
그리스신들 부조와 조각상

아이야소피야 2022. 12. 12. 11:26

God and Goat from Hatra

God and Goat from Hatra

This marble slab carved in raised relief was originally set into a base of an object with Aramaic inscription. It shows a winged and bearded male deity holding a dagger in his right hand and is about...


하트라의 신과 염소
; 새 탭이 열림
양각으로 조각된 이 대리석 석판은 원래 아람어 비문이 새겨진 물체의 바닥에 놓였습니다. 그것은 오른손에 단검을 들고 있는 날개 달린 수염 난 남성 신을 보여주며 약...

A Multitude of Demons: More on the Mythology of the Constantine TV Series


; 새 탭이 열립니다

Jacques Collin de Plancy was a French occultist, demonologist and writer. He published a number of books on occultism and demonology. The most famous of these books is probably his “Dictionnaire Infernal”. The “Infernal Dictionary”, as it is known in English, is a book on demonology describing demons organized in hierarchies. The book first appeared in 1818 and it went on to have several editions.

악마의 무리: 콘스탄틴 TV 시리즈의 신화에 대한 추가 정보

Jacques Collin de Plancy는 프랑스의 오컬티스트, 악마 학자 및 작가였습니다. 그는 신비주의와 악마학에 관한 많은 책을 출판했습니다. 이 책들 중 가장 유명한 것은 아마도 그의 "Dictionnaire Infernal"일 것입니다. 영어로 알려진 "Infernal Dictionary"는 계층 구조로 구성된 악마를 설명하는 악마학에 관한 책입니다. 이 책은 1818년에 처음 등장했으며 계속해서 여러 판이 나왔습니다.

Group statuette with Athena, Demeter, and Persephone

; 새 탭이 열립니다
Group of Athena, Demeter, and Persephone. All have red hair; red on pomegranates, shoes of Athena, tail and eyes of pig, yellow on top and bottom of Athena's chiton. The white slip is well preserved.

아테나, 데메테르, 페르세포네가 있는 그룹 조각상
; 새 탭이 열림
Athena, Demeter 및 Persephone 그룹. 모두 빨간 머리를 가지고 있습니다. 석류의 붉은색, 아테나의 신발, 돼지의 꼬리와 눈, 아테나의 키톤 위아래의 노란색. 흰색 슬립이 잘 보존되어 있습니다.


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