
The Morríganㅣ모리간 여신ㅣ까마귀ㅣ켈트족 전쟁의 여신

아이야소피야 2022. 11. 8. 02:34


The Morrígan


The Morrígan by Forest Rogers. Image used with artist permission.

The Morrígan is an ancient Irish goddess of war, battle, prophecy, sovereignty, and otherworld power. While She was worshipped primarily in Iron Age Ireland, the earliest recorded mention of her dates back to 750 BC - however, this is widely believed to be a retelling of much older (oral) stories, and is simply the first time it was ever written down. The Morrígan’s name can be translated from Irish into both “Great Queen” (from Old Irish ‘mor’ meaning ‘great’ and ‘rigan’ meaning ‘queen’)  and “Phantom Queen” as an alternate etymology. She is a shapeshifting goddess, often turning into one of her many forms in the ancient Irish literature; She has been known to shift into a crow or raven, a she-wolf, an eel, a cow, a horse, and both old and young women. She is a goddess that is deeply tied to both warfare and the land itself, offering a protective, tutelary role.

To get a better grasp of exactly who the Morrígan is, it is important that we distinguish who (and what) She is not. The Morrígan is often categorized as a trinity goddess, but She does not align with the modern pagan view of the “maiden, mother, and crone.” She has three aspects who are frequently depicted as “sisters” and often referred to as “The Daughters of Ernmas.” Together, they are collectively referred to as The Morrígan, or the Morrígna. There is also evidence that suggests The Morrígan herself is a stand alone entity.

The Three Morrigans by Ion Ander Ramirez of IonAnder Art. Image used with artist permission.

In this respect, the Morrígan does not fit well into the three dimensions of a trinity goddess, because the literature is not completely consistent with the faces of the Morrígan. Of the three aspects, the first two appear to consistently be Macha and Badb, which are widely accepted by the historical Irish research community. However, the third aspect is unclear and a subject of some debate. Some researchers suggest Némain, Féa, or Anu as faces of the Morrígan, and each of these are named in different stories of Her. Because of this, different priesthoods may seek to honor many different faces of the Morrígan, with different variations in each practice. In our practice, the Order of the Crows recognizes Némain as the third aspect, as well as The Morrígan as a whole entity unto herself.


포레스트 로저스의 모리안. 아티스트 권한과 함께 사용된 이미지입니다.

모리안은 전쟁, 전투, 예언, 주권, 그리고 다른 세계 권력의 고대 아일랜드 여신이다. 그녀는 주로 철기 시대 아일랜드에서 숭배되었지만, 기원전 750년으로 거슬러 올라가는 그녀의 연대에 대한 가장 이른 기록이다 - 그러나, 이것은 훨씬 더 오래된 (구두적인) 이야기들을 재연하는 것으로 널리 믿어지고 있으며, 단순히 기록된 최초의 것이다. 모리안의 이름은 아일랜드어에서 "위대한 여왕"이라는 뜻의 "모르"와 "왕비"라는 뜻의 "리간"에서 유래한 것으로 번역될 수 있다. 그녀는 까마귀나 까마귀, 암늑대, 뱀장어, 소, 말, 그리고 노인과 젊은 여성으로 변신하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그녀는 전쟁과 땅 그 자체와 깊이 연결되어 보호자 역할을 제공하는 여신이다. 

모리안이 정확히 누구인지 더 잘 이해하기 위해서는 그녀가 누구인지(그리고) 구별하는 것이 중요하다. 모리안은 종종 삼위일체 여신으로 분류되지만, 그녀는 "처녀, 어머니, 크론"에 대한 현대 이교도의 견해와 일치하지 않는다. 그녀에게는 "언니들"로 자주 묘사되고 종종 "에르마스의 딸들"로 불리는 세 가지 측면이 있다. 이들을 모두 합쳐서 모리안 또는 모리냐라고 부른다. 또한 모리안 자신이 독립적인 존재임을 시사하는 증거도 있다.


이온 안데르 미술의 이온 안데르 라미레즈의 세 마리 모리건. 아티스트 권한과 함께 사용된 이미지입니다.

이 점에서 모리안은 삼위일체 여신의 삼위일체적 차원에 잘 들어맞지 않는데, 이는 문헌이 모리안의 얼굴과 완전히 일치하지 않기 때문이다. 세 가지 측면 중 첫 번째 두 가지는 마하와 바드브이며, 이는 아일랜드 역사 연구계에서 널리 받아들여지고 있다. 그러나, 세 번째 측면은 불분명하고 일부 논쟁의 주제이다. 일부 연구자들은 네메인, 페아, 아누를 모리안의 얼굴로 제안하고 있으며, 이들 각각은 헤르에 대한 다른 이야기에서 이름이 붙여졌다. 이 때문에 성직자마다 모리안의 다양한 얼굴을 기리고자 할 수 있다. 우리의 실천에서 까마귀 훈장은 네메인을 세 번째 측면으로 인정하고, 모리안은 그녀 자신에 대한 전체적 존재로 인정한다.




The Morrígan
An article about The Morrígan, an ancient Irish goddess, by Danielle Ní Dhighe. The Morrígan is a goddess of battle, strife and fertility, sometimes appearing as a hooded crow. In some accounts she appears to be a consort of the chief Tuatha Dé Danann deity, The Dagda

The Morrígan
The Morrígan is a goddess of battle, strife, and fertility. Her name translates as 'Phantom Queen,' which is entirely appropriate for Her. The Morrígan appears as both a single goddess and a trio of goddesses, which includes the Badb 'Vulture' and Nemain 'Frenzy'. The Morrígan frequently appears in the ornithological guise of a hooded crow. She is one of the Tuatha De Danann (People of the Goddess Danu) and She helped defeat the Firbolgs at the First Battle of Magh Tuireadh and the Fomori at the Second Battle of Mag Tured.

By some accounts, she is the consort of the Dagda, while the Badb and Nemain are sometimes listed as consorts of Néit, an obscure war god who is possibly Nuada the Sky Father in His warrior aspect. It is interesting to note that another battle goddess, Macha, is also associated with Nuada.

Morrígan by Jessica Galbreth
Morrígan by Jessica Galbreth.
The origins of the Morrígan seem to reach directly back to the megalithic cult of the mothers. The mothers (Matrones, Idises, Dísir, etc.) usually appeared as triple goddesses and their cult was expressed through both battle ecstasy and regenerative ecstasy. Later Celtic goddesses of sovereignty, such as the trio of Éire, Banba, and Fótla, also use magic in warfare. "Influence in the sphere of warfare, but by means of magic and incantation rather than through physical strength, is common to these beings." (Ross 205)

Éire, a goddess connected to the land in a fashion reminiscent of the mothers, could appear as a beautiful woman or as a crow, as could the Morrígan. The Dísir appeared in similar guises. In addition to being battle goddesses, they are significantly associated with fate as well as birth in many cases, along with appearing before a death or to escort the deceased. It is interesting to note that some sources present Éire and the Morrígan as half-sisters.

There is certainly evidence that the concept of a raven goddess of battle wasn't limited to the Irish Celts. An inscription found in France invoking Cathubodva, 'Battle Raven', shows that a similar concept was known among the Gaulish Celts.

Similarities between the Morrígan and Valkyries
The Morrígan's role in the Irish cosmology is quite similar to the role played by the Valkyries in Norse cosmology. Both use magic to cast fetters on warriors and choose who will die.

During the Second Battle, the Morrígan "said she would go and destroy Indech son of Dé Domnann and 'deprive him of the blood of his heart and the kidneys of his valor', and she gave two handfuls of that blood to the hosts. When Indech later appeared in the battle, he was already doomed." (Rees 36)

Compare this to the Washer at the Ford, another guise of the Morrígan. The Washer is usually to be found washing the clothes of men about to die in battle. In effect, She is choosing who will die.

An early German spell found in Merseburg mentions the Indisi, who decided the fortunes of war and the fates of warriors. The Scandinavian Song of the Spear, quoted in Njals Saga, gives a detailed description of Valkyries as women weaving on a grisly loom, with severed heads for weights, arrows for shuttles, and entrails for the warp. As they worked, they exulted at the loss of life that would take place. "All is sinister now to see, a cloud of blood moves over the sky, the air is red with the blood of men, and the battle women chant their song." (Davidson 94)

An Old English poem, Exodus, refers to ravens as choosers of the slain. There are links between ravens, choosing of the slain, casting fetters, and female beings in many sources.

"As the Norse and English sources show them to us, the walkurjas are figures of awe and even terror, who delight in the deaths of men. As battlefield scavengers, they are very close to the ravens, who are described as waelceasega, 'picking over the dead'..." (Our Troth)

"The function of the goddess [the Morrígan] here, it may be noted, is not to attack the hero [Cúchulainn] with weapons but to render him helpless at a crucial point in the battle, like the valkyries who cast 'fetters' upon warriors...thus both in Irish and Scandinavian literature we have a conception of female beings associated with battle, both fierce and erotic." (Davidson 97, 100)

The Morrígan and Cúchulainn
She appeared to the hero Cúchulainn (son of the god Lugh) and offered Her love to him. When he failed to recognize Her and rejected Her, She told him that She would hinder him when he was in battle. When Cúchulainn was eventually killed, She settled on his shoulder in the form of a crow. Cú's misfortune was that he never recognized the feminine power of sovereignty that She offered to him.
She appeared to him on at least four occasions and each time he failed to recognise her.

1. When She appeared to him and declared Her love for him.

2. After he had wounded Her, She appeared to him as an old hag and he offered his blessings to Her, which caused Her to be healed.

3. On his way to his final battle, he saw the Washer at the Ford, who declared that She was "washing the clothes and arms of Cúchulainn, who would soon be dead."

4. When he was forced by three hags (which represent the Morrígan in Her triple aspect) to break a taboo of eating dogflesh.

다니엘 니 디헤의 고대 아일랜드 여신 모리안에 대한 기사. 모리안은 전투, 분쟁, 다산의 여신으로 때때로 두건을 쓴 까마귀로 등장한다. 어떤 기록에서는 그녀가 투아사 데 다넌의 주요 신인 다그다의 배우자로 보인다.

모리안은 전투, 분쟁, 다산의 여신이다. 그녀의 이름은 'Phantom Queen'으로 번역되는데, 이것은 그녀에게 전적으로 적합하다. 모리안은 바드브 '독수리'와 네메인 '프렌지'를 포함한 3인조 여신과 단일 여신으로 등장한다. 모리안은 종종 두건을 쓴 까마귀의 조류학적 모습을 하고 나타난다. 그녀는 투아타 데 다넌 (다누 여신의 사람들) 중 한 명이며, 제1차 마그 투레아드 전투에서 피르볼그족을, 제2차 마그 투레르 전투에서 포모리를 물리치는 데 도움을 주었다.

바드브와 네메인은 무명의 전쟁신 네이트(Néit)의 코러스로 기록되기도 하는데, 그는 하늘의 아버지 누아다(Nuada)일 가능성이 있다. 또 다른 전투 여신인 마차도 누아다와 관련이 있다는 점이 흥미롭다.

제시카 갈브레스의 모리건
제시카 골브레스 원작의 모리건.
모리안의 기원은 어머니들에 대한 거석숭배로 거슬러 올라가는 것으로 보인다. 어머니들(마트로네스, 이디스, 디시르 등)은 보통 3중 여신으로 나타났으며, 그들의 숭배는 전투 황홀감과 재생 황홀감을 통해 표현되었다. 에레, 반바, 포틀라의 삼인조 같은 후기 켈트족의 주권 여신들도 전쟁에서 마법을 사용한다. "육체적인 힘보다는 마법과 주문을 통해 전쟁의 영역에 미치는 영향은 이 존재들에게 공통적이다." (로스 205)

어머니들을 연상시키는 방식으로 땅과 연결된 여신인 에레는 아름다운 여성으로 보일 수도 있었고, 모리안이 그랬던 것처럼 까마귀로 보일 수도 있었다. 디시르는 비슷한 모습으로 나타났다. 전투의 여신일 뿐만 아니라, 그들은 죽음 앞에 나타나거나 고인을 호위하는 것과 더불어 많은 경우에 출생뿐만 아니라 운명과도 상당히 연관되어 있다. 일부 문헌에서 에레와 모리안을 이복 자매로 묘사한 것이 흥미롭다.

전투의 까마귀 여신의 개념이 아일랜드 켈트족에만 국한되지 않았다는 증거가 확실히 있다. 프랑스에서 발견된 비문은 '배틀 레이븐(Battle Raven)'이라는 카투보드바를 인용한 것으로, 갈리아 켈트족들 사이에서도 비슷한 개념이 알려져 있었다는 것을 보여준다.

모리안족과 발키리아족의 유사점
아일랜드 우주론에서 모리안의 역할은 발키리아인이 노르드 우주론에서 수행하는 역할과 매우 유사하다. 둘 다 마법으로 전사들에게 족쇄를 채우고 누가 죽을지 고른다.

제2차 전투에서 모리안은 데 돔넌의 아들 인데크를 죽이고 심장의 피와 용맹의 신장을 빼앗겠다고 말했고, 그녀는 그 피를 두 움큼씩 숙주들에게 주었다. 이후 인데크가 전투에 등장했을 때는 이미 파멸이었다.(리스 36)

이것을 모리안의 또 다른 위장인 포드의 와셔와 비교해 보세요. 와셔는 보통 전사하려는 사람들의 옷을 세탁하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 사실, 그녀는 누가 죽을지 고르고 있다.

메르세부르크에서 발견된 초기 독일 마법은 전쟁의 운명과 전사의 운명을 결정한 인디시를 언급한다. Njals Saga에서 인용된 "창의 스칸디나비아 노래"는 발키리우스를 여자로 묘사하고 있으며, 머리를 잘라서 무게를, 화살을, 내장을 잘라서 경사를 짓는다고 묘사하고 있다. 그들이 일을 하면서, 그들은 일어날 수 있는 생명의 손실에 기뻐했다. "이제 모든 것이 불길하고, 피구름이 하늘 위를 움직이고, 공기는 남자의 피로 붉게 물들고, 전투 여인들은 그들의 노래를 부른다."(데이비슨 94)

고대 영어 시인 엑소더스는 까마귀를 죽은 자들의 선택으로 언급한다. 까마귀들, 죽은 자들의 선택, 쇠사슬을 주조하는 것, 그리고 많은 출처에서 암컷 존재들 사이의 연관성이 있다.

"노르드와 영국의 자료들이 우리에게 보여주듯이, 워쿠르자는 사람들의 죽음을 즐기는 경외와 심지어 공포의 형상이다. 전쟁터 청소부로서, 그들은 까마귀들과 매우 가깝고, 까마귀들은 '죽은 자들을 줍는다'고 묘사된다."(우리의 트로트)

"여신 [모리안]의 역할은 무기로 영웅 [쿠 훌린]을 공격하는 것이 아니라 전사들에게 '속박'을 던지는 발키리아처럼 전투의 중요한 지점에서 그를 무력하게 만드는 것이다...따라서 아일랜드와 스칸디나비아 문학에서 우리는 격렬하고 에로틱한 전투와 관련된 여성 존재에 대한 개념을 가지고 있다." (데이비슨 97, 100)

모리안과 쿠 훌린
그녀는 영웅 쿠 훌린(루 신의 아들)에게 나타나 그에게 사랑을 바쳤다. 그가 그녀를 알아보지 못하고 그녀를 거절했을 때, 그녀는 그에게 그가 싸울 때 그녀가 그를 방해할 것이라고 말했다. 쿠 훌린이 결국 죽자 그녀는 까마귀의 모습으로 그의 어깨에 자리를 잡았다. 쿠의 불행은 그녀가 그에게 제공한 주권의 여성적 힘을 전혀 인식하지 못했다는 것이다.
그녀는 적어도 네 번 그에게 나타났고 매번 그는 그녀를 알아보지 못했다.

1. 그녀가 그에게 나타나 그를 사랑한다고 선언했을 때.

2. 그가 그녀를 다치게 한 후, 그녀는 그에게 늙은 하녀로 나타났고 그는 그녀에게 축복을 바쳤고, 그로 인해 그녀는 치유되었습니다.

3. 마지막 전투로 가는 길에 그는 포드에서 와셔를 보았고, 와셔는 그녀가 "곧 죽을 쿠 훌린의 옷과 팔을 빨고 있다"고 선언했다."

4. 그가 세 마리의 해그(그녀의 세 가지 측면에서 모리안을 대표함)에게 개고기를 먹는 금기를 깨라고 강요당했을 때.

The Irish Road Trip

The Morrigan Goddess: The Phantom Queen And Celtic Goddess (An Easy-To-Follow Tale)
By: AuthorKeith O'Hara

Posted onLast updated: May 26, 2022

The Morrigan Goddess: The Phantom Queen And Celtic Goddess (An Easy-To-Follow Tale)
Out of the many mythical characters in Irish folklore, the Morrigan is arguably one of the best known.

The Morrigan is one of the many prominent figures to feature in Irish mythology and is primarily associated with war / battle, fate and death.

She is a gifted shape shifter and is known to favour changing into the crow. The Morrigan was one of the Tuatha De Danann, who were the folk of the Goddess Danu.

Table of Contents
The Morrigan Goddess
the morrigan goddess
Photo by Vladimir Sazonov/shutterstock

As kids, we were frequently told stories about Celtic Gods and Goddesses, however, few stories had us on the edges of our seats like the tales of the Goddess Morrigan.

The mysterious Morrigan Celtic queen as kids growing up in Ireland. Like all stories from Irish and Celtic Folklore, the tales were colourful, magical and, in this case, featured many a battle.

The Phantom Queen/Morrigan mythology is one of the most popular there is, which is likely due to the incredible stories that revolve around her.

It’s said that the name ‘Morrigan’ roughly translates to ‘The Phantom Queen’. Like the Puca, she was a shapeshifter yet, unlike the Puca, she was associated with war, death and destiny.

Who is the Morrigan in Celtic mythology?
If you’re not familiar with the warrior queen, she was one of three war Goddesses that featured in Irish mythology. The other two Goddesses were Macha and Neman.

Although the name by which she is called tends to change depending on who is telling the story, she often referred to by several different names:

The Morrigan Goddess
The Celtic Goddess of Death
The Celtic Goddess Morrigan
Great Queen Goddess Morrigan
The Morrighan
The Morrigan Celtic Goddess
The Great Queen
The Queen of the Triple Goddesses
What is Morrigan the goddess of?
The Morrigan Goddess is also known as what’s called a ‘Triple Goddess’. At times, she appears alongside her two sisters (Badb and Macha).

She is primarily known as the Goddess of war. In a book from 1870 called ‘The Ancient Irish Goddess of War’, the Morrigan is described as being able to predict the death of warriors in battle, which she used to influence the outcome of war.

According to legend, she delivered this message after she appeared as a crow (often mistaken for a raven) and flew overhead during a war. It’s said that her appearance would either terrify those fighting or inspire them to fight for their life.

The Goddess Morrígan and Cuchulainn
the morrigan goddess


아일랜드 로드 트립

모리건의 여신: 팬텀 퀸과 켈트 여신 (추종하기 쉬운 이야기)
저자: 키스 오하라

마지막으로 업데이트된 날짜: 2022년 5월 26일

모리건의 여신: 팬텀 퀸과 켈트 여신 (추종하기 쉬운 이야기)
아일랜드 민속의 많은 신화적 인물들 중에서, 모리건은 거의 틀림없이 가장 잘 알려진 인물들 중 하나이다.

모리건()은 아일랜드 신화에 등장하는 인물로 전쟁/전쟁, 운명, 죽음과 관련이 있다.

그녀는 천부적인 형태변환자로 까마귀로 변신하는 것을 좋아하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 모리건은 다누 여신의 민족인 투아타 데 다난 중 한 명이었다.

모리건의 여신
모리건의 여신
사진 블라디미르 사조노프/셔터스톡

어렸을 때, 우리는 종종 켈트 신들과 여신들에 대한 이야기를 들었지만, 모리건 여신의 이야기처럼 우리를 좌석 가장자리에 앉게 한 이야기는 거의 없었다.

아일랜드에서 자라면서 신비로운 모리건 켈트족의 여왕. 아일랜드와 켈트 민속의 모든 이야기들처럼, 이 이야기들은 다채롭고, 마법적이며, 이 경우 많은 전투를 특징으로 한다.

팬텀 퀸/모리건 신화는 가장 인기 있는 것 중 하나인데, 이것은 그녀를 중심으로 전개되는 놀라운 이야기들 때문일 것이다.

'모리건'이라는 이름은 대략 '팬텀 퀸'으로 번역된다고 한다. 푸카족과 마찬가지로, 그녀는 아직 형태변환자였고, 푸카족과는 달리, 그녀는 전쟁, 죽음, 그리고 운명과 연관되어 있었다.

켈트 신화에 나오는 모리건은 누구인가?
만약 당신이 전사 여왕에 대해 잘 알지 못한다면, 그녀는 아일랜드 신화에 등장하는 세 명의 전쟁 여신 중 한 명이었다. 다른 두 여신들은 마차와 네만이었다.

그녀가 부르는 이름은 누가 이야기를 하느냐에 따라 달라지는 경향이 있지만, 그녀는 종종 다음과 같은 여러 다른 이름으로 언급한다.

모리건의 여신
켈트족의 죽음의 여신
켈트 여신 모리건
그레이트 퀸 여신 모리건
모리건 켈트족의 여신
삼신여신의 여왕
모리건은 무엇의 여신인가?
모리건 여신은 '트리플 여신'이라고 불리는 것으로도 알려져 있다. 때때로, 그녀는 그녀의 두 자매(배드브와 마차)와 함께 나타난다.

그녀는 주로 전쟁의 여신으로 알려져 있다. 1870년에 나온 '고대 아일랜드 전쟁의 여신'이라는 책에서 모리건은 전쟁의 결과에 영향을 미치는 전사들의 죽음을 예측할 수 있다고 묘사된다.

전설에 따르면, 그녀는 전쟁 중에 까마귀(흔히 까마귀로 오인됨)로 나타나 머리 위로 날아간 후 이 메시지를 전했다고 한다. 그녀의 모습은 싸우는 사람들을 겁주거나 그들의 삶을 위해 싸우도록 영감을 줄 것이라고 한다.

모리안과 쿠 훌린의 여신
모리건의 여신

One of the stories about the Morrigan that I recall being told as a child was about an encounter with the mighty warrior Cu Chulainn.

The Goddess Morrigan first appeared to encounter Cu Chulainn while he was defending the province of Ulster from Queen Maeve and her army.

The story goes that the Morrigan fell in love with Cuchulainn and that she tried to seduce him one day before he entered battle, but for one reason or another, he said no, despite the Goddesses immense beauty.

And then, a mighty battle began

Outraged, the Morrigan Goddess used her ability to shape shift to transform from a woman into an eel. This allowed her to swim up to Cu Chulainn as he made his way through a fjord and trip him.

He punched at the eel and managed to hurt it, though just temporarily. It then managed to transform itself into a huge wolf. The wolf ran at a herd of cattle and drove them at Cu Chulainn.

He managed to grab his famous sling-shot in time and used it to fire a stone into the eye of the Morrigan Goddess, who was temporarily blinded.

The Goddess quickly transformed again, this time taking the appearance of a cow. The cow riled up the others in the herd and managed to get them to stampede towards Cu Chulainn.

However, he managed to dodge the herd of cows and hit the Goddess Morrigan with a stone that broke her leg and forced her to accept defeat.

The old woman, the Morrigan Celtic Goddess and the cow

Cu Chullain made his way back to his base after winning the battle. Along the way, he met an elderly lady sat on a little stool milking a cow.

Now, Cu Chullain was weary from battle and he wasn’t paying enough attention. If he was, he would have noticed that this woman was blind in one eye and that her leg was recently injured.

Not sensing the danger that he was in, Cu Chullain stopped to speak to the old woman. Apparently thankful for his company, the old woman offered him a drink of milk.

After finishing his drink, he blessed the woman, not realising that, upon doing so, he cured the Morrigan Goddess of all of her injuries and restored the Goddess to her full strength.

However, the Morrigan did not attempt to engage Cu Chullain in battle – she had already outsmarted him and tricked him into healing her.

The Crow and the death of Cuchulainn

The Goddess Morrigan and Cu Chulainn met once before the great warrior’s death. Cu Chulainn was en route to another great battle when he encountered a woman scrubbing battle armour covered in blood.

This was seen as a very bad omen to encounter before entering battle. Cuchulainn passed the woman and continued to confront his enemy.

It was during this battle that he was mortally wounded. With his last bit of energy, he used some sturdy twine to tie himself upright to a nearby boulder, in an attempt to frighten off any other enemies closeby.

Then a crow landed on his shoulder and he is said to have finally drifted off to sleep for good. Now, the Morrigan was known to transform into a crow… was it her that had the final laugh? Who knows!

The Morrigan Symbol

The Morrigan Goddess was a shape-shifter and thus tends to be associated with a number of symbols and Celtic creatures.

She is most notably associated with the crow, but you’ll also see her associated with ravens, too.

FAQs About This Celtic Goddess

Since publishing this guide a year or so ago, we’ve had countless emails with questions about the Morrigan Celtic Goddess.

Below, we’ve done our best to answer the most FAQ of these questions. If you have one that we haven’t answered, ask away below.

Who is the Morrigan?

She was one of three war Goddesses from Irish mythology (the others were, of course, Macha and Neman).

What is she the Goddess of?

Known as a ‘Triple Goddess’, the Morrigan was the Goddess of war and it is believed that she was able to predict the death of warriors in battle.

What is the Morrigan symbol?

As this Celtic Goddess appeared as a crow (often mistaken for a raven), many associate this animal as her true symbol.

If you enjoyed this story, dive into our section on Irish culture (you’ll find everything from beer to tales from ancient Ireland.

Thanks for visiting the Irish road trip! This site exists to inspire and guide you on an Irish adventure that’ll give birth to a lifetime of memories!

어렸을 때 들었던 모리건에 대한 이야기 중 하나는 위대한 전사 쿠 훌린과의 만남에 관한 것이었다.

모리건 여신은 쿠 훌린이 매브 여왕과 그녀의 군대로부터 얼스터 지방을 방어하던 중 처음 마주쳤다.

모리건은 쿠 훌린과 사랑에 빠졌고, 쿠 훌린이 전투에 들어가기 하루 전에 유혹하려 했지만, 여신들의 엄청난 아름다움에도 불구하고 어떤 이유로든 그는 아니라고 말했다.

그리고 나서, 강력한 전투가 시작되었다.
화가 난 모리건 여신은 여성에서 장어로 변신하기 위해 변화를 형상화하는 능력을 사용했다. 이것은 그녀가 피오르를 통과하여 그를 넘어뜨릴 때 쿠 훌린으로 수영할 수 있게 해주었다.

그는 장어를 주먹으로 때려서 일시적으로나마 상처를 입혔다. 그리고 나서 그것은 거대한 늑대로 변모했다. 늑대는 소떼에게 달려들어 그들을 쿠 훌린에게 몰아갔다.

그는 제때에 그의 유명한 슬링샷을 잡아서 일시적으로 눈이 멀었던 모리건 여신의 눈에 돌을 발사하는데 사용했다.

여신은 이번에는 소의 모습을 취하며 재빠르게 변신했다. 소는 무리에 있는 다른 사람들을 태우고 간신히 쿠 훌린을 향해 돌진하게 했다.

그러나 그는 소떼를 피해 모리건 여신을 돌로 쳐서 다리를 부러뜨리고 패배를 인정하게 했다.

늙은 여인, 모리건 켈트 여신과 소
Cu Chulain은 전투에서 승리한 후 그의 기지로 돌아왔다. 도중에 그는 작은 걸상에 앉아 소젖을 짜고 있는 할머니를 만났다.

이제 쿠 훌라인은 전투로 지쳐 있었고 그는 충분한 주의를 기울이지 않았다. 만약 그랬다면, 그는 이 여성이 한쪽 눈이 보이지 않았고 그녀의 다리가 최근에 다쳤다는 것을 알아챘을 것이다.

그가 위험에 처해 있다는 것을 눈치채지 못한 쿠 출라인은 노파에게 말을 걸기 위해 멈췄다. 그가 함께 있어 준 것에 감사한 듯, 그 노파는 그에게 우유 한 잔을 권했다.

술을 다 마신 후, 그는 그 여인에게 축복을 내렸으나, 그렇게 함으로써 그가 모리건 여신의 모든 상처를 치료하고 여신의 힘을 완전히 회복시켰다는 것을 깨닫지 못했다.

그러나 모리건은 쿠 훌랭을 전투에 참여시키려 하지 않았고, 쿠 훌랭은 이미 그를 앞질러 그녀를 치료하도록 속였다.

까마귀와 쿠 훌린의 죽음
모리건 여신과 쿠 훌린은 위대한 전사가 죽기 전에 한 번 만났다. 쿠 훌린은 또 다른 위대한 전투로 가는 길에 피투성이가 된 전투장갑을 문지르는 여자를 만났다.

이것은 전투에 들어가기 전에 마주치는 매우 나쁜 징조로 여겨졌다. 쿠 훌린은 여자를 지나쳐 그의 적과 계속 맞섰다.

그가 치명상을 입은 것은 이 전투 중이었다. 그의 마지막 에너지로, 그는 근처의 다른 적들을 겁주어 쫓아버리기 위해 근처의 바위에 몸을 똑바로 묶기 위해 약간의 튼튼한 밧줄을 사용했다.

그러자 까마귀 한 마리가 그의 어깨에 내려앉았고 그는 마침내 영원히 잠들었다고 한다. 이제, 모리건은 까마귀로 변신하는 것으로 알려졌는데… 마지막 웃음을 터뜨린 것은 그녀였을까? 누가 알겠어!

모리건의 상징
모리건 여신은 형태 변환자였기 때문에 많은 상징과 켈트족 생물들과 연관되는 경향이 있다.

그녀는 까마귀와  관련이 있습니다.


켈트 여신에 대한 FAQ
1년 정도 전에 이 안내서를 출판한 이후로, 우리는 모리건 켈트 여신에 대한 질문이 담긴 수많은 이메일을 받았다.

아래에서는 이러한 질문 중 가장 자주 묻는 질문에 답하기 위해 최선을 다했습니다. 만약 우리가 대답하지 않은 것이 있다면, 아래에서 물어보세요.

모리건이 누구죠?
그녀는 아일랜드 신화에 나오는 세 명의 전쟁 여신 중 한 명이었다.

그녀는 무엇의 여신인가?
'트리플 여신'으로 알려진 모리건은 전쟁의 여신이었고, 그녀가 전사들의 죽음을 예견할 수 있었다고 믿어진다.

모리건의 상징은 무엇인가?
이 켈트 여신은 까마귀(흔히 까마귀로 오인됨)로 나타났기 때문에, 많은 사람들은 이 동물을 그녀의 진정한 상징으로 여긴다.

이 이야기를 즐겼다면, 아일랜드 문화에 대한 우리의 섹션으로 들어가 보세요 (맥주부터 고대 아일랜드 이야기까지 모든 것을 찾을 수 있을 것입니다).

아일랜드 로드 트립을 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다! 이 사이트는 평생의 추억을 불러일으킬 아일랜드 모험에 영감을 주고 안내하기 위해 존재합니다!https://www.theirishroadtrip.com/the-morrigan/