

아이야소피야 2022. 10. 24. 00:18

What is Chogha Zanbil?

According to Habib-Ullah Pour Abdollah, who is a great Persian architect, Chogha Zanbil is considered the first religious building in Iran. About 1250 BC, the king of Susa called Untash-Napirisha decided to build a temple to honor and worship the Elam god called Inshushinak. By building temples, people could show their respect to their gods and ask for his mercy. This structure was buried under the dust when the Elam civilization got destroyed by Assyrians. However, during the Pahlavi Dynasty, when Iranians were excavating for oil, Jacques de Morgan, who was a French mining engineer, found this place, and a French archaeologist called Roman Ghirshman excavated the remains of the Chogha Zanbil. 

The meaning of Chogha Zanbil

In his articles, Roman Ghirshman calls Chogha Zanbil the “Ziggurat Dur Untash,” which is the Assyrian name for this structure. “Ziggurat” means the peak or a high place, which refers to all Assyrian religious structures, and “Dur Untash” means the town of Untash(the king of Elam). 

However, today Iranians and the popular historical journals all around the world call this place, Chogha Zanbil, which means “basket mound.” This name comes from the fact that the remains of Chogha Zanbil before being excavated, looked like an upside-down basket. 

What Is the Elamite Culture?

Elam was an ancient pre-Iranian civilization in Persia, which was strongly inspired by nature and its elements. This Mesopotamian polytheism was one of the significant religions in the world. In Elamite Culture, animals, especially serpents, were considered holy, and people worshipped different gods and goddesses. Women were also significant and respected in this culture. There is some evidence in discovered antiques that shows how Elam was a matriarchal society in which women had the most power. 

The Main Gods and Goddesses in Elamite Culture

The Elamite gods and goddesses can be compared to Greek divinities; however, the Elamite gods and goddesses had protector roles. 

Kiririsha is the great goddess and the divine mother. She was the ultimate power of Elam, and she had the power of cursing others. She is associated with the sea and fishing, which is an important aspect of being in Susa.

However, when the patriarchal society was showing its signs in Iran, Humban, who is a supreme god, became stronger for people. He is the god of earth and tries to make the earth pure of enemies. 

Narunte is another goddess who was worshiped in Susa as well. In other words, she is the representative of Susa with the leaf of the palm tree in her hand and a goblet in another one. Since there was a tight relationship between Elam and Assyrian culture, there are two lions beneath Narunte feet, which are the symbol of Ishtar, the goddess of beauty in Assyria. 

Like Hades in Greek, Jabru is the god of the underworld in Elamite culture. He is also the father of all gods and goddesses. 

Finally, Inshushinak is the significant god of strength and the protector of Elam. He is shown with the lion as well, but in this case, archeologists believe that these lions are the symbol of power. Chogha Zanbil is located in the capital of Elam Civilization for people to pray and honor him. 

What Does Chogha Zanbil Look like? 

By looking at Chogha Zanbil, the first phrase that comes to mind is being familiar and exceptional at the same time. When you look at the structure, you can find similarities between this place and El Castillo, but the differences are a lot. 

This mud-bricked square-shaped temple originally had five floors with 52 meters height surrounded by high walls. However, today only 2 of them exist. Since Chogha Zanbil is so tall, people believed that this place ascends to heaven at night. 

Although Chogha Zanbil has a square shape, the pyramid form of it represents moving up toward the gods, and that is why the core building of this structure is dedicated to the god. There are some inscriptions written on the walls of Chogha Zanbil in Elamite Language, which describes the greatness of Inshushinak and the holiness of this place. 

Because of the same architectural elements that can be seen in Chogha Zanbil and its value in mankind’s history, UNESCO inscribed this place as the first Persian site in its World Heritage List in 1979.

How to reach Chogha Zanbil?

Chogha Zanbil is located in Susa, in Khuzestan Province, near the Persian Gulf. By traveling toward the east of Susa City, you will arrive at Chogha Zanbil after 40 kilometers. Although reaching this place from Shushtar is easier since it is 5 kilometers closer to Shushtar. However, due to the geographical divisions, the ancient Chogha Zanbil is a part of Susa. 

What Is the Best Time to Visit Chogha Zanbil?

Since this historical building is located in Khuzestan, which has one of the highest temperatures between different provinces of Iran, the best time to visit Chogha Zanbil is during fall, in late February or early in March. The nice weather of February and March allows you to see newborn wildflowers and grass around Chogha Zanbil. 

Chogha Zanbil is where history shows its power and importance once again to human beings and lets us explore the mysteries of our existence. By traveling to Iran and visiting this place, you get to see one of the most amazing historical sites and get familiar with Persian culture more. 

Works Cited:

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hadi. Sepidehdam-e Andisheh, 2006


Choza Zanbil- 테르메 여행
위대한 페르시아 건축가인 Habib-Ullah Pour Abdollah에 따르면 Chogha Zanbil은이란 최초의 종교 건물로 간주됩니다. 기원전 1250년경, 운타쉬-나피리샤라고 불리는 수사 왕은 인슈시낙이라고 불리는 엘람 신을 숭배하고 숭배하기 위해 사원을 짓기로 결정했습니다. 사원을 지음으로써 사람들은 그들의 신에게 존경을 표하고 그의 자비를 구할 수 있었습니다. 이 구조물은 엘람 문명이 앗수르에 의해 파괴되었을 때 먼지 아래 묻혔습니다. 그러나 팔라비 왕조 시대에 이란인들이 석유를 채굴하던 중 이곳을 프랑스 광산 기술자인 자크 드 모르간이 발견했고, 로만 기르쉬만이라는 프랑스 고고학자가 초가 잔빌의 유적을 발굴했다.

초가잔빌의 의미
Chogha Zanbil-Termeh Travel의 의미
그의 기사에서 Roman Ghirshman은 Chogha Zanbil을 "Ziggurat Dur Untash"라고 부르며, 이는 이 구조의 아시리아 이름입니다. "Ziggurat"은 앗수르의 모든 종교 건축물을 의미하는 봉우리 또는 높은 곳을 의미하고 "Dur Untash"는 Untash(엘람의 왕)의 마을을 의미합니다.

그러나 오늘날 이란인과 전 세계의 유명한 역사 저널은 이곳을 "바구니 고분"을 의미하는 초가 잔빌(Chogha Zanbil)이라고 부릅니다. 초가잔빌의 유적이 발굴되기 전의 모습이 거꾸로 된 바구니처럼 보였다고 해서 붙여진 이름이다.

엘람 문화란 무엇인가?
엘람 문화 - 테르메 여행
엘람은 페르시아의 고대 이란 이전 문명으로 자연과 그 요소에서 강한 영감을 받았습니다. 이 메소포타미아 다신교는 세계에서 중요한 종교 중 하나였습니다. 엘람 문화에서는 동물, 특히 뱀을 거룩하게 여겼고 사람들은 다양한 신과 여신을 숭배했습니다. 여성도 이 문화에서 중요하고 존경받았습니다. 발견된 골동품에는 엘람이 여성이 가장 많은 권력을 가진 모계 사회였음을 보여주는 몇 가지 증거가 있습니다.

엘람 문화의 주요 신들과 여신들
The Inshushinak - 테르메 여행
엘람의 신들과 여신들은 그리스의 신들에 비유될 수 있습니다. 그러나 엘람의 신들과 여신들은 수호자 역할을 했습니다.

키리리샤는 위대한 여신이자 신성한 어머니입니다. 그녀는 엘람의 궁극의 권세였으며, 남을 저주하는 권세를 가지고 있었습니다. 그녀는 바다와 낚시와 관련이 있으며, 이는 수사에 있는 중요한 측면입니다.

그러나 이란에서 가부장제 사회의 징조가 나타나자 최고의 신인 훔반이 사람들에게 강해졌다. 그는 땅의 신이며 적으로부터 깨끗한 땅을 만들려고 합니다.

나룬테는 수사에서도 숭배되었던 또 다른 여신이다. 즉, 그녀는 한 손에 야자수 잎사귀, 다른 한 손에 잔을 들고 있는 수사의 대표자이다. 엘람과 앗수르 문화 사이에는 긴밀한 관계가 있었기 때문에 나룬테의 발 아래에는 앗수르의 미의 여신 이슈타르의 상징인 두 마리의 사자가 있습니다.

그리스의 하데스와 마찬가지로 야브루는 엘람 문화의 지하 세계의 신입니다. 그는 또한 모든 신과 여신의 아버지입니다.

마지막으로 Inshushinak은 힘의 중요한 신이자 Elam의 수호자입니다. 사자와 함께 등장하기도 하지만 이 경우 고고학자들은 이 사자를 권력의 상징으로 보고 있다. Chogha Zanbil은 사람들이 그를기도하고 존경하기 위해 Elam 문명의 수도에 위치하고 있습니다.

초가잔빌은 어떤 모습인가요?
초가 잔빌 - 테르메 여행
초가잔빌을 보면 가장 먼저 떠오르는 문구가 낯익으면서도 남다르다. 구조를 보면 이곳과 엘 카스티요의 유사점을 찾을 수 있지만 차이점이 많습니다.

이 진흙 벽돌로 된 사각형 모양의 사원은 원래 52m 높이의 5층 건물로 높은 벽으로 둘러싸여 있습니다. 그러나 오늘날에는 그 중 2개만 존재합니다. 초가잔빌이 워낙 높아서 사람들은 이곳이 밤에 하늘로 올라간다고 믿었다.

초가잔빌은 네모난 형태이지만 피라미드 형태는 신을 향해 올라가는 모습을 나타내기 때문에 이 건축물의 핵심 건물은 신에게 바쳐진다. Chogha Zanbil의 벽에는 Inshushinak의 위대함과 이곳의 거룩함을 설명하는 Elamite 언어로 쓰여진 비문이 있습니다.

초가 잔빌에서 볼 수 있는 동일한 건축 요소와 인류 역사에서의 가치 때문에 유네스코는 1979년 이곳을 페르시아 최초의 세계 유산 목록에 등재했습니다.

초가잔빌에 가는 방법
초가 잔빌 - 테르메 여행
Chogha Zanbil은 페르시아 만 근처 Khuzestan 지방의 Susa에 위치하고 있습니다. 수사시 동쪽으로 40km를 가면 초가잔빌에 도착한다. Shushtar에서 이 장소에 도달하는 것은 Shushtar에서 5km 더 가깝기 때문에 더 쉽습니다. 그러나 지리적 분할로 인해 고대 초가 잔빌은 수사의 일부입니다.

초가잔빌을 방문하기 가장 좋은 시기는?
초가 잔빌 - 테르메 여행
이 역사적인 건물은 이란의 여러 지방 중에서 가장 기온이 높은 후제스탄에 위치해 있기 때문에 초가 잔빌을 방문하기 가장 좋은 시기는 가을인 2월 말이나 3월 초입니다. 2월과 3월의 좋은 날씨 덕분에 초가잔빌 주변에서 갓 태어난 야생화와 풀을 볼 수 있습니다.

초가잔빌은 역사가 인간에게 다시 한 번 그 위력과 중요성을 보여주고 우리 존재의 신비를 탐구하게 하는 곳입니다. 이란을 여행하고 이곳을 방문하면 가장 놀라운 유적지 중 하나를 볼 수 있고 페르시아 문화에 더 익숙해질 수 있습니다.

작품 인용:
모하마드, 모하마드 하디. Sepidehdam-e Andisheh, 2006