카테고리 없음


아이야소피야 2022. 11. 14. 01:23


March 28, 2022

Por-Bazhyn (Russian: Пор-Бажын) is a ruined structure on a lake island high in the mountains of southern Tuva (Russian Federation). The name derives from Tuvinian 'clay house'. Excavations suggest that it was built as an Uyghur palace in the 8th century AD, converted into a Manichaean monastery soon after, abandoned after a short occupation, and finally destroyed by an earthquake and subsequent fire. Its construction methods show that Por-Bazhyn was built within the Tang Chinese architectural tradition.

Por-Bazhyn occupies a small island in Lake Tere-Khol, about 1,300 m (4,300 ft) above sea level in the Sengelen mountains of southern Siberia. The location is 8 km (5.0 mi) west of the village of Kungurtuk in the southeast of the Republic of Tuva (Russian Federation), close to the Russian border with Mongolia.


The walls of the site enclose a rectangular area, oriented east–west and covering almost the entire island. The interior is taken up by two large yards, a central building complex, and a chain of small yards along the northern, western and southern walls. The western and eastern curtain walls are relatively well preserved. The main gate, with gate towers and ramps leading up to them, is located in the middle of the eastern wall.

Por-Bazhyn has been known since the 18th century, and was explored in 1891 for the first time. In 1957–1963, the Russian archaeologist S.I. Vajnstejn excavated in several areas of the site. Large-scale fieldwork was undertaken in 2007–2008 by the Fortress Por-Bajin Foundation, with scholars and scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Oriental Museum, and Moscow State University.

Since the end of the 19th century, Por-Bazhyn has been linked to the Uyghurs because of its location, the date of finds from it, and the similarity of its lay-out to the palace complex of Karabalgasun, the capital of the Uyghur Khaganate. Vajnstejn identified Por-Bazhyn as the ‘palace .. at the well’ built, according to the runic inscription on the Selenga stone, by Khagan Moyanchur (also known as Bayanchur Khan, AD 747-759), after his victory over local tribes in AD 750.

Moyanchur involved the Uyghur Khaganate in internal power struggles in China, and married a Chinese princess.[5] Other identifications of the site included a border fortress, a monastery, a ritual site, and an astronomical observatory; these are found in older literature published before the conclusion of modern fieldwork in 2008.

Early dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating studies indicated that the ‘fortress’ was built between AD 770 and 790.[11] The excavators point out that this was in the reign of Uyghur Bögü Qaghan, successor of Moyanchur, therefore Por-Bazhyn cannot have been the palace mentioned in the Selenga inscription. The date of the palace's construction was later refined further to around AD 777.


The structure may still have been a palace because the lay-out resembles that of the Uyghur palace of Karabalgasun. The scarcity of finds, the virtual absence of an occupation layer, and the complete lack of any provisions for heating argue against a permanently occupied residence, although traces of repairs and rebuilding suggest that the site had been maintained for a certain time. It is not impossible that Por-Bazhyn was a ritual site or a military fortress, but there is a lack of evidence to support these interpretations


'POR-BAZ'시베리아의 신비로운 섬 요새
2022년 3월 28일
포르바친()은 러시아 남부 투바 산맥의 호수 섬에 있는 파괴된 건축물이다. 이 이름은 투비니어의 '점토집'에서 유래했다. 발굴에 따르면 이 궁전은 서기 8세기에 위구르 궁전으로 지어졌으며, 얼마 지나지 않아 마니교의 수도원으로 개조되었고, 짧은 점령 후에 버려졌다가 지진과 그에 따른 화재로 인해 결국 파괴되었다. 그것의 건축 방식은 포르바셴이 당나라의 건축 전통에 따라 지어졌다는 것을 보여준다.

포르바친은 시베리아 남부 센겔렌 산맥의 해발 약 1,300m에 있는 테레콜 호수에 있는 작은 섬을 차지하고 있다. 투바 공화국(러시아 연방)의 남동쪽에 있는 쿵구르투크 마을에서 서쪽으로 8km(5.0마일) 떨어진 곳에 위치하며, 몽골과의 국경과 가깝다.

이 유적지의 벽은 동서 방향으로 거의 섬 전체를 덮고 있는 직사각형 영역을 둘러싸고 있다. 내부는 두 개의 큰 야드, 중앙 건물 단지, 그리고 북쪽, 서쪽, 남쪽 벽을 따라 작은 야드 체인이 차지하고 있다. 서쪽과 동쪽의 커튼월 벽이 비교적 잘 보존되어 있다. 정문은 문루와 경사로가 있고, 동쪽 벽의 중앙에 위치해 있다. 

포르바친은 18세기부터 알려져 왔으며 1891년에 처음으로 탐사되었다. 1957년부터 1963년까지 러시아 고고학자 S.I. Vajnstejn은 유적지의 여러 지역에서 발굴되었다. 2007~2008년 러시아 과학 아카데미, 국립 오리엔탈 박물관, 모스크바 주립 대학교의 학자와 과학자들이 참여한 대규모 현장 작업이 포르바진 요새 재단에 의해 진행되었다.

19세기 말부터 포르바친은 위치, 발견 날짜, 위구르 카가나테의 수도인 카라발가순 궁전과 유사한 배치로 인해 위구르인들과 연결되었다. Vajnstejn은 Por-Bazhyn을 '궁전'으로 인정했다. 서기 750년에 지역 부족들을 상대로 승리를 거둔 후, 카간 모얀추르(Bayanchur Khan, AD 747-759)가 셀렝가 돌에 새겨진 룬 문자에 따르면, 우물 위에 지어졌다.

 모옌추르는 위구르 카간 왕국을 중국 내부의 권력 투쟁에 참여시켰고, 중국 공주와 결혼했다.[5] 그 외에 국경 요새, 수도원, 의식 장소, 천문대 등이 확인되었으며, 2008년 현대 현장 연구가 끝나기 전에 출판된 오래된 문헌에서 볼 수 있다.

초기 덴드로 연대기와 방사성 탄소 연대 측정 연구에 따르면 이 요새는 서기 770년에서 790년 사이에 건설되었다고 한다.[11] 발굴자들은 이것이 모얀추르의 후계자인 위구르 뵈귀 카한의 치세였기 때문에 포르-바친이 셀렝가 비문에 언급된 궁전이 될 수 없었다고 지적한다. 궁전의 건설 연대는 나중에 서기 777년 경으로 수정되었다.

이 건물은 위구르 궁전의 카라발가순 궁전과 유사하기 때문에 여전히 궁궐이었을 것이다. 발견물의 부족, 사실상의 점유층의 부재, 그리고 난방 시설이 전혀 없다는 것은 영구히 점유된 거주지에 대한 반론이지만, 보수와 재건축의 흔적은 그 부지가 일정 기간 유지되었음을 시사한다. 포르바진(Por-Bazhyn)이 제례 장소나 군사 요새였을 가능성도 없지 않지만, 이러한 해석을 뒷받침할 만한 증거는 부족하다.