

아이야소피야 2023. 2. 24. 15:16



Carthage head
 The Phoenicians were a Semitic-speaking people. Nobody knows who they were or where they came from. Ancient Phoenicia more or less corresponded with ancient Lebanon with extensions north into present-day Syria and south into present-day Israel and was best viewed as a group ports with their surrounding hinterlands and mountains in their backyard and the sea at their door step.

From the best that can be ascertained the Phoenicians were a mix of peoples and states that eventually became a people of their own. They emerged as a significant cultural and political force around 1100 B.C. Early Phoenicians lived in a small area of the coast in present-day Lebanon. The land was good. They had pastures, orchards and vineyards. Looked outwards towards the sea to expand. From the 9th to 6th centuries B.C. they dominated the Mediterranean Sea by extending a string of colonies throughout the region.

In the early 2000s, Spencer Wells, a geneticist at Harvard, and Pierre Zalloua, a geneticist at the American University in Beirut, took blood samples from people in areas where the Phoenicians lived in Lebanon, Tunisia and Spain to gain some insight into where the Phoenicians came from, who they were and what happened to them based on clues that could be gleaned from their DNA.

Wells and Zalloua also were interested in testing a couple of hypothesis. One was that both Muslims and Christians in Lebanon were descendants of Phoenicians. In the civil war era, Maronite Christians claimed they were they descendants of Phoenicians and the Muslims were not. The issue of Phoenician descendant became so divisive that the word Phoenician became taboo and was even absent from Phoenician displays in museums.

Genetic studies indicate that many of the people in Lebanon are descendants of Phoenicians and Canaanites while their impact in North Africa was minimal. DNA evidence indicates that most people that live there are indigenous North Africans and they did not come from the Middle East either during Phoenician era or during the Islamic expansion in the A.D. 7th century. DNA studies in Lebanon also reveal that both modern Muslims and Christians there share common Phoenician ancestors going back more than 5,000 years. On what he surmised about the Phoenician, Wells told National Geographic: “Apparently they didn’t interbreed much. They seem to have stuck mostly to themselves. They were a slippery people. They came, they traded, they left. I guess that only adds to their mystery.”

페니키아인의 기원

카르타고의 수장 페니키아인들은 셈어를 사용하는 민족이었다. 아무도 그들이 누구였는지, 어디서 왔는지 모른다. 고대 페니키아는 북쪽으로 오늘날의 시리아, 남쪽으로 오늘날의 이스라엘까지 확장된 고대 레바논과 다소 일치했으며, 주변 배후지와 산, 그리고 문 앞 계단에 바다가 있는 집단 항구로 가장 잘 보였다.

페니키아인들은 가장 좋은 점에서 민족과 국가들이 뒤섞여 결국 그들만의 민족이 되었다고 확인할 수 있다. 그들은 기원전 1100년경에 중요한 문화적, 정치적 세력으로 부상했다. 초기 페니키아인들은 오늘날의 레바논 해안의 작은 지역에 살았다. 그 땅은 좋았다. 그들은 목초지, 과수원, 포도밭을 가지고 있었다. 확장하기 위해 바다를 향해 밖을 내다보았다. 기원전 9세기부터 6세기까지 그들은 일련의 식민지를 그 지역 전체로 확장함으로써 지중해를 지배했다.

2000년대 초 하버드대 유전학자 스펜서 웰스와 베이루트 아메리칸대 유전학자 피에르 잘루아는 레바논 튀니지 스페인 등 페니키아인들이 살던 지역의 사람들로부터 혈액 샘플을 채취해 페니키아인들이 어디서 왔는지, 누구인지, 그리고 페니키아인들에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지에 대한 통찰력을 얻었다그들의 DNA에서 채취된 것입니다.

Wells와 Zalloua는 또한 몇 가지 가설을 테스트하는 데 관심이 있었습니다. 하나는 레바논의 이슬람교도와 기독교도 모두 페니키아인의 후손이라는 것이다. 내전 시대에 마론파 기독교인들은 자신들이 페니키아인들의 후손이며 무슬림들은 아니라고 주장했다. 페니키아의 후손에 대한 문제는 너무 분열적이어서 페니키아라는 단어는 금기시되었고 심지어 박물관의 페니키아 전시회에서 찾아볼 수 없었다.

유전학 연구에 따르면 레바논의 많은 사람들은 페니키아인과 가나안인의 후손이지만 북아프리카에서의 영향은 미미하다. DNA 증거는 그곳에 사는 대부분의 사람들이 북아프리카 토착민이고 그들은 페니키아 시대나 서기 7세기 이슬람 확장기에 중동에서 온 것이 아니라는 것을 보여준다. 레바논의 DNA 연구는 또한 현대 이슬람교도들과 그곳의 기독교도들이 5,000년 이상 전으로 거슬러 올라가는 공통의 페니키아 조상들을 공유하고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 웰스는 내셔널 지오그래픽에 페니키아인에 대해 "분명히 그들은 많은 교배를 하지 않았다. 그들은 대부분 자기 자신에게 집착한 것 같다. 그들은 미끈미끈한 사람들이었다. 그들은 오고, 교환하고, 떠났다. 그것은 그들의 신비를 더해줄 뿐이라고 생각합니다."

Early History of the Phoenicians

 Phoenicians inhabited the coastal cities, Tyre, Sidon, Byblos and Arwad, in what is now Lebanon and southern Syria. However, since their writings were made on papyrus, little remains except what has been written about them by Greek and Egyptian scholars. [Source: AFP, May 26, 2016]

According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art: “With the exception of Byblos, which had been a flourishing center from at least the third millennium B.C., the Phoenician cities first emerged as urban entities around 1500 B.C. As Egyptian and Near Eastern documents record, the Late Bronze Age (1550–1200 B.C.) was a time of economic prosperity for these trading centers. Confined to a narrow coastal strip with limited agricultural resources, maritime trade was a natural development. [Source: Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, October 2004 \^/]

"With the decline of Egyptian influence about 1200 B.C., the cities were freed from foreign domination. The ultimate collapse of Egyptian power in the region occurred about 1175 B.C. at the hands of the Sea Peoples, of whom the best known are the Philistines. Along with Israelites, they settled in the southern Levant. For reasons not yet fully understood, the massive disruptions caused elsewhere in the Levant appear to have had a minimal effect upon the Phoenician coastal centers. There is therefore much continuity in Phoenician traditions from the Late Bronze Age until the Hellenistic period around 300 B.C.” \^/


페니키아 초기 역사

 페니키아인들은 해안 도시인 티레, 시돈, 바이블로스, 아르와드에 거주했다. 그러나, 그들의 글이 파피루스에 쓰여졌기 때문에, 그리스와 이집트 학자들이 그들에 대해 쓴 것 외에는 거의 남아있지 않다. [출처: AFP, 2016년 5월 26일]

메트로폴리탄 미술관에 따르면, "비블로스를 제외하고, 기원전 3천년부터 번영한 중심지였다. 이집트와 근동 문서에 기록되어 있듯이, 후기 청동기 시대 (기원전 1550–1200)는 이러한 무역 중심지들의 경제적 번영의 시기였다. 농업 자원이 제한된 좁은 해안 지대에 국한된 해상 무역은 자연스러운 발전이었다. [출처: 고대 근동 미술부입니다. 헤일브룬 미술사 연표, 메트로폴리탄 미술관, 2004년 10월 \^/]

"기원전 1200년경 이집트의 영향력이 쇠퇴하면서, 그 도시들은 외국의 지배로부터 해방되었다. 이 지역에서 이집트 권력의 궁극적인 붕괴는 기원전 1175년에 바다 민족의 손에 일어났는데, 그들 중 가장 잘 알려진 것은 블레셋 사람들이다. 그들은 이스라엘 사람들과 함께 레반트 남부에 정착했다. 아직 완전히 이해되지 않은 이유로, 레반트의 다른 곳에서 발생한 대규모 혼란은 페니키아 해안 중심부에 최소한의 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다. 따라서 후기 청동기 시대부터 기원전 300년경 헬레니즘 시대까지 페니키아 전통에는 많은 연속성이 있다." \^/

Canaanites, First Inhabitants of Lebanon

Phoenician mask
 The Phoenicians evolved from the Canaanites, a Semitic tribe of the Middle East, which also gave birth to the people of Ugariti, the Hebrews (Jews) and later the Arabs. The Canaanites were the earliest inhabitants of Lebanon according to written historical records. They were called Sidonians in the Bible. Sidon was one of their cities. Artifacts unearthed at Byblos have been dated to 5000 B.C. They were produced by Stone Age farmers and fishermen. They were repelled by Semitic tribes people who arrived as early as 3200 B.C.

Canaanites ousted the Hittites, invaders from present-day Turkey; overpowered the Ugarit people on the Syrian coast and drove southward until they stopped Ramasses III, the pharaoh of Egypt. The Canaanites also had encounters with the Hyksos, a people who conquered lower kingdom of Egypt; and the Assyrians.

According to the Bible, the ancient Canaanites, were idol worshipers who practiced human sacrifice and engaged in deviant sexual activity. They reportedly conducted human sacrifices in which children were immolated in front of their parents on stone altars, known as Tophets, dedicated to the mysterious dark god Molech. We have some idea what the Canaanites looked like. An Egyptian wall painting from 1900 B.C. depicts Canaanite dignitaries visiting the pharaoh. The Canaanites have Semitic facial features, and dark hair, which the women wear in long tresses and the men have styled in mushroom- shaped bundles on the tops of their heads. Both sexes wore bright red and yellow clothes — long dresses for women and kilts by the men.

From what scholars have been able to ascertain, the Canaanites were a largely urban people that originated in eastern Syria, migrated southward along the Mediterranean lived mostly between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean in what is now Israel. They never were very strong or established an empire and in fact were often overrun by the great empires of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Anatolia. By around 1100 B.C. they had been absorbed into the Israelites.

가나안 사람들, 레바논 최초의 거주자

페니키아 가면 페니키아인들은 중동의 셈족인 가나안 사람들로부터 진화했고, 이들은 또한 우가리티 사람들, 히브리인들, 그리고 후에 아랍인들을 낳았다. 가나안 사람들은 기록된 역사적 기록에 따르면 레바논의 초기 거주민들이다. 그들은 성경에서 시도니안이라고 불렸다. 시돈은 그들의 도시들 중 하나였다. 바이블로스에서 발굴된 유물들은 기원전 5000년으로 거슬러 올라간다. 그것들은 석기 시대의 농부들과 어부들에 의해 생산되었다. 그들은 기원전 3200년에 도착한 셈족 부족들에 의해 격퇴되었다.c.

가나안 사람들은 현재의 튀르키예에서 침입자인 히타이트족을 몰아냈고, 시리아 해안에서 우가리트족을 제압하고 이집트의 파라오인 라마세스 3세를 막을 때까지 남쪽으로 차를 몰았다. 가나안 사람들은 이집트의 낮은 왕국을 정복한 힉소스 사람들과 아시리아 사람들과도 만남을 가졌다.

성경에 따르면 고대 가나안 사람들은 인간의 희생을 실천하고 일탈적인 성적 행위를 하는 우상 숭배자였다. 이들은 신비한 암흑의 신 몰레흐에게 바쳐진 토페츠(Tophets)로 알려진 돌 제단에서 부모 앞에서 아이들을 봉헌하는 인간 제물을 바쳤다고 한다. 우리는 가나안 사람들이 어떻게 생겼는지 어느 정도 알고 있다. 기원전 1900년의 이집트 벽화는 파라오를 방문하는 가나안의 고위 인사들을 묘사하고 있다. 가나안 사람들은 셈족의 얼굴 생김새와 검은 머리를 가지고 있는데, 여자들은 긴 머리를 하고 남자들은 머리 꼭대기에 버섯 모양의 다발로 묶었다. 남녀 모두 밝은 빨간색과 노란색 옷을 입었는데, 여자는 긴 드레스를 입고 남자는 킬트를 입었다.

학자들이 확인할 수 있는 바로는, 가나안 사람들은 동부 시리아에서 기원하여 지중해를 따라 남쪽으로 이주한 도시인들로, 대부분 현재의 이스라엘 지역에서 요르단 강과 지중해 사이에 살았다. 그들은 결코 매우 강하거나 제국을 세운 적이 없었고, 사실 종종 메소포타미아, 이집트, 아나톨리아의 거대한 제국들에 의해 지배되었다. 기원전 1100년경에 그들은 이스라엘 사람들에게 흡수되었다.

Phoenician mask
 Canaanites buried 4,000 years ago were folded up with their arms and legs crossed and placed in burial pots, sometimes wearing a necklace made with gold, rock crystal and carnelian beads. The burial pot and the position of the dead, it is thought, was intended to replicate the position of a newborn in a womb ready to be reborn into the afterlife. At Ashkelon (see Below) Canaanite families placed corpses in burial chambers and kept them there until the flesh rotted off, a process that took several months, then they would bury the bones in recesses and corners of the chambers. Over time the remains of a lot of individuals could get crammed inside. At Ashkelon babies were buried with Egyptians scarabs, magical charms, suggesting, archaeologists say, that they were accorded the status of full-fledged adults.

The Canaanites are believed to have been the first people to possess an alphabet. A 13th century B.C. tablet with column of Canaanite words was found at Ashkelon. Believed to have used to teach scribes languages, the tablet appears to have contained other columns with other languages, perhaps the Semitic cuneiform language of Akkadian and another unrelated tongue, possibly Hurrian or Hittite.

The desolate Valley of Hinom, just south of the Old City in Jerusalem, is where the ancient Canaanites reportedly conducted human sacrifices in which children were immolated in front of their parents. Canaan objects, excavated by archaeologists include an 18.5-inch-long ivory horn with gold bands, circa 1400 B.C., unearthed at Megiddo in present-dat Israel, and a vessel with the Egyptian hawk-god Hyksos, unearthed in Ashkelon.

때때로 금, 바위 수정, 카넬리안 구슬로 만든 목걸이를 착용한 채로 매장된 항아리들. 무덤 항아리와 죽은 사람의 위치는 사후세계로 다시 태어날 준비가 된 자궁 속의 신생아의 위치를 복제하기 위한 것으로 생각된다. 아슈켈론에서는 가나안 사람 가족들이 시체를 무덤방에 넣어 살이 썩을 때까지 보관했는데, 그 과정은 몇 달이 걸렸다. 그들은 뼈를 무덤방의 구석과 움푹 들어간 곳에 묻었다. 시간이 지남에 따라 많은 사람들의 유해가 안에 채워질 수 있었다. 고고학자들은 아슈켈론에서 아기들이 이집트의 스카프와 함께 묻혔는데, 이는 그들이 완전한 성인의 지위를 부여받았음을 암시한다고 말한다.

가나안 사람들은 알파벳을 소유한 최초의 사람들로 여겨진다. 가나안 문자 기둥이 있는 기원전 13세기 판이 아슈켈론에서 발견되었다. 이 석판에는 다른 언어들, 아마 아카드어의 셈족 설형어와 관련이 없는 다른 언어들, 아마도 후르리아어나 히타이트어가 포함되어 있었던 것으로 보인다.

예루살렘 구시가지 바로 남쪽에 있는 황량한 히놈 계곡은 고대 가나안 사람들이 부모 앞에서 아이들을 봉헌하는 인간 제물을 바친 곳이라고 한다. 고고학자들이 발굴한 가나안 유물로는 기원전 1400년경 현재 이스라엘의 메기도에서 발굴된 18.5인치 길이의 금띠가 달린 상아 뿔과 아슈켈론에서 발굴된 이집트 매신 힉소스가 그려진 그릇이 있다.

Canaanites at Ashkelon

 Around 1850 B.C. Canaanites occupied the coastal settlement of Ashkelon, one of the largest and richest seaports in the Mediterranean in ancient times. Ashkelon was located in present-day Israel, 60 kilometers south of Tel Aviv, and dates back at least to 3500 B.C. Over the centuries it was occupied by Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Crusaders. Conquered by the Egyptians and Babylonians, it was probably visited by Samson, Goliath, Alexander the Great, Herod and Richard the Lion-hearted. The presence of all these cultures and historical periods means the site is rich archaeologically but also difficult and complex to sort through. [Source: Rick Gore, National Geographic January 2001]

Canaanite Ashkelon covered 60 hectares. The great wall that surrounded it when it was at its height was an arc over two kilometers long, with the sea on the other side. Just the ramparts of the wall — not the wall itself — were up to 16 meters high and 50 meters thick. The towered wall on top of it may have risen to a height of 35 meters. The Canaanites built a vaulted corridor with arched gateways in the city’s mud-brick north wall. The site’s excavation has been overseen by Harvard archaeologist Lawrence Stager since 1985.

The Canaanites occupied Ashkelon from 1850 until 1175 B.C. Sanger told National Geographic, “They came by the boatload . They had master craftsmen and a clear idea of what they wanted to build — big fortified cities. With plentiful supplies of fresh water, it was a major exporters of wine, olive oil, wheat and livestock. Studies of their teeth indicate they ate a lot sand in their food and their teeth wore down quickly.”

Among the important finds made at Ashkelon were the oldest arched gateway ever found and a silver-plated bronze calf, a symbol of Baal, reminiscent of the huge golden calf mentioned in Exodus, found in 1990 by Harvard archaeologists. Ten centimeters tall and dated to 1600 B.C. the calf was found within its own shrine, a beehive-shaped pottery vessel. Baal was the Canaanites storm god. The statue is now on display in the Israel Museum.

At its height Canaanite Ashkelon was probably home to 15,000 people , quite a large number in ancient times. By comparison Babylon at that time might have had 30,000 residents. The Egyptians considered the Canaanites to be rivals and cursed the Ashkelon kings by writing their names on figurines and smashing them to magically destroy their power. Stager has suggested that the Canaanites perhaps were the Hyksos, mysterious people from the north that conquered the ancient Egyptians, based in the discovery of artifacts in Egypt from the Hyskso period that are identical with those found in Canaanite Ashkelon. Around 1550 B.C. the Egyptians expelled the Hyksos and dominated Ashkelon and Canaan.


Ugarit was an important 14th century B.C. Mediterranean port located on the Syrian coast, 10 kilometers north of the Syrian port of Latakia on the Mediterranean coast, east of the northeast coast of Cyprus. It was an the next great Canaanite city to arise after Ebla. Tablets found at Ugarit indicated it was involved in the trade of box and juniper wood, olive oil, wine.


아슈켈론의 가나안 사람들

 기원전 1850년경. 가나안 사람들은 고대에 지중해에서 가장 크고 부유한 항구 중 하나인 아슈켈론의 해안 정착지를 점령했다. 아슈켈론은 텔아비브에서 남쪽으로 60킬로미터 떨어진 오늘날의 이스라엘에 위치해 있었고, 적어도 기원전 3500년까지 거슬러 올라간다. 수세기에 걸쳐 페니키아인, 그리스인, 로마인, 비잔티움인, 십자군에 의해 점령되었다. 이집트인들과 바빌로니아인들에 의해 정복되어, 삼손, 골리앗, 알렉산더 대왕, 헤롯, 그리고 사자자리의 리차드가 방문했을 것이다. 이 모든 문화와 역사적 시기의 존재는 이 유적지가 고고학적으로 풍부하다는 것을 의미하지만, 분류하기도 어렵고 복잡하다는 것을 의미한다. [출처: 릭 고어, 내셔널 지오그래픽 2001년 1월]

가나안 사람 아슈켈론은 60헥타르를 차지했다. 그것이 높이에 있을 때 그것을 둘러싸고 있던 만리장성은 바다가 있는 2킬로미터가 넘는 호였다. 성벽 자체가 아닌 성벽만 높이 16m, 두께 50m에 달했다. 그 위에 우뚝 솟은 벽은 35미터 높이까지 올라갔을 것이다. 가나안 사람들은 도시의 진흙 벽돌로 된 북쪽 벽에 아치형 문이 있는 아치형 복도를 지었다. 1985년부터 하버드 대학교의 고고학자 로렌스 스타거가 발굴을 감독해왔다.

가나안 사람들은 기원전 1850년부터 1175년까지 아슈켈론을 점령했습니다. 생어는 내셔널 지오그래픽에 "그들은 보트를 타고 왔다. 그들은 장인들과 그들이 건설하고자 하는 것에 대한 명확한 생각을 가지고 있었습니다. 큰 요새화된 도시들 말입니다. 신선한 물이 풍부하게 공급되면서 포도주, 올리브유, 밀, 가축의 주요 수출국이 되었다. 그들의 치아에 대한 연구는 그들이 음식에서 모래를 많이 먹었고 그들의 치아는 빠르게 닳았다는 것을 보여줍니다

아슈켈론에서 발견된 가장 오래된 아치형 문과 1990년 하버드 고고학자들이 발견한 엑소더스에서 언급된 거대한 황금 송아지를 연상시키는 바알의 상징인 은도금 청동 송아지가 있었다. 높이가 10센티미터이고 기원전 1600년으로 거슬러 올라가는 이 송아지는 벌집 모양의 도자기 그릇인 자신의 사당 안에서 발견되었다. 바알은 가나안 사람들의 폭풍의 신이었다. 그 조각상은 현재 이스라엘 박물관에 전시 중입니다.

가나안 사람 아슈켈론의 절정기에는 아마도 고대에 꽤 많은 15,000명의 사람들이 살았던 것으로 추정된다. 이에 비해 당시 바빌론에는 30,000명의 거주자가 있었을 것이다. 이집트인들은 가나안 사람들을 라이벌로 여겼고 아슈켈론 왕들에게 그들의 이름을 조각상에 쓰고 그들의 힘을 마법처럼 파괴하는 것으로 저주했다. 스타거는 히스크소 시대의 이집트 유물이 가나안 사람 아쉬켈론에서 발견된 것과 동일한 유물을 발견한 것을 근거로 가나안 사람들이 아마도 고대 이집트를 정복한 북쪽의 신비한 민족인 힉소스인 것 같다고 제안했다. 기원전 1550년경 이집트인들은 힉소스인들을 추방하고 아슈켈론과 가나안을 지배했다.

우가리트는 기원전 14세기의 중요한 도시였다. 시리아 해안에 위치한 지중해 항구도시 라타키아에서 북쪽으로 10km, 키프로스 북동쪽 해안에서 동쪽으로 10km 떨어진 곳에 위치한 지중해 항구. 에블라 다음으로 큰 가나안 도시였다. 우가리트에서 발견된 석판은 상자와 향나무, 올리브유, 포도주의 거래에 관여했음을 나타낸다.

Ugaritian head

According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art:. “Its ruins, in the form of a mound or tell, lie half a mile from the shore. Although the name of the city was known from Egyptian and Hittite sources, its location and history were a mystery until the accidental discovery in 1928 of an ancient tomb at the small Arab village of Ras Shamra. “The city's location ensured its importance through trade. To the west lay a good harbor (the bay of Minet el Beidha), while to the east a pass led to the heart of Syria and northern Mesopotamia through the mountain range that lies parallel with the coast. The city also sat astride an important north-south coastal trade route linking Anatolia and Egypt.[Source: Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art. "Ugarit", Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, October 2004 \^/]

“Ugarit was a flourishing city, its streets lined with two-story houses dominated on the northeastern side of the tell by an acropolis with two temples dedicated to the gods Baal and Dagan. A large palace, built from finely dressed stones and consisting of numerous courtyards, pillared halls, and a columned entrance gate, occupied the western edge of the city. In a special wing of the palace were a number of rooms apparently devoted to administration, since hundreds of cuneiform tablets were discovered there covering almost all aspects of the life of Ugarit from the fourteenth to the twelfth century B.C. It is clear that the city dominated the surrounding land (though the full extent of the kingdom is uncertain).. \^/

“Merchants figure prominently in Ugarit's archives. The citizens engaged in trade and many foreign merchants were based in the state, for example from Cyprus exchanging copper ingots in the shape of ox hides. The presence of Minoan and Mycenaean pottery suggests Aegean contacts with the city. It was also the central storage place for grain supplies moving from the wheat plains of northern Syria to the Hittite court.” \^/

Books: Curtis, Adrian Ugarit (Ras Shamra). Cambridge: Lutterworth, 1985. Soldt, W. H. van "Ugarit: A Second-Millennium Kingdom on the Mediterranean Coast." In Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, vol. 2, edited by Jack M. Sasson, pp. 1255–66.. New York: Scribner, 1995.

우가리티안 헤드

메트로폴리탄 미술관에 따르면: "그것의 폐허는, 언덕의 형태로, 해안에서 반 마일 떨어진 곳에 있다. 도시의 이름은 이집트와 히타이트 사료에서 알 수 있었지만, 1928년 아랍의 작은 마을 라스 샴라에서 우연히 고대 무덤이 발견되기 전까지 그 위치와 역사는 미스터리였다. "그 도시의 위치는 무역을 통해 그 중요성을 보장했다. 서쪽으로는 좋은 항구(미네텔 베이다 만)가 있고, 동쪽으로는 해안과 평행한 산맥을 통해 시리아의 심장부와 메소포타미아 북부로 통하는 고개가 있다. 이 도시는 아나톨리아와 이집트를 연결하는 중요한 남북 해안 무역로에 자리잡고 있었다.[출처: 고대 근동 미술부입니다. 뉴욕 예술사 하일브룬 타임라인의 "Ugarit": 메트로폴리탄 미술관, 2004년 10월 \^/]

"우가리트는 번영하는 도시로, 바알과 다간 신에게 바치는 두 개의 신전이 있는 아크로폴리스에 의해 텔의 북동쪽에 지배되는 2층 집들로 거리가 늘어서 있었다. 도시의 서쪽 가장자리에는 돌을 정교하게 다듬어 지은 큰 궁전과 수많은 정원, 기둥이 있는 홀, 기둥이 있는 입구 문이 있었다. 기원전 14세기부터 12세기까지 우가리트의 삶의 거의 모든 측면을 포괄하는 수백 개의 설형문자 판이 발견되었기 때문에, 궁전의 특별한 날개에는 행정을 위한 것으로 보이는 많은 방들이 있었다. (왕국의 전체 범위는 불확실하지만) 도시가 주변 땅을 지배한 것은 분명하다.. \^/

"상인들은 우가리트의 기록 보관소에서 두드러지게 나타난다. 무역에 종사하는 시민들과 많은 외국 상인들은 키프로스에서 소가죽 모양의 구리괴를 교환하는 등 국가에 기반을 두고 있었다. 미노아인과 미케네인의 도자기의 존재는 에게 해와 도시와의 접촉을 암시한다. 또한 이곳은 시리아 북부의 밀 평원에서 히타이트 궁정으로 이동하는 곡물 공급의 중심 저장지였다." \^/

책: 커티스, 에이드리언 우가리트 (라스 샴라). 케임브리지: 루터워스, 1985년. 솔트, W.H. 밴 우가리트: "지중해 연안의 제2천년 왕국" "고대 근동 문명" 2권, 잭 M이 편집했습니다. 새슨, 1255~66쪽.. 뉴욕: 스크리브너, 1995.

Ugarites and the First Alphabet

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the earliest example of alphabetic writing was a clay tablet with 32 cuneiform letters found in Ugarit, Syria and dated to 1450 B.C. The Ugarits condensed the Eblaite writing, with its hundreds of symbols, into a concise 30-letter alphabet that was the precursor of the Phoenician alphabet.

The Ugarites reduced all symbols with multiple consonant sounds to signs with a single consent sound. In the Ugarite system each sign consisted of one consonant plus any vowel. That the sign for “p” could be “pa,” “pi” or “pu.” Ugarit was passed on to the Semitic tribes of the Middle east, which included the Phoenician, Hebrews and later the Arabs.

Ugarit texts refer to deities such as El, Asherah, Baak and Dagan, previously known only from the Bible and a handful of other texts. Ugarit literature is full of epic stories about gods and goddesses. This form of religion was revived by the early Hebrew prophets. An 11-inch-high silver-and-gold statuette of a god, circa 1900 B.C., was unearthed at Ugarit in present-day Syria.

The Ugarit alphabet was passed on to the Semitic tribes of the Middle East, which included the Phoenicians, Hebrews and later the Arabs.

우가리트와 첫 번째 알파벳
기네스북에 따르면, 알파벳 쓰기의 가장 초기의 예는 시리아의 우가리트에서 발견되고 기원전 1450년으로 거슬러 올라가는 32개의 설형문자가 있는 점토판이었다. 우가리트인들은 수백 개의 기호와 함께 에블라이트 문자를 페니키아 문자의 선구자인 간결한 30자 알파벳으로 압축했다.

우가리트인들은 복수의 자음이 있는 모든 기호를 하나의 동의음이 있는 기호로 줄였다. 우가라이트 체계에서 각 기호는 하나의 자음과 임의의 모음으로 구성되었다. "p"의 부호는 "pa", "pi" 또는 "pu"가 될 수 있다 우가리트는 페니키아인, 히브리인, 그리고 후에 아랍인들을 포함한 중동의 셈족 부족들에게 전해졌다.

우가리트어 문헌들은 엘, 아세라, 바악, 다간과 같은 신들을 가리키며, 이전에는 성경과 소수의 다른 문헌들에서만 알려져 있었다. 우가리트 문학은 신들과 여신들에 대한 서사시적인 이야기들로 가득하다. 이러한 형태의 종교는 초기 히브리 예언자들에 의해 부활되었다. 기원전 1900년경에 11인치 높이의 은과 금으로 된 신의 조각상이 오늘날 시리아의 우가리트에서 발굴되었다.

우가리트 문자는 페니키아인, 히브리인, 그리고 후에 아랍인들을 포함한 중동의 셈족들에게 전해졌다.

Ugaratic letters

Philistines, Phoenicians and Sea Peoples

Some archeologist and historians believe a mysterious group known as the Sea People — perhaps ancestors of the Minoans — migrated to Lebanon around 1200 B.C. and mixed with local Canaanites to create the Phoenicians. Other archeologist believe the Philistines were originally a Sea People group.

On the link between the Sea People and Phoenicians, Maria Eugenia Aubet, a leading Phoenician expert at Pempeu Fabra University in Barcelona, told National Geographic: “I think they became friends, Phoenician material culture shows so many elements from the Sea Peoples. The Phoenicians learned from them how to build harbors, moorings, docks, and piers. The Sea Peoples, like the Phoenicians, were excellent navigators — and how they knew the routes west to the rich sources of metals." DNA evidence seems to indicate the impact of the Sea People, if they existed, were a cultural and technological group, not a blood group. The geneticist Wells told National Geographic, “The Sea People apparently had bo significant genetic impact on populations in the Levant."

John R. Abercrombie of the University of Pennsylvania wrote: “Although the earliest depictions of Sea People occur in the reign of Seti I, the major incursion of these Aegean people happened about a century later during the reign of Ramesis III of the Twentieth Dynasty. Around 1180 B.C., Ramesis III defeated the Sea People in a land and sea battle at the borders of Egypt (ANEP., 341, 813). The Philistines, one of the Sea People groups, are easily identified on the depiction of the battles by their distinctive headdresses. Since the 1920's, most scholars have linked those headdresses with some of the anthropoid coffin burials from Beth Shan and elsewhere in Eretz Israel. [Sources: John R. Abercrombie, University of Pennsylvania, James B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts (ANET), Princeton, Boston University, bu.edu/anep/MB.html |*|]

Be aware that a few scholars do not link all coffin burials with the Philistines, but with other groups including Canaanites and Egyptians. Besides the headdresses and biblical references, archaeological data suggest the appearance of a new group along the coast. The distinctive Philistine ware (Mycenean IIIc1b) appears in the twelfth century and continues into the eleventh century. This pottery tradition has close parallels to Cyprus as well as other islands in the eastern Mediterranean, and suggests that the Sea People may have originated from the eastern Mediterranean rather than Crete (Amos 9:7 and Jeremiah 47:4). Cremation burial, which can be cited from Anatolia and the Aegean, occurred in the coastal region beginning in the twelfth century and continued well into the seventh century. |*|

“The Philistine pentapolis came under control of David and remained generally part of Judah or Israel for most of the 10th and probably part of the ninth century. Later some of the Philistine city states exercised independence from the descendants of Jacob. Also, the general region became known as the land of the Palestu (=Palestine), or Philistines. |Recent excavations at Ashdod, Ashkelon, Tell Miqne (Ekron), Tell esh- Sharia (Ziklag) and Tell Qasile are amplifying our understanding of this intrusive Aegean culture. Sites, such as Ain Shems and even Sarepta, provide additional information on related cultures (e.g. Phoenicians). |*|

“The coastal region north of Carmel had been known since the time of Thothmosis IV as the land of the Fenkeu, or Phoenicians. In the Iron Age the Phoenician merchants plied their martime trade on the Mediterranean and were the first mariners to circumnavigate Africa. They established a number of Punic colonies in North Africa, Spain, France, Italy and the Aegean islands. Much of their culture in the Lebanese coast, however, remains undocumented in part due to disturbance of Iron Age sites by later Persian, Hellenistic and Roman cultures. Sarepta, excavated by James Pritchard, is one of the few sites from which we can document in Phoenicia proper the culture of these mariners of old in their homeland. |*|

블레셋 사람, 페니키아 사람, 바다 사람들
일부 고고학자들과 역사학자들은 바다 사람들로 알려진 신비한 집단 - 아마도 미노아인들의 조상들 -이 기원전 1200년경 레바논으로 이주했고 페니키아인들을 만들기 위해 지역 가나안 사람들과 섞였다고 믿는다. 다른 고고학자들은 블레셋 사람들이 원래 바다 민족 집단이었다고 믿는다.

바르셀로나에 있는 펨푸 파브라 대학의 선도적인 페니키아 전문가인 마리아 에우제니아 오벳은 내셔널 지오그래픽에 "나는 그들이 친구가 되었다고 생각한다, 페니키아 물질 문화는 바다 민족의 많은 요소들을 보여준다. 페니키아인들은 그들로부터 항구, 계류장, 부두, 부두를 짓는 법을 배웠다. 페니키아인들과 마찬가지로 바다 사람들은 훌륭한 항해자였습니다. 그리고 어떻게 그들이 서쪽으로 금속의 풍부한 공급원으로 가는 길을 알았는지도 말이죠." DNA 증거는 바다 사람들이 존재한다면, 혈액 집단이 아닌 문화적, 기술적 집단이었다는 것을 보여주는 것 같습니다. 유전학자 웰스는 내셔널 지오그래픽에 "바다 사람들은 분명히 레반트의 개체군에 상당한 유전적 영향을 미쳤다."

펜실베이니아 대학교의 존 R. 애버크롬비는 "바다 사람들에 대한 최초의 묘사는 세티 1세의 통치기에 이루어졌지만, 이들 에게 해 사람들의 주요 침입은 약 1세기 후인 제20왕조의 라메시스 3세의 통치기에 일어났다. 기원전 1180년경, 라메시스 3세는 이집트의 국경에서 벌어진 육해공전에서 바다 민족을 물리쳤다(ANEP, 341, 813). 바다 민족의 무리 중 하나인 블레셋 사람들은 전투의 묘사에서 그들의 독특한 머리장식으로 쉽게 식별된다. 1920년대 이후로, 대부분의 학자들은 이 머리장식들을 베스 샨과 에레츠 이스라엘의 다른 곳에서 발견된 유인원의 관에 묻힌 것들과 연관시켰다. [자료: John R. 펜실베이니아 대학의 아베크롬비, 제임스 B. Pritchard, 고대 근동 텍스트(ANET), 프린스턴, 보스턴 대학교, bu.edu/anep/MB.html |*|]

몇몇 학자들은 모든 관의 매장을 블레셋 사람들과 연관짓는 것이 아니라 가나안 사람들과 이집트 사람들을 포함한 다른 집단들과 연관지어야 한다. 머리장식과 성경적 언급 외에도, 고고학적 자료들은 해안을 따라 새로운 무리가 출현했음을 시사한다. 미케네 3c1b는 12세기에 등장하여 11세기까지 지속된다. 이 도자기 전통은 키프로스뿐만 아니라 지중해 동부의 다른 섬들과 유사하며, 바다 사람들이 크레타 섬(아모스 9:7, 예레미야 47:4)보다는 지중해 동부에서 기원했을 수도 있음을 시사한다. 아나톨리아와 에게 해에서 인용할 수 있는 화장장은 12세기에 시작하여 7세기까지 계속되었다. |*|

"필리스타인 펜타폴리스는 다윗의 지배하에 있었고 10세기의 대부분과 아마도 9세기의 일부 동안 일반적으로 유다나 이스라엘의 일부로 남아있었다. 나중에 일부 블레셋 도시 국가들은 야곱의 후손들로부터 독립을 행사했다. 또한, 일반적인 지역은 팔레스투(=팔레스타인), 또는 블레셋 사람들의 땅으로 알려지게 되었다. |아슈도드, 아슈켈론, 텔미크네(에크론), 텔레스샤리아(지클라그), 텔카실레에서 최근 발굴된 발굴물들은 이 침입적인 에게 문화에 대한 우리의 이해를 증폭시키고 있다. 아인샴스와 심지어 사렙타와 같은 사이트들은 관련 문화에 대한 추가적인 정보를 제공한다. |*|

"카르멜 북쪽의 해안 지역은 토토시스 4세 때부터 펜케우, 즉 페니키아인의 땅으로 알려져 있었다. 철기 시대에 페니키아 상인들은 지중해에서 그들의 해상 무역을 했고 아프리카를 일주한 최초의 선원들이었다. 그들은 북아프리카, 스페인, 프랑스, 이탈리아, 에게 해 제도에 많은 포에니 식민지를 세웠다. 그러나 레바논 해안에 있는 그들의 문화의 대부분은 부분적으로 후기 페르시아, 헬레니즘, 로마 문화에 의한 철기 시대 유적지의 교란으로 인해 문서화되지 않은 상태로 남아있다. 제임스 프리처드에 의해 발굴된 사렙타는 페니키아에서 그들의 고향에 있는 오래된 선원들의 문화를 제대로 기록할 수 있는 몇 안 되는 유적지 중 하나이다. |*|

"많은 면에서 페니키아와 그 식민지의 물질 문화를 청동기 시대부터 가나안 문화에 대한 발전을 반영하는 것으로 요약할 수 있다. (예를 들어, 사렙타의 작은 사당과 베스 샨의 청동기 시대 사원을 비교해보자.) 물론, 이 문화는 에게 해 세계의 영향을 많이 받았으며, 청동기 시대에 가나안 사람으로 특징지어지는 다양한 세계를 계속해서 반영하고 있다." |*|

바다 민족
일부 고고학자들과 역사학자들은 바다 사람들로 알려진 신비한 집단 - 아마도 미노아인들의 조상 -이 기원전 1200년경 레바논으로 이주하여 페니키아인들을 만들기 위해 지역 가나안 사람들과 섞였을 것이라고 믿는다.

“In many ways, one can summarize the material culture from Phoenicia and its colonies as reflecting developments on Canaanite culture from the Bronze Age. (Compare, for example, the small shrine at Sarepta to the Bronze Age temples from Beth Shan.) Of course, this culture is greatly influenced by the Aegean world and continues to reflect that eclectic world we characterize as Canaanite in the Bronze Age.” |*|

"많은 면에서 페니키아와 그 식민지의 물질 문화를 청동기 시대부터 가나안 문화에 대한 발전을 반영하는 것으로 요약할 수 있다. (예를 들어, 사렙타의 작은 사당과 베스 샨의 청동기 시대 사원을 비교해보자.) 물론, 이 문화는 에게 해 세계의 영향을 많이 받았으며, 청동기 시대에 가나안 사람으로 특징지어지는 다양한 세계를 계속해서 반영하고 있다." |*|

Sea Peoples

Some archeologist and historians believe a mysterious group known as the Sea People — perhaps ancestors of the Minoans — might have migrated to Lebanon around 1200 B.C. and mixed with local Canaanites to create the Phoenicians.

Maria Eugenia Aubet, a leading Phoenician expert at Pempeu Fabra University in Barcelona, told National Geographic: “I think they became friends, Phoenician material culture shows so many elements from the Sea Peoples. The Phoenicians learned from them how to build harbors, moorings, docks, and piers. The Sea Peoples, like the Phoenicians, were excellent navigators — and how they knew the routes west to the rich sources of metals.”

DNA evidence seems to indicate the impact of the Sea People, if they existed, were a cultural and technological group, not a blood group. The geneticist Wells told National Geographic, “The Sea People apparently had bo significant genetic impact on populations in the Levant.”

바다 민족
일부 고고학자들과 역사학자들은 바다 사람들로 알려진 신비한 집단 - 아마도 미노아인들의 조상 -이 기원전 1200년경 레바논으로 이주하여 페니키아인들을 만들기 위해 지역 가나안 사람들과 섞였을 것이라고 믿는다.

바르셀로나 펨푸 파브라 대학의 선도적인 페니키아 전문가인 마리아 에우제니아 오벳은 내셔널 지오그래픽에 "나는 그들이 친구가 되었다고 생각한다, 페니키아의 물질 문화는 바다 민족의 많은 요소들을 보여준다. 페니키아인들은 그들로부터 항구, 계류장, 부두, 부두를 짓는 법을 배웠다. 페니키아인들과 마찬가지로, 바다 민족은 훌륭한 항해자였고, 그들이 어떻게 서쪽의 풍부한 금속 공급원으로 가는 길을 알았는지."

DNA 증거는 바다 사람들이 존재했다면 혈액형이 아닌 문화적, 기술적인 집단이었다는 것을 보여주는 것 같다. 유전학자 웰스는 내셔널 지오그래픽에 "바다 사람들은 분명히 레반트의 개체군에 큰 유전적 영향을 미쳤다"고 말했다

Egypt and the Sea Peoples

Ramses III (1195 – 1164 B.C.), the last great pharaoh of Egypt, is best known for defeating the Sea Peoples — a combination of several different peoples that some historian gave birth to the Phoenicians. The "Sea People," ravaged the Near East and advanced south towards Egypt and were halted by Ramses III in the fifth year of his reign. Among his other accomplishments were revived trade with the Land of Punt, reestablishing law and order throughout the country and launching a tree planting campaign. His monuments include the temple at Medinet Habu. [Source: Mark Millmore, discoveringegypt.com ^^^]

Pierre Grandet wrote: “Athough the king prevented the invasion of Egypt by the Sea Peoples, their migration forever changed the geopolitical landscape of the ancient Near East and seems to have been a key factor in this mutation by gradually depriving Egypt of any control of its former Asiatic territories. [Source: Pierre Grandet, 2014, UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2013 escholarship.org ]

이집트와 바다 민족
이집트의 마지막 위대한 파라오인 람세스 3세 (기원전 1195년 – 1164년)는 몇몇 역사가들이 페니키아인들을 낳은 여러 다른 민족들의 결합인 바다 민족을 물리친 것으로 가장 잘 알려져 있다. "바다의 민족"은 근동을 황폐화시키고 이집트를 향해 남쪽으로 진격했고 람세스 3세의 재위 5년째에 중단되었다. 그의 다른 업적들 중에는 푼트의 땅과의 무역을 되살려 나라 전체에 법과 질서를 재정립하고 나무 심기 운동을 시작한 것이 있었다. 그의 기념물들은 메디넷 하부에 있는 사원을 포함한다. [출처: Mark Millmore, discoveringegypt.com ^^^]

피에르 그랑제트는 "비록 왕이 바다 민족의 이집트 침공을 막았지만, 그들의 이주는 고대 근동의 지정학적 지형을 영원히 변화시켰고, 이집트의 이전 아시아 영토에 대한 어떠한 통제도 점진적으로 박탈함으로써 이러한 돌연변이의 핵심 요소가 된 것으로 보인다. [출처: Pierre Grandet, 2014, UCLA 이집트학 백과사전, 2013 escholarship.org ]

Sea People invasion

Invasion of the Sea Peoples

The Sea Peoples annihilated the Hittite Empire and looked they might do the same to the Egyptians. The Great Harris Papyrus, the longest know papyrus, describes how many people throughout the region were made homeless. ‘The foreign countries plotted on their Islands and the people were scattered by battle all at one time and no land could stand before their arms.’

Pierre Grandet wrote: “In ye


바다 민족의 침략
바다 사람들은 히타이트 제국을 전멸시켰고 이집트인들에게도 똑같이 할 수 있다고 생각했다. 가장 오래 알려진 파피루스인 그레이트 해리스 파피루스는 그 지역 전체에서 얼마나 많은 사람들이 집을 잃게 되었는지를 묘사한다. '외국은 그들의 섬에 음모를 꾸몄고 사람들은 한 번에 전투로 뿔뿔이 흩어졌고 어떤 땅도 그들의 품 앞에 설 수 없었다.'

피에르 그랑데는 다음과 같이 썼다
