Babylon, Marduk’s Patron City-State
Babylon, Marduk’s Patron City-State
(gods in blue … mixed-breed demigods in teal)
Babylon, Marduk‘s Patron City-State, Slide-Show:
Babylon, Marduk‘s Patron City-State, Texts: (A MUST READ! – UNALTERED – EYE OPENING!)
- Enuma-Elish Creation Story (Version 1), Text
- Enuma-Elish Creation Story (Version 2), Text (A MUST READ! **)
- Enuma-Elish (When on HIgh) Babylonian Creation Story (Version 3), Text
- Weidner Chronicle, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Chronicle of the Market Prices, Inscription
- The Cuthaean Creation Story, Text
- Babylonian Lawsuit Relating to a Jew, Text
- Gold Theft Chronicle, Text
- Religious Chronicle, Text
- The Dedication of 3 Babylonians to Divine Service, Text
- Etemenanki by Wikipedia
- (Marduk’s Ziggurat-Residence in Babylon)
- Tower of Babel Stele, Inscription (A MUST READ! *)
- Tower of Babel by Wikipedia
Babylon Giant Semi-Divine Unidentified Kings Under Marduk, Slide-Show:
Babylon Giant Semi-Divine Kings Under Marduk, Texts: (A MUST READ! – UNALTERED – EYE OPENING!)
- Babylonian Kings List by Wikipedia
- Chronicle of Early Kings, (ABC 20) Text
- The Eclectic (Kings) Chronicle, Text
- Walker (Kings) Chronicle, Text
- Babylonian Dynastic Tablets, Texts
Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
(semi-divine mixed-breeds, the 1st Mesopotamian kings)
Genesis 3:22 “And the Lord God said, The man has become like one of Us, knowing good & evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
Hammurabi, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1792-1750 B.C., Slide-Show:
Hammurabi, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, Texts:
(Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,792-1,750 B.C.)
- Hammurabi, Quotes From Various Places
- Code of Hammurabi, by Ancient History Sourcebook
- Hammurabi’s Code of Laws, Text (A MUST READ! ***)
- A Prayer to Marduk for Hammurabi, Text
- A Hymn to Inanna for Hammurabi, Text
- Hammurabi Builds Inanna’s Temple (House in Zabala), Inscription
- Praise, Poems, & Prayers of Hammurabi, Texts (A MUST READ! *)
Samsu-iluna, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1750-1712 B.C., Texts:
(Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,750-1,712 B.C.)
- Samsu-iluna & Inanna, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Prayers for Samsu-iluna, Texts B, C, E, & G
- Contracts During Samsu-iluna’s Reign, Texts
Abi-Eshuh, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1711-1684 B.C., Texts:
- Abi-Eshuh by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,711-1,684 B.C.)
- A Hymn to Marduk for Abi-Eshuh, Text
- A Praise Poem of Abi-Eshuh, Text
Ammi-Ditana, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1683-1640 B.C., Text:
- Ammi-Ditana by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,683-1,640 B.C.)
- Hymn to Ishtar for Ammi-Ditana, Text
Meli-shipak II, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1186-1172 B.C., Slide-Show:
- Meli-shipak II by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,186-1,172 B.C.)
Marduk-apla-iddina I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1171-1159 B.C., Slide-Show:
- Marduk-apla-iddina I by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,171-1,159 B.C.)
Itti-Marduk-balatu I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1146-1132 B.C., Inscription:
- Itti-Marduk-balatu I by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,146-1,132 B.C.)
- Itti-Marduk-balatu I, Inscription
Nebuchadnezzar I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1125-1104 B.C., Slide-Show:
Nebuchadnezzar I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, Texts:
- Nebuchadnezzar I by Wikipedia
- (Suzianna’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,125-1,104 B.C.)
- Praise of Marduk for Nebuchadnezzar I, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Supplications to the god Marduk for Nebuchadnezzar I, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Marduk’s Return by Nebuchadnezzar I, Text
- Praise of Utu for Nebuchadnezzar I, Cylinder Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Prayers to Adad for Nebuchadnezzar I, Text
- Nebuchadnezzar I’s Message to Babylon From Elam, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Prayers of Nebuchadnezzar I, Text
- Nebuchadnezzar I Kudurru Stone, Text
- Nebuchadnezzar I, Inscriptions
Marduk-nadin-ahhe I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1099-1082 B.C., Slide-Show:
Marduk-nadin-ahhe I, Babylon Giant Semi-Divine King, Inscriptions:
- Marduk-nadin-ahhe I by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant King of Babylon, Brother to Nebuchadnezzar I, Ruled 1,099-1,082 B.C.)
그가 손을 내밀어서는 안 되며, 생명의 나무에서 또한 떼어내어 먹고, 영원히 살게 해서는 안 된다.'
B.C. 1792-1750년 바빌로니아의 거대한 신의 왕 함무라비, 슬라이드 쇼:
(슬라이드 쇼를 다시 시작하려면 새로 고침 선택)
바빌로니아의 반신반수왕 함무라비, 본문:
위키백과의 함무라비
(기원전 1,792-1,750년 재위한 바빌론의 거대한 반신반종-종의 후손-왕)
다양한 장소에서 인용한 함무라비
고대사 자료집에 의한 함무라비 법전
함무라비의 법전, 텍스트 (A Must Read! ***)
함무라비를 위한 마르두크의 기도, 본문
함무라비를 위한 이난나 찬송가, 본문
함무라비가 이난나의 신전을 지었습니다(자발라의 집), 비문
함무라비의 찬양, 시, 기도, 본문 (필독! *)
삼수일루나, 기원전 1750-1712년 바빌로니아의 반신반왕, 문헌:
위키백과의 삼수일루나
(기원전 1,750-1,712년 재위)
Samsu-iluna & Ianna, 텍스트 (반드시 읽어야 합니다! *)
삼수일루나, 본문 B, C, E, G를 위한 기도
삼수일루나 재위 기간의 계약, 문자
기원전 1711년-1684년 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 아비-에쉬, 본문:
위키백과의 아비에쉬
(기원전 1,711-1,684년 재위한 바빌론의 거대한 반신반종-종의 후손-왕)
아비에쉬를 위한 마르둑 찬송가, 본문
아비에쉬의 찬미시, 본문
기원전 1683년-1640년 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 암미-디타나, 본문:
위키백과의 암미 디타나
(기원전 1,683-1,640년 재위)
암미 디타나를 위한 이스타르 찬가, 본문
B.C. 1186-1172년 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 멜리시팍 2세, 슬라이드 쇼:
(슬라이드 쇼를 다시 시작하려면 새로 고침 선택)
위키백과의 멜리시팍 II
(기원전 1,186-1,172년 재위한 거대한 반신반종-바빌론의 후예-왕)
기원전 1171년-1159년, 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 마르두크-아플라-이디나 1세, 슬라이드 쇼:
(슬라이드 쇼를 다시 시작하려면 새로 고침 선택)
마르두크 아플라 이디나 1세
(기원전 1171-1,159년 재위)
기원전 1146년-1132년 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 이티-마르두크-발라투 1세, 비문:
위키백과의 이티마르두크발라투 I
(기원전 1,146-1,132년 재위한 바빌론의 거대한 반신반종-종손-왕)
이티-마르두크-발라투 1세, 비문
기원전 1125년-1104년 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 네부카드네자르 1세, 슬라이드 쇼:
(슬라이드 쇼를 다시 시작하려면 새로 고침 선택)
바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 느부갓네살 1세, 본문:
느부갓네살 1세
(수지안나의 거대한 반신반종 혼종-바빌론의 후예-기원전 1,125-1,104년 재위)
느부갓네살 1세를 위한 마르두크 찬양, 텍스트(필독! *)
느부갓네살 1세를 위한 마르두크 신에 대한 탄원서, 텍스트(A Must read! *)
네부카드네자르 1세의 마르두크 귀환, 텍스트
느부갓네살 1세를 위한 우투의 찬양, 실린더 텍스트(A MUST READ! *)
느부갓네살 1세를 위한 아다드에 대한 기도, 본문
느부갓네살 1세가 엘람에서 바빌론으로 보낸 메시지, 텍스트(필독! *)
느부갓네살 1세의 기도문
네부카드네자르 1세 쿠두루 돌, 문자
느부갓네살 1세, 비문
기원전 1099년-1082년 바빌로니아의 거대한 반신반왕 마르두크나딘아헤 1세, 슬라이드 쇼:
(슬라이드 쇼를 다시 시작하려면 새로 고침 선택)
바빌론의 거대한 반신반왕 마르두크나딘아헤 1세, 비문:
마르두크나딘아헤 1세
(B.C. 1,099-1,082년 재위)
- Marduk-nadin-ahhe Stela Inscriptions
- Marduk-nadin-ahhe I Dedication Brick Inscriptions to Nannar
- Marduk-nadin-ahhe I Kudurru Stones by Wikipedia
Adad-apla-iddina, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1067-1046 B.C., Text & Inscription:
- Adad-apla-iddina by Wikipedia
- (Bau’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,067-1,046 B.C.)
- Praise to Nabu for Adad-apla-iddina, Text
- Adad Apla-iddina Inscriptions (A MUST READ! **)
Simbar-Shipak, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 1025-1008 B.C., Text:
- Simbar-Shipak by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 1,025-1,008 B.C.)
- Prayer to Enlil for Simbar-Shipak, Text
Nabu-mukin-apli, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 978-943 B.C., Slide-Show:
- Nabu-mukin-apli by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 978-943 B.C.)
Nabu-suma-ukin I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 900-888 B.C., Texts:
- Nabu-suma-iskun I by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled (900-888 B.C.)
- Nabu-suma-iskun I, Text (A)
- Nabu-suma-iskun I, Text (B)
- The Eclectic (Kings) Chronicle, Text
Babylon Giant Semi-Divine King Nabu-apla-iddina, 888-855 B.C., Slide-Show:
Nabu-apla-iddina, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, Text:
- Nabu-apla-iddina by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 888-855 B.C.)
- The Sun God (Shamash / Utu) Tablet, Text (A MUST READ! *)
Marduk-zakir-shumi I, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 855-819 B.C., Slide-Show & Inscription:
- Marduk-zakir-shumi I by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 855-819 B.C.)
- Marduk-zakir-shumi I Inscriptions
Nabonassar, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 747-734 B.C. Inscription:
- Nabonassar / Nabu-nasir by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed_Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 747-734 B.C.)
- Nabu-nasir Inscription
Nabu-suma-iskun II, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 732 B.C. Only, Text:
- Nabu-suma-iskun II by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 732 B.C. Only)
- Nabu-suma-iskun II, Text
Marduk-apla-iddina II, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 722-710 B.C., Slide-Show & Inscription:
- Marduk-apla-iddina II by Wikipedia
- (Giant semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 722-710 B.C.)
- Marduk-apla-iddina II Inscriptions
Bel-ibni, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 703-700 B.C., Text:
- Bel-ibni by Wikipedia
- (Ashur’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son-King of Babylon, Ruled 703-700 B.C.)
- Prayer to Marduk for Bel-ibni, Text
Samas-suma-ukin, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 667-648 B.C., Slide-Show:
Samas-suma-ukin, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, Texts:
- Shamash-suma-ukin by Wikipedia
- (Ashur’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 667-648 B.C.)
- Praise of Marduk for Samas-suma-ukin, Text (03)
- Prayer to Nabu for Samas-suma-ukin, Text (04) (A MUST READ! *)
- Praise of Nabu for Samas-suma-ukin, Text
- Prayer to Samas (Shamash / Utu) for Samas-suma-ukin, Text (01) (A MUST READ! **)
- Prayer to Ishtar (Inanna) for Samas-suma-ukin, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Samas-suma-ukin Chronicle, Text
Nabopolassar, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 625-605 B.C., Texts:
- Nabopolassar by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine MIxed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 625-605 B.C.)
- Prayer to Marduk for Nabopolassar, Text (4)
- Prayer to Marduk for Nabopolassar, Text (5)
- Dedication to Shamash (Utu) for Nabopolassar, Text
- Praise to Aya (Utu’s Spouse) for Nabopolassar, Text
- Self-Praise of Nabopolassar, Text (3) (A MUST READ! *)
- Self-Praise of Nabopolassar, Text (6) (A MUST READ! *)
- Early Years of Nabopolassar, Text
- Nabopolassar Inscriptions
- Contract for Loan of Money 611 B.C., Text
Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 605-562 B.C., Slide-Show:
Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, Texts:
- Nebuchadnezzar II by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 605-562 B.C.)
- Nebuchadnezzar II & Marduk, Text
- Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar II, Text
- Nebuchadnezzar II to the Babylonians, Text
- The Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar II
- (Nebuchadnezzar II’s) Dedicatory Inscription on the Ishtar Gate, (A MUST READ! *)
- Tower of Babel by Wikipedia
- Tower of Babel Stele, Inscription
- Contract for Marriage, Text
Neriglissar, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 560-556 B.C., Texts:
- Neriglissar by Wikipedia
- (Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Descendant-King of Babylon, Ruled 560-556 B.C.)
- Prayer to Marduk for Neriglissar, Text (01)
- Prayer to Marduk for Neriglissar, Text (03)
- Praise of Nabu for Neriglissar, Text
- Prayer to Shamash (Utu) for Neriglissar, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Praise of Shamash (Utu) for Neriglissar, Text
- Self-Praise of Neriglissar, Text (A MUST READ! *)
- Neriglissar Chronicle, Text
Nabonidus, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, 556-539 B.C., Nabu’s Giant Semi-Divine Son, Slide-Show:
Nabonidus, Babylonian Giant Semi-Divine King, Texts:
- Nabonidus by Wikipedia
- (Nabu’s Giant Semi-Divine Mixed-Breed Son-King of Babylon, Ruled 556-539 B.C.)
- Chronographic Document, Text
- Akitu Festival by Wikipedia
- Akitu Chronicle, Text
- Nabonidus Chronicle, by Wikipedia
- Nabonidus Chronicle, Text
- Nabonidus Cylinders Text, by Wikipedia