신화/러시아 신화

몽골신화 2ㅣMYTHOLOGIES OF MONGOLIA 2ㅣ슬라브여왕의 나라?

아이야소피야 2023. 1. 27. 06:19


Oulun is Olkhonuud person, in Hongirad tribe. She is the birth mother of Temuujin (Genghis Khan), the queen of Yesuhei hero. She gave birth four sons, Temujin, Khasar, Khachigun and Temuge, and 1 daughter named Temulen. Once Yesukhei hero poisoned to death by Tatar tribe, his own tribes left Oulen with her orphan children. Oulun raised her sons alone in extremely difficult lives and making them far-sighted, intelligent heroes. Thanks to the efforts of Oulun mother, in 1189 Temujin was proclaimed the King of Mongolia



Oulun은 Hongirad 부족의 Olkhonuud 사람입니다. 그녀는 예스헤이 영웅의 여왕인 테무진(칭기즈 칸)의 생모이다. 그녀는 테무진, 하사르, 카치군, 테무게 등 4명의 아들과 테물렌이라는 이름의 딸을 낳았다. 예수헤이 영웅이 타타르 부족에 의해 독살되자, 그의 부족들은 그녀의 고아들과 함께 울렌을 떠났다. 울룬은 극도로 힘든 삶 속에서 혼자 아들들을 키웠고 그들을 원대한, 지적인 영웅으로 만들었다. 1189년, 오륜 어머니의 노력으로 테무진은 몽골의 왕으로 선포되었다'



몽골여왕의 볽은 모자복장이 평창올림픽떄 나온 인면조 만세의 모자와 닮았음.(고구려 벽화를 참조하여 인면조제작)




Toregene was the queen of Khudug, the eldest son of Togtoa Bekh, the leader of the Naiman tribe, and in 1204 he was captured in the war and Genghis Khan gave his son Ogedei as his 6th queen.  Queen Toregene gave birth to five sons, Guyug, Godan, Khulgen, Khuchu and Hadaan. Toregene queen ruled the Great Mongol Empire between 1241-1246 after the death of Ogedei Khan. She was a queen and an indomitable hero, but she went down in history as a one who took part in the state conspiracy and provoked the internal crisis of the Great Mongolia.



토레진는 나이만 부족의 지도자 톡토 아벡의 장남인 쿠두그의 왕비였으며, 1204년 전쟁에서 포로로 잡혔고 칭기즈 칸은 그의 아들 오게데이에게 그의 6번째 왕비로 주었다.  토레진 왕비는 구유그, 고단, 쿨겐, 쿠추, 하다안 등 다섯 명의 아들을 낳았다. 토레진 여왕은 오게데이 칸이 죽은 후 1241년에서 1246년 사이에 대몽골 제국을 통치했다. 그녀는 여왕이자 불굴의 영웅이었지만, 국가 음모에 가담하여 대몽골의 내부 위기를 일으킨 인물로 역사에 기록되었다.

Ogul Haimish

Ogul Haimish is the daughter of Khutuga Bekh of Oirat province. Ogul Haimish had two sons, Nagu and Hodja. She was one of the few queens who took the rule of Mongol Empire. After the death of Guyug Khaan, his widowed queen, Ogul Haimish, traditionally took over the affairs of state in 1249-1251 with the consent of Batu and many other princes. Sorkhugtani Bekh and Qinghai officials played an important role in the rule of Ogul Haimish.


오굴 하이미시

오굴 하이미쉬는 오이라트 지방의 쿠투가벡의 딸이다. 오굴 하이미쉬에게는 나구와 호자라는 두 아들이 있었다. 그녀는 몽골 제국의 통치를 받은 몇 안 되는 여왕들 중 한 명이었다. 구유그 칸이 죽은 후, 그의 미망인 왕비 오굴 하이미쉬는 전통적으로 1249년부터 1251년까지 바투와 다른 많은 왕자들의 동의를 얻어 국사를 이어받았다. 소르쿠타니 베크와 칭하이 관리들은 오굴 하이미쉬의 통치에 중요한 역할을 했다.


Sorkhagtani Bekhi, the queen of Tolui, was the daughter of Jaha Khambu, the younger brother of Tooril Khan of Hereid. She gave birth four sons, Munkh, Khubilai, Hulegu and Arigbukh. Among Genghis Khan’s sons, the Tolui’s descendants had the greatest influence on Mongolian history. His son Möngke became the fourth king of the Great Mongol Empire, his son Kublai conquered all of China and established the Yuan Dynasty, his son Hulegu conquered southwest Asia and established the Hulegu Kingdom, or El Khanate, and his son Arigbukh became the fifth Mongol emperor. She is said to have been Genghis Khan’s favorite daughter-in-law and died in 1252.



톨루이의 왕비 소르카그타니 베키는 헤레이데스의 투릴 칸의 동생인 자하 캄부의 딸이었다. 그녀는 문크, 쿠빌라이, 훌레구, 아리그부흐 등 4명의 아들을 낳았다. 칭기즈칸의 아들들 중 톨루이의 후손들이 몽골 역사에 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 그의 아들 몽케는 몽골 제국의 제4대 왕이 되었고, 그의 아들 쿠빌라이는 중국 전역을 정복하여 원나라를 세웠고, 그의 아들 훌레구는 서남아시아를 정복하여 훌레구 왕국, 즉 엘 칸국을 세웠으며, 그의 아들 아리그부흐는 몽골의 제5대 황제가 되었다. 그녀는 칭기즈칸이 가장 좋아하는 며느리였으며 1252년에 사망했다고 전해진다.


She was called “Wise Queen Mandukhai” because she was beautiful and intelligent. Mandukhai was born in 1448 as the daughter of Tsorosbai Tumur in Tumed province. Manduul Khan, who ruled Mongolia at the time, had no descendants, so he married 17-year-old Mandukhai in 1465 when he was 40 years old. When Manduul Khan died in 1467, Queen Mandukhai ruled the country for three years until a new king was appointed. She found Batmunkh at the age of 7, the last descendant of the Genghis khan, orphaned by his parents, and enthroned him in 1470, reunited Mongolia. By virtue of Queen Mandukhai, Batmunkh Dayan Khan ruled all of Mongolia for 40 years and brought peace to Mongolian people. She wisely rebuilt the Mongolian state during the difficult period of the disintegration of the Great Mongol Empire.



그녀는 아름답고 지적이었기 때문에 "현명한 만두카이 여왕"이라고 불렸습니다. 만두카이는 1448년 투메드 지방에서 초로스바이 투무르의 딸로 태어났다. 당시 몽골을 통치하던 만주족 칸은 후손이 없어, 그가 40세이던 1465년 17세의 만주족과 결혼했다. 1467년에 만다울 칸이 사망했을 때, 만두카이 여왕은 새로운 왕이 임명될 때까지 3년 동안 나라를 통치했습니다. 그녀는 7살 때 그의 부모에 의해 고아가 된 칭기즈 칸의 마지막 후손인 바트문크를 발견했고, 1470년에 그를 왕위에 올려 몽골을 재통합시켰다. 만두카이 여왕의 덕택에, 바트문크 다얀 칸은 40년 동안 몽골 전역을 통치했고 몽골 사람들에게 평화를 가져다주었습니다. 그녀는 몽골 제국이 해체되는 어려운 시기에 현명하게 몽골 국가를 재건했다.



The Khalkh are the largest group of Mongols in Mongolia. In fact, they are the core of all the Mongol peoples across North Asia. The Khalkha Mongols are considered the direct descendants of Chinggis Khan and therefore, the true preservers of Mongol culture.

Khalkh Mongol Costume

In the thirteenth century, Chinggis Khan formed one of the greatest empires in world history by uniting all of the nomadic Mongol tribes. The Khalkha Mongol language, Halh, is the main Mongolian language, since all other Mongols speak variations or dialects of Halh. Halh is understood throughout Mongolia and by Mongols living in Central Asia.

Kazakh golden eagle hunters

Meet the wandering tribe of the Kazakh. The fierce tribesmen from this one are said to be fine horsemen who rode through western Mongolia since the 19th century. Their most distinctive feature is that they are known as eagle hunters. When referred to as “eagle hunters” it isn’t to be mistaken that they hunt the vicious bird in the sky. But they instead train eagles to hunt for them. From foxes to sheep and more, the bird plunges down from the sky to capture animals’ unseen by the human eye and helps their master. The descent of the Kazakhs is more widespread and goes beyond the Mongolic to even Indo-Iranian and Turkish ethnicities. Their belief in pre-Islamic cults is continued with a belief in good and evil spirits.

Bayan-Olgii Province, Mongolia

They use eagles to hunt foxes, marmots and wolves and wear furs of the prey they catch, with boys starting at the age of 13, when they can prove they can carry the weight of a golden eagle. Semi-nomadic, they have been moving around the Altai Mountains since the 19th century. They now number around 100,000 people, but there are only around 250 eagle hunters left.

Because young men are being drawn away, females are starting to break into this masculine-dominated activity to keep it alive.

Throat Singers of Tuva

Throat singing, or khoomii from the Mongolian word for throat, is a form of singing developed centuries ago by nomads in a region called Tuva, an independent republic between Mongolia and Siberia, though it is practiced in the Altai region of western Mongolia. The practice is said to have originated in a contest between rural herdsmen to see how far could get voices to carry through valleys, which has since developed into an annually held competition in Tuva. The songs that are produced are inspired by the natural sounds of the Mongolian landscape, and supposedly mimic noises such as trickling streams and howling winds. The tradition is linked to the Mongolian belief in animism, that natural object have souls or are inhabited by spirits and by mimicking these sounds, humans can harness the powers of these spirits.

Another traditional form of singing which is still practised is urtyn-duu, generally referred to as long songs (some songs are as long as 20,000 verses!) or drawling songs. Probably influenced by ancient Chinese traditions, these songs involve the relation of traditional rural love stories, which would have been sung while galloping across the steppes on horseback. Like throat singing, it involves complicated, and drawn out vocal sounds unlike anything else.

Shamanism is the oldest religious practice in Mongolia and centers on beliefs and rituals associated with a shaman, a man, or a woman regarded as having access to the “spirit world”.

Shamanism is faith without books. All teaching and instruction have been given orally, passed from shaman to shaman over the centuries, and its traditions learned by heart. Mongolian shamans enter an ecstatic trance state in which the shaman is empowered to engage with the spirits I order to protect and heal members of the community, to guide souls, and cure illnesses.

The shaman might wear a headdress to resemble a bird, with the tail of a pheasant and the body costume of a fish. Drums are used to help the shaman enter the trance-like state, as chanting begins and the shaman “transcends “into another world while the body dances, swirls, or totters with jerky movements. Shamanism went underground during the former communist period but has been revived recently.

The current population of Mongolia is 3,145,727, January 15, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. 90 percent of the population are Mongolians, 8 percent are Turkish natives and there are few mongolized Khamnigan people of tungus origin. Mongols are one of the great races of mankind, including the greater part of the inhabitants of China, Japan, and the interior of Asia, with branches in Northern Europe and other parts of the world. Three quarters of all Northern Mongolians still live there, in a region that is now known as the Buriat Autonomous Republic. 


The Northern Mongolians, also known as the Buryat, are believed to be the descendants of the western Mongols and the northern Siberians. They primarily inhabit the forested lowland regions along the Russia-Mongolia border. The territory that once belonged to the Northern Mongolian’s ancestors includes the regions along Lake Baikal, which is located in present-day Siberia.

The Northern Mongolians are very similar to the Khalkha Mongols, particularly in their physical features, dialects, and customs. In fact, they are often indistinguishable from neighboring Mongol tribes. However, they maintain a number of small differences, the most significant of which is their language.


The Tuvinian in Mongoloia inhabit a harsh mountainous region in the northern part of the country, near the border of Russia. There, the summers are hot and dry, while the winters are bitterly cold. Still, this region can have as many as 300 sunny days a year, and the extremely dry air helps people to withstand the cold winters and the hot summers.


Because the Tuvinian, like other Russian settlers, left their home territories in the Soviet Union many years ago and immigrated to Mongolia; their present “national” status is disputed. Some Tuvinian clans in Mongolia have maintained their native language, ethnic background, and traditional culture. Other Tuvinian clans have been absorbed by the Mongolian culture. Their original language, Tuvin, contains many Mongolian words and uses the Cyrillic script. Most Mongolian Tuvinian also speak Halh, the national language of Mongolia.


The Drubet tribe is also referred to as the Dorvod. They originated from China’s Dzhungaria lands and spread across Russia and western Mongolia. The seasonal migrants raise horses, cattle and sheep. Their ability of riding horses has led them to indulge in activities such as horse racing as well. They live in portable tents or gers made on lattice frames draped with felt material on top. Historically, they were shamanists and animists who saw marriage as a sign of adulthood. Interestingly, a large part of their history has also been preserved through poetry. The recitation rather than the written form of such poetry has been passed down through generations to keep their traditions alive. In ancient times they would practice a form of “sky burial” and no, buddy, that does not mean floating off into the sky through some magical power (I wish!). Its actually way more drastic as a body of the dead is left in open fields to be pecked upon and eaten off by wild animals. Ah, when its my time, just burn me please?


The Tsaatan people, also called the Dukha, are some of the last remaining reindeer herders not just in Mongolia but in the world at large. This Tuvan-Turkic tribe lives on the border side close to Russia. They are often called a “lost” tribe as they continue to live in their traditional ways, separated from the modern world and its methods. So, while we were raised as kids by singing Christmas carols about reindeers, the children of this tribe grow right in their presence. Reindeers are used by them to hunt and travel across regions and are very rarely fed upon, only when the animal becomes useless to them for the key purposes. They pass through harsh terrains with extreme winters such as the Mongolia Taiga. As their numbers dwindle with lesser families, they have started resorting to showcasing their lives and crafts to tourists to earn money.


할흐족은 몽골에서 가장 큰 몽골족 집단이다. 사실, 그들은 북아시아 전역의 모든 몽골 민족의 핵심입니다. 할카 몽골인들은 칭기즈 칸의 직접적인 후손으로 여겨지며, 따라서 몽골 문화의 진정한 보존자이다.

카자흐스탄의 금독수리 사냥꾼
그 새는 인간의 눈에 보이지 않는 동물들을 잡기 위해 하늘에서 뛰어내려 그들의 주인을 돕습니다. 카자흐인들의 혈통은 더 널리 퍼져 있으며, 몽고계를 넘어 인도-이란계와 터키계 민족에까지 미치고 있다. 이슬람 이전의 종교에 대한 그들의 믿음은 선과 악령에 대한 믿음으로 계속되고 있다.

몽골 바얀올기 주

그들은 여우, 마멋, 늑대를 사냥하기 위해 독수리를 사용하고 그들이 잡은 먹이의 털을 입습니다. 13살부터 소년들은 황금 독수리의 무게를 짊어질 수 있다는 것을 증명할 수 있습니다. 반유목민인 그들은 19세기부터 알타이 산맥 주변을 이동해왔다. 그들은 현재 약 100,000명의 사람들을 보유하고 있지만, 250명의 독수리 사냥꾼들만이 남아있다.

젊은 남성들이 끌려가고 있기 때문에, 여성들은 그것을 유지하기 위해 남성 중심의 활동에 끼어들기 시작하고 있다.

투바의 목구멍 가수

목구멍노래는 몽골과 시베리아 사이의 독립 공화국인 투바(Tuva)라고 불리는 지역의 유목민들에 의해 수세기 전에 개발된 노래의 한 형태이다. 이 관행은 계곡을 통해 목소리를 어디까지 전달할 수 있는지를 보기 위해 시골 목동들 간의 대회에서 비롯되었다고 하며, 이후 이 대회는 투바에서 매년 개최되는 대회로 발전했다. 몽골 풍경의 자연스러운 소리에서 영감을 받아 만들어진 노래들로, 졸졸 흐르는 시냇물과 울부짖는 바람과 같은 소음을 흉내낸 것으로 추정된다. 이 전통은 자연물이 영혼을 가지고 있거나 영혼이 거주한다는 몽골의 애니미즘 믿음과 연결되어 있으며, 이러한 소리를 모방함으로써 인간은 이러한 영혼의 힘을 이용할 수 있다.


무당은 꿩의 꼬리와 물고기의 몸옷을 입고 새를 닮은 머리장식을 할 수 있다북은 무속인이 무아지경 같은 상태로 들어가는 것을 돕기 위해 사용되는데, 노래가 시작되고 몸이 춤을 추거나 소용돌이를 치거나 육포 동작으로 비틀거리는 동안 무속인이 다른 세계로 '넘어간다'는 것이다. 샤머니즘은 이전 공산주의 시대에 지하로 들어갔지만 최근 부활하고 있다.

몽골의 인구는 2019년 1월 15일 기준으로 3,145,727명이다. 인구의 90%는 몽골인, 8%는 터키인, 몽골계 캄니간족은 거의 없다. 몽골인들은 중국, 일본, 그리고 아시아 내륙의 대부분을 포함한 인류의 위대한 인종들 중 하나이며, 북유럽과 세계의 다른 지역들에 분파를 가지고 있다. 북몽골인의 4분의 3이 현재 부리아트 자치공화국으로 알려진 지역에 여전히 살고 있다. 


부랴트족이라고도 알려진 북부 몽골인들은 서부 몽골인들과 북부 시베리아인들의 후손으로 여겨진다.





The Mongol mythology is the traditional religion of the Mongols. There are many Mongol creation myths. In the most ancient one, the creation of the world is attributed to a Buddhist deity…



몽골여왕의 볽은 모자복장이 평창올림픽떄 나온 인면조 만세의 모자와 닮았음.(고구려 벽화를 참조하여 인면조제작)




고구려벽화 덕흥리 고분벽화 만세


슬라브족 신화 인면조 시린& 알코 노스트


슬라브족 인면조 시린

그림 출처
