
드와르카, 9000년전 신화속 사라진 황금 도시 "드워르카"는 신화인가? 역사인가?

아이야소피야 2023. 3. 5. 15:16

역사냐 신화냐?

드와르카, 잃어버린 도시입니다

     스리 크리슈나가 세웠다고 전해지는 전설적인 도시 드바라카의 발견은 마하바라타의 역사적 관련성을 입증하는 중요한 이정표입니다. 그것은 마하바라타의 역사성과 드바라카시의 존재 자체에 대해 역사학자들이 표현한 의구심을 잠재웠습니다. 베다 시대부터 오늘날까지 인도 문명의 연속성을 확립함으로써 인도 역사의 격차를 크게 좁혔습니다. 이 발견은 또한 소위 '암흑시대'의 두 번째 도시화, 달마의 소생, 해양 무역의 재개, 산스크리트어와 변형된 인더스 문자의 사용에 대해 환영의 빛을 비추었습니다. 덧붙여서, 해저 탐사를 통해 해수면 변화와 장기간에 걸친 해양 환경이 금속과 목재에 미치는 영향을 연구하는 데 유용한 과학적 데이터도 생성되었습니다. 이 모든 것은 국립 해양학 연구소의 해양 고고학 센터의 해양 고고학자, 과학자, 기술자들의 헌신적이고 대담한 노력 덕분에 가능했습니다

                                                                드와르카 탐사대입니다

    드워프카는 구자라트의 잠나가르 지역에 있는 해안 마을입니다. 전통적으로, 현대의 드워프카는 마하바라타에서 크리슈나의 도시로 언급된 드바라카와 동일시됩니다. 드워프카는 항구였고, 몇몇 학자들은 에리트리아 해의 페리플러스에서 언급된 바카 섬과 동일시했습니다. 고대 드워프카는 바다에 가라앉았기 때문에 중요한 고고학적 장소입니다. 잃어버린 도시에 대한 최초의 명확한 역사적 기록은 서기 574년으로 거슬러 올라가며 사만다 심하디티야의 팔리타나 판에서 발견됩니다. 이 비문은 드워프카를 사우라슈트라 서부 해안의 수도로 언급하고 있으며, 더 중요한 것은 스리 크리슈나가 이곳에 살았다는 것입니다. 


   드워프카에서 최초의 고고학 발굴은 1963년에 푸네의 데칸 대학과 구자라트 정부의 고고학 부서에 의해 이루어졌습니다. Sankalia입니다. 그것은 수세기 전의 유물들을 드러냈습니다.


     인도 고고학 조사의 해양 고고학 팀은 1979년 S. R. R. Rao 박사의 감독 하에 두 번째 발굴 작업을 수행했습니다.  국립 해양학 연구소의 해양 고고학 부서의 명예 과학자인 라오는 구자라트의 항구 도시 로탈을 포함한 많은 하라판 유적지를 발굴했습니다. 그는 3,000년 이상 된 광택이 나는 붉은 도자기로 알려진 독특한 도자기를 발견했습니다. 이러한 발굴 결과를 바탕으로, 아라비아해의 침몰된 도시에 대한 수색은 1981년에 시작되었습니다. 과학자들과 고고학자들은 20년 동안 그 장소에서 지속적으로 일해왔습니다. 


이 수중 탐사 프로젝트는 1984년 당시 총리에 의해 3년 동안 직접 승인되었습니다. 해저 발굴은 힘들고 힘든 작업입니다. 바다는 너무 많은 저항을 제공합니다. 굴착은 썰물 때인 11월과 2월 사이에만 가능합니다. 바다는 매끄러워야 하고 밝은 햇살이 있어야 합니다. 이 모든 요구 사항은 한 시즌에 다이빙 일수를 40일에서 45일로 효과적으로 줄여줍니다.시간을 최대한 활용하기 위해, 잠수부들은 수중 물체의 위치와 깊이를 꽤 정확하게 파악하기 위해 에코 경보기를 사용합니다. 측면 스캔 수중 음파 탐지기는 해저를 볼 수 있습니다. 물 속으로 보내진 음파 신호는 신호를 되돌려줍니다. 신호를 읽는 것은 물 속에 있는 물체의 넓은 성격을 보여줍니다. 수중 스쿠터는 스쿠버와 같은 일반적인 다이빙 장비 외에도 서비스에 투입되었습니다. 1983년과 1990년 사이에, S.R.R.R.Rao의 팀은 물에 잠긴 도시의 존재를 확고히 하는 발견들을 우연히 발견했습니다. 


  2007년 1월, 인도 고고학 조사 (ASI)의 수중 고고학 날개 (UAW)는 드워프카에서 다시 발굴을 시작했습니다. UAW의 수석 고고학자인 알록 트리파티는 아라비아해에서 발견된 고대 수중 구조물들이 아직 확인되지 않았다고 말했습니다. "우리는 그들이 무엇인지 알아내야 합니다. 그것들은 조각들입니다. 저는 그들을 벽이나 사원이라고 부르고 싶지 않아요. 그것들은 어떤 구조의 일부입니다," 라고 박사가 말했습니다. 트리파티, 그 자신은 훈련받은 다이버입니다. 트리파티 박사는 "전체론적인 방식으로 유적지의 고대를 연구하기 위해, 두 장소에서 발견된 것들이 서로 관련이 있고 과학적으로 분석될 수 있도록 땅과 해저에서 동시에 발굴이 진행되고 있습니다."라고 말했습니다


    발굴의 목적은 물질적 증거를 바탕으로 유적의 고대를 아는 것이었습니다. 해상 발굴에서, ASI의 훈련된 수중 고고학자들과 해군의 잠수부들은 침몰한 구조 유적들을 수색했습니다. 그 발견들은 연구되고, 날짜가 지정되고, 문서화되었습니다. 땅에서, 발굴은 드워프카디쉬 사원의 앞마당에서 이루어졌습니다. Gwalior, Lucknow, Pune, Vadodara, Baranasi 그리고 Bikaner의 학생들이 ASI 고고학자들을 돕기 위해 참여했습니다.


캄바트 만 탐사 (캄베이 만)입니다


    2001년, 국립 해양학 연구소의 학생들은 인도 정부로부터 해안에서 7마일 떨어진 캄바트 만의 오염에 대한 조사를 의뢰 받았습니다. 조사하는 동안, 그들은 진흙과 모래로 덮인 돌로 만들어진 건물들이 5평방 마일에 걸쳐 있는 것을 발견했습니다. 다이버들은 블록, 샘플, 공예품, 그리고 구리 동전을 수집했는데, 과학자들은 이것이 약 3,600년 전의 증거라고 믿고 있습니다. 샘플 중 일부는 탄소 연대 측정을 위해 마니푸르 대학교와 옥스퍼드 대학교로 보내졌고, 그 결과 일부 물체가 9000년 된 것으로 밝혀졌기 때문에 더 많은 의심을 불러일으켰습니다.


  캄바트 만의 물 속에서 발견된 것이 기원전 7500년으로 거슬러 올라가고 이전에 주장되었던 가장 오래된 문명의 유적지보다 더 오래된 고고학적인 장소라는 것을 발견하는 것은 정말로 압도적입니다.


드와르카 발굴 현장에서 발견되었습니다


    드와르카 근해의 해양 고고학적 탐사로 인해 많은 돌 구조물들이 밝혀졌습니다. 그것들은 반원형, 직사각형, 사각형 모양이며 간조 지대에서 6m에 이르는 수심에 있습니다. 그들은 광대한 지역에 무작위로 흩어져 있습니다. 이러한 구조물 외에도, 수심 6m 이상의 구조물을 따라 다양한 종류의 돌 닻이 발견되었습니다.이러한 발견은 드와르카가 과거에 인도 서해안에서 가장 분주한 항구 중심지 중 하나였다는 것을 암시합니다. 주변 유적지들의 비교 연구는 드와르카의 구조물들의 연대가 역사적인 시기와 중세 후기 사이일 수 있다는 것을 보여줍니다.이 유적은 고대 힌두 문헌에 따르면 크리슈나의 거주지였던 전설적인 잃어버린 도시 드와르카의 유적으로 선언되었습니다.


    수중 발굴은 구조물과 능선과 같은 특징을 드러냈습니다. 다른 고대 유물들도 발견되었습니다. 모든 물체는 사진으로 찍히고 그림으로 기록되었습니다 - 둘 다 물 속에 있었습니다. 수중 카메라가 사진 촬영에 사용되는 동안, 그림은 아래 그래프 시트로 고정된 75미크론의 투명 폴리에스테르 필름인 보드에 그려집니다. 그래프 시트는 척도 역할을 합니다. 한 명 또는 두 명의 다이버가 치수를 측정하고 세 번째 다이버가 그림을 그립니다. 공공사업부는 정기적으로 이 해역에서 준설 작업을 실시하여 고마티 해협을 계속 개방하고 있습니다. 이것은 많은 퇴적물을 토하고, 이것은 수중 구조물에 정착합니다. 브러시는 이러한 퇴적물을 제거하여 구조물을 노출시키는 데 사용됩니다.

* 탐험은 보루, 벽, 기둥 그리고 삼각형과 직사각형의 돌 닻과 같은 구조물을 산출했습니다.

* 깃발 기둥의 기초가 될 수 있는 반구형의 단일 구멍 돌입니다.

* L자 모양의 돌 모서리를 사용하여 적절한 그립과 보루에 대한 파도 동작을 방지합니다.

* 인장, 비문은 기원전 1500년으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.

* 기원전 3528년으로 거슬러 올라가는 도자기입니다.


* 돌 조각, 테라코타 구슬, 청동, 구리, 철제 물건들입니다.

최근까지 드와르카라는 도시의 존재 자체는 전설의 문제였습니다. 이제, 유해가 물 속에서 발견되었고, 많은 단서들이 이것이 정말로 크리슈나 영주의 거주지인 전설적인 드와르카라는 것을 암시하는 것처럼 보이는데, 크리슈나 영주와 그의 영웅들이 단순한 전설 그 이상이었을 수 있을까요?


캄바트 만 발굴 현장에서 발견되었습니다


   반면에 캠베이 만 해역에서 수행된 탐사는 사암 벽, 거리 격자, 그리고 물 속 70피트의 항구의 증거, 그리고 기원전 7500년까지 거슬러 올라가는 유물들을 발견했습니다. 발견된 유물 중에는 나무 조각, 도자기 조각, 수공구로 처음 묘사된 풍화석, 화석화된 뼈, 그리고 치아가 있었습니다. 공예품들은 인도 하이데라바드의 국립 지구 물리 연구소, 인도 럭나우의 Birbal Sanni Institute of Paleobotany, 그리고 인도 아메다바드의 물리 연구소로 보내졌습니다. 그 나무 조각은 9,500년 전의 탄소 연대 측정이었습니다.

NIOT는 2002년 10월부터 2003년 1월까지 걸프 지역에서 추가 조사를 위해 돌아왔습니다. 이러한 발굴 과정에서 NIOT는 직사각형과 사각형의 지하실 같은 특징이 측면에 있는 두 개의 팔레오 해협을 발견했다고 보고했습니다. 토기 조각, 소석, 물집과 부스러기 유적, 화로 재료 등을 준설하여 유물을 수습했습니다. 이 공예품들은 마니푸르 대학과 옥스퍼드 대학의 연구소에서 연대 측정을 위해 보내졌고 9000년 된 것으로 결론이 났습니다


주류 과학자들은 고대 인도의 문화/문명이 약 4-5천년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다고 주장합니다. 그러나 캄베이 만 아래의 유적들은 고대 인도 문명이 원래 믿었던 것보다 훨씬 오래되었다는 것을 증명하는 적어도 9천 년 전으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.



캄바트 만 탐사 (캄베이 만)입니다


    2001년, 국립 해양학 연구소의 학생들은 인도 정부로부터 해안에서 7마일 떨어진 캄바트 만의 오염에 대한 조사를 의뢰 받았습니다. 조사하는 동안, 그들은 진흙과 모래로 덮인 돌로 만들어진 건물들이 5평방 마일에 걸쳐 있는 것을 발견했습니다. 다이버들은 블록, 샘플, 공예품, 그리고 구리 동전을 수집했는데, 과학자들은 이것이 약 3,600년 전의 증거라고 믿고 있습니다. 샘플 중 일부는 탄소 연대 측정을 위해 마니푸르 대학교와 옥스퍼드 대학교로 보내졌고, 그 결과 일부 물체가 9000년 된 것으로 밝혀졌기 때문에 더 많은 의심을 불러일으켰습니다.

  캄바트 만의 물 속에서 발견된 것이 기원전 7500년으로 거슬러 올라가고 이전에 주장되었던 가장 오래된 문명의 유적지보다 더 오래된 고고학적인 장소라는 것을 발견하는 것은 정말로 압도적입니다.


드와르카 발굴 현장에서 발견되었습니다


    드와르카 근해의 해양 고고학적 탐사로 인해 많은 돌 구조물들이 밝혀졌습니다. 그것들은 반원형, 직사각형, 사각형 모양이며 간조 지대에서 6m에 이르는 수심에 있습니다. 그들은 광대한 지역에 무작위로 흩어져 있습니다. 이러한 구조물 외에도, 수심 6m 이상의 구조물을 따라 다양한 종류의 돌 닻이 발견되었습니다.이러한 발견은 드와르카가 과거에 인도 서해안에서 가장 분주한 항구 중심지 중 하나였다는 것을 암시합니다. 주변 유적지들의 비교 연구는 드와르카의 구조물들의 연대가 역사적인 시기와 중세 후기 사이일 수 있다는 것을 보여줍니다.이 유적은 고대 힌두 문헌에 따르면 크리슈나의 거주지였던 전설적인 잃어버린 도시 드와르카의 유적으로 선언되었습니다.


    수중 발굴은 구조물과 능선과 같은 특징을 드러냈습니다. 다른 고대 유물들도 발견되었습니다. 모든 물체는 사진으로 찍히고 그림으로 기록되었습니다 - 둘 다 물 속에 있었습니다. 수중 카메라가 사진 촬영에 사용되는 동안, 그림은 아래 그래프 시트로 고정된 75미크론의 투명 폴리에스테르 필름인 보드에 그려집니다. 그래프 시트는 척도 역할을 합니다. 한 명 또는 두 명의 다이버가 치수를 측정하고 세 번째 다이버가 그림을 그립니다. 공공사업부는 정기적으로 이 해역에서 준설 작업을 실시하여 고마티 해협을 계속 개방하고 있습니다. 이것은 많은 퇴적물을 토하고, 이것은 수중 구조물에 정착합니다. 브러시는 이러한 퇴적물을 제거하여 구조물을 노출시키는 데 사용됩니다.


* 탐험은 보루, 벽, 기둥 그리고 삼각형과 직사각형의 돌 닻과 같은 구조물을 산출했습니다.

* 깃발 기둥의 기초가 될 수 있는 반구형의 단일 구멍 돌입니다.

* L자 모양의 돌 모서리를 사용하여 적절한 그립과 보루에 대한 파도 동작을 방지합니다.

* 인장, 비문은 기원전 1500년으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.

* 기원전 3528년으로 거슬러 올라가는 도자기입니다.

* 돌 조각, 테라코타 구슬, 청동, 구리, 철제 물건들입니다.


최근까지 드와르카라는 도시의 존재 자체는 전설의 문제였습니다. 이제, 유해가 물 속에서 발견되었고, 많은 단서들이 이것이 정말로 크리슈나 영주의 거주지인 전설적인 드와르카라는 것을 암시하는 것처럼 보이는데, 크리슈나 영주와 그의 영웅들이 단순한 전설 그 이상이었을 수 있을까요?

캄바트 만 발굴 현장에서 발견되었습니다

   반면에 캠베이 만 해역에서 수행된 탐사는 사암 벽, 거리 격자, 그리고 물 속 70피트의 항구의 증거, 그리고 기원전 7500년까지 거슬러 올라가는 유물들을 발견했습니다. 발견된 유물 중에는 나무 조각, 도자기 조각, 수공구로 처음 묘사된 풍화석, 화석화된 뼈, 그리고 치아가 있었습니다. 공예품들은 인도 하이데라바드의 국립 지구 물리 연구소, 인도 럭나우의 Birbal Sanni Institute of Paleobotany, 그리고 인도 아메다바드의 물리 연구소로 보내졌습니다. 그 나무 조각은 9,500년 전의 탄소 연대 측정이었습니다.

NIOT는 2002년 10월부터 2003년 1월까지 걸프 지역에서 추가 조사를 위해 돌아왔습니다. 이러한 발굴 과정에서 NIOT는 직사각형과 사각형의 지하실 같은 특징이 측면에 있는 두 개의 팔레오 해협을 발견했다고 보고했습니다. 토기 조각, 소석, 물집과 부스러기 유적, 화로 재료 등을 준설하여 유물을 수습했습니다. 이 공예품들은 마니푸르 대학과 옥스퍼드 대학의 연구소에서 연대 측정을 위해 보내졌고 9000년 된 것으로 결론이 났습니다

주류 과학자들은 고대 인도의 문화/문명이 약 4-5천년 전으로 거슬러 올라간다고 주장합니다. 그러나 캄베이 만 아래의 유적들은 고대 인도 문명이 원래 믿었던 것보다 훨씬 오래되었다는 것을 증명하는 적어도 9천 년 전으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.


첫 번째 드와르카의 도시 계획을 자세히 설명하면서, 라오의 제안은 "두 개의 방어벽이 있었습니다. 하나는 아래쪽 테라스에 있고 다른 하나는 중간 테라스에 있습니다. 동쪽 해안에서 4km에 걸쳐 펼쳐진 성벽은 대부분 바다의 작용에 의해 파괴됩니다. 하부 테라스의 벽은 거대한 사암 블록으로 되어 있고 상부 테라스의 벽은 잔해로 되어 있습니다. 우리 안에 작은 크기의 돌로 지어진 집들과 다른 공공 건물들은 모두 바다의 침입으로 파괴되고 수평이 유지됩니다. 이 구조물들은 현재 평균 해수면 아래에 있는 7에서 10미터의 깊이에 있으며, 이는 지난 3,600년 동안 해수면이 10미터 상승했음을 나타냅니다." 도시를 건설하기 위해 마하바라타에서 언급되는 침수 지역의 토지 매립도 마찬가지입니다 

벽과 보루가 올라간 바위 기초에서 증명되었습니다. 


    해양 고고학은 드와르카의 존재와 B 제2천년기에 그 침하를 증명했습니다.Mahabharat, Harivamsa, Matsya, Vayu Purans (산스크리트어 문헌)에서 언급된 C는 허구가 아닌 사실입니다. 고고학자들의 발견을 그 침몰한 도시가 정말로 전설적인 드와르카라는 증거로 받아들이는 것의 의미는 마하바라타가 무엇인지 이해하는 데 매우 중요할 것입니다. 그것은 더 이상 단순한 신화와 전설의 책이 아니라 적어도 어느 정도는 과거의 사건들에 대한 진실한 설명이 될 것입니다.


추측과 결론입니다


    발굴된 구조물과 하리밤샤푸라나의 드와르카에 대한 설명과의 상관관계, 그리고 많은 천문학자들에 의해 마하바라타 전쟁과 드와르카의 수몰 기간과 같은 기간인 기원전 3500년 전후에 유물의 탄소 연대 측정이 떨어진다는 사실에 근거하면, 그것은 합리적입니다 벳 드와르카 근처의 발굴된 장소가 정말로 전설적인 도시 드와르카라고 결론지으세요. 


   캄바트 만에서 두 번째 탐험이 발견된 것은 드와르카만이 물에 잠겼다는 것을 증명합니다. 수세기 동안 더 많은 해안 지역이 바다에 잠겼고, 유물의 연대는 기원전 7500년으로 고대 인도 문명이 9000년 이상 되었고, 해안 지역 전체가 물에 잠겼다는 것을 나타냅니다기원전 9000년부터 ea, 그리고 이 현상은 기원전 3500년경 드와르카의 도시를 점령했습니다.


    전설적인 도시 드워프카가 발견되기 전에, 일부 학자들은 힌두교 서사시 마하바라타는 신화일 뿐이며 고대 도시의 유적과 바다의 유적을 찾는 것은 헛된 일이라고 생각했습니다. 또한 마하바라타 전투가 전쟁으로 과장된 가족 간의 불화였다고 믿는 학자는 거의 없습니다. Dwarfaka에서 S. R. R. Rao 박사의 발굴은 텍스트에서 발견된 묘사가 화려한 이야기로 폐기되지 않고 논리와 추론에 기초한 것으로 취급되어야 한다는 것을 증명합니다. 

     따라서 그 결과는 스리 크리슈나의 아름다운 수도 드워프카의 존재에 대한 마하바라타의 설명이 단순한 상상의 산물이 아니라 실제로 존재했다는 것을 증명했습니다.

드와르카에게 정말로 무슨 일이 일어났나요

  드와르카의 해수면 상승은 과학적 진실입니다. 연구들은 바다가 상당히 갑자기 상승하여 도시를 잠기게 되었다는 것을 증명했습니다. 하리밤샤는 당시 드와르카를 방문하고 있던 아르주나에게 바다가 도시를 집어삼킬 것이므로 도시 주민들을 대피시키도록 크리슈나가 지시했다고 드와르카의 수몰을 설명합니다. "(크리슈나가 이렇게 말한) 7일째 되는 날, 마지막 시민들이 도시를 떠날 때 바다가 드와르카의 거리로 들어섰습니다."


전문가들에 따르면, 바다가 육지로 들어간 세 가지 이유가 있었을 수도 있다고 합니다. 하나는 해저면의 변화, 둘은 거대한 지진, 셋은 해수면의 급격한 상승입니다. 세 가지 중에서 마지막이 가장 그럴듯해요. 만약 그것이 해저의 수준의 변화라면, 해안가에 있는 "해체 활동"의 일부 잔해를 볼 수 있을 것인데, 이것은 없습니다. 흔들림 때문에 구조물이 무너진 것은 아니기 때문에 지진은 배제할 수 있습니다. 세번째 이유입니다 

비슷한 현상이 바레인 해안에서 비슷한 시기에 발생했기 때문에 가장 수용할 수 있습니다. 최근의 몇몇 연구 결과가 보여주듯이 말이죠. 여기서 주목해야 할 것은 바레인의 해안 및 연안 수중 발굴에 상당한 작업이 이루어졌다는 것입니다. 이는 서부 해안과 현재 바레인 지역의 해안 사이의 깊고 정기적인 무역 및 기타 관계를 나타냅니다.

유감스럽게도 발굴이 중단되었습니다.

    그러나 추가 발굴 작업은 학문적 무관심과 정부의 무관심의 형태로 만만치 않은 장애물에 부딪혔습니다. 수중 조사를 이끈 저명한 해양 고고학자 S.R. 라오 박사가 정부에 제출한 제안서는 현재 4년 넘게 먼지를 모으고 있습니다.

거의 10년 동안 중앙 정부는 드와르카나 캠베이 만의 발굴에 큰 관심을 보이지 않았다는 것은 분명합니다.


국립해양기술원에 의한 캠베이 만에서의 발견은 해저에서 발굴된 목재 샘플과 그 시대의 문명의 존재에 대해 7,500년에서 9,000년의 탄소-14 연대를 확립했지만, 그것은 슈리라오가 약 4,000년 동안 존재했다고 믿는 크리슈나의 드와르카와 직접적인 연관이 없을 수도 있습니다그러나 이것은 7,500년 후에 해수면이 약 30미터 상승하는 것을 확인하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 3,500년에서 3,800년 사이에 대략 10미터의 속도로 말이죠. Rao 박사는 Dwarka 발굴이 거의 완전히 수행되었지만 추가 유물이 발견될 수 있는 Bet Dwarka의 Balapur Bay의 조석간 지역에서의 발굴은 부분적으로 자금 부족과 CSIR에 대한 관심 부족으로 인해 수행되지 않았다고 기록하고 있습니다.


     드와르카는 오늘날까지도 인도에서 가장 잘 연구된 수중 유적지 중 하나입니다.

S.R.R.Rao의 제안입니다.

그 제안은 3단계 유산 보존을 구상했습니다. 이것은 베트 드와르카에서 추가 발굴과 함께 이루어질 예정이었습니다. 드와르카 물에 잠긴 도시에 대한 접근은 공정한 계절에 방문객들에게 특정 지점의 수중 아크릴 튜브나 전망실을 통해 제공될 수 있다고 제안되었습니다. 이러한 시설은 싱가포르와 오클랜드(뉴질랜드)에 있습니다. 또는 수중 비디오 카메라를 사용하여 모니터에서 물 위에 이미지를 투사할 수 있습니다.


이 프로젝트는 또한 드와르카 근해의 더 깊은 물에서 돌고래의 개체수가 양호하기 때문에 잠수함 박물관에 대한 아이디어를 논의했습니다. 드와르카, 베트 드와르카, 솜나트, 나게스와르, 로탈포트와 드와르카 시의 디오라마 발굴에서 발견된 해양 유물 박물관에 대한 강력한 사례도 있습니다. 현재 드와르카 유물은 고아의 NIO에 있습니다.


그것은 프로젝트에 대한 관심 부족의 원인인 인도의 시스템에 대한 이야기입니다. 다른 어떤 나라에서든 그러한 발견은 승인되고 장려되었을 것입니다. 드와르카에서의 발굴은 국립 해양학 연구소인 고아의 라오에 의해 이루어졌습니다. 아직 해야 할 일이 남아 있지만, NIO에 속하는 CSIR는 자금을 풀지 않았습니다. 라오는 이미 72세가 되었기 때문에 더 이상의 연장은 주어지지 않았습니다.


역사 협회, 고고학자, 역사학자들이 드와르카에서 발견된 것에 대해 거의 주목하지 않았다는 것은 정말 놀라운 일입니다. 초기에, 이 프로젝트는 유네스코의 지원을 받았고 몇몇 외국 해양 고고학자들도 도움을 제공했습니다. 하지만, 이 프로젝트에 대한 정부의 무관심이 그들을 멀리했습니다. 다른 몇몇 땅굴착과는 달리, 수중 발굴은 정부의 도움이 있어야만 할 수 있습니다. 여러 수준의 권한이 필요합니다. 땅굴착에는 노동력이 필요하지만, 수중 탐사에는 기계와 장비가 필요합니다. 의미 있는 물건을 찾는 훈련을 받은 숙련된 다이버들도 필요합니다.


인도인에게 드와르카는 단순한 고고학적 유적지도 아니고 증거도 아니다. 인도인들은 오랫동안 마하바라타가 역사적인 내레이션이라고 믿어왔습니다. 하지만 발굴은 국가 유산이고, 자부심의 상징이며, 바라타의 땅에서 태어난 모든 사람들이 공유하는 영광입니다. 드와르카에 대한 조치 요청입니다.



드와카와 쿠루셰트라입니다. Dr. S. R. R. Rao. 해양 고고학 저널 (1995-96)입니다.

수중 문화 유산입니다. A.S 가우르와 K입니다. H Vora입니다. Current Science 권 86 No 9 2004년 5월입니다.

물에 잠긴 도시 드와르카의 추가 발굴 작업입니다. S. R. 라오입니다. 해양 고고학의 최근 발전입니다

뉴스 기사(힌두, 데칸 헤럴드, 로이터)입니다



※추가 사진 자료


                                             드워라크처럼 깃발이 꽂힌 인도의 사원

남미 고대도시들의 축성 방식에 있는 홈을 파서 벽돌끼리 맞물리는 레고블록을 쌓은 듯한 모양의 성벽돌

                   켐베이만 고대 해저 도시 의 고대 극장  그리스로마 극장을 닮음 

















                                    켐베이만 고대 해저 도시  사자 조각상

켐베이만 해저도시












            인도 켐베이만 고대 해저도시의 세계最古(최고)의 지구라트                 
              (이집트,남미, 중국 등 세계에 고루분포되어 있음)


History or Mythology

The Lost City of Dwarka

The Lost City of Dwaraka

The discovery of the legendary city of Dvaraka which is said to have been founded by Sri Krishna, is an important landmark in the validation of historical relevance of Mahabharata. It has set at rest the doubts expressed by historians about the historicity of Mahabharata and the very existence of Dvaraka city. It has greatly narrowed the gap of Indian history by establishing the continuity of the Indian civilization from the Vedic age to the present day. The discovery has also shed welcome light on second urbanization in the so-called 'Dark age', on the resuscitation of dharma, on the resumption of maritime trade, and use of Sanskrit language and modified Indus script. Incidentally, scientific data useful for a study of sea level changes and effects of marine environment on metals and wood over long periods has also been generated by underwater exploration. All this was possible because of the dedicated and daring efforts of marine archaeologists, scientists and technicians of the Marine Archaeology Centre of the National Institute of Oceanography


Dwarka Exploration


Dwaraka is a coastal town in Jamnagar district of Gujarat. Traditionally, modern Dwaraka is identified with Dvaraka, mentioned in the Mahabharata as Krishna's city. Dwaraka was a port, and some scholars have identified it with the island of Barka mentioned in the Periplus of Erythrean Sea. Ancient Dwaraka sank in sea and hence is an important archaeological site. The first clear historical record of the lost city is dated 574 A.D. and occurs in the Palitana Plates of Samanta Simhaditya. This inscription refers to Dwaraka as the capital of the western coast of Saurashtra and still more important, states that Sri Krishna lived here.


The first archaeological excavations at Dwaraka were done by the Deccan College, Pune and the Department of Archaeology, Government of Gujarat, in 1963 under the direction of H.D. Sankalia. It revealed artefacts many centuries old.


The Marine Archaeological Unit (MAU) of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) conducted a second round of excavations in 1979 under the supervision of Dr S. R. Rao (one of the most respected archaeologists of India). An emeritus scientist at the marine archaeology unit of the National Institute of Oceanography, Rao has excavated a large number of Harappan sites including the port city of Lothal in Gujarat. He found a distinct pottery known as lustrous red ware, which could be more than 3,000 years old. Based on the results of these excavations, the search for the sunken city in the Arabian Sea began in 1981. Scientists and archaeologists have continually worked on the site for 20 years.


The project for underwater exploration was sanctioned in 1984, directly by the then Prime Minister for three years. Excavation under the sea is a hard and strenuous task. The sea offers too much resistance. Excavation is possible only between November and February, during low tide. The sea has to be smooth and there should be bright sunshine. All these requirements effectively reduce the number of diving days to 40 to 45 in one season.In order to make the maximum use of the time available, divers use echo sounder to get a fairly accurate idea of the location and the depth of the object under water. The side scan sonar offers a view of the sea floor. The sonar signals sent inside the water return the signals. Reading of the signals reveals the broad nature of the object under water. Underwater scooters, besides the usual diving equipment like scuba were also pressed into service. Between 1983 and 1990, S.R.Rao's team came across discoveries that cemented the existance of a submerged city.


In January 2007, the Underwater Archaeology Wing (UAW) of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) began excavations at Dwaraka again. Alok Tripathi, Superintending Archaeologist, UAW, said the ancient underwater structures found in the Arabian Sea were yet to be identified. "We have to find out what they are. They are fragments. I would not like to call them a wall or a temple. They are part of some structure," said Dr. Tripathi, himself a trained diver. Dr. Tripathi had said: "To study the antiquity of the site in a holistic manner, excavations are being conducted simultaneously both on land [close to the Dwarakadhish temple] and undersea so that finds from both the places can be co-related and analysed scientifically."


The objective of the excavation was to know the antiquity of the site, based on material evidence. In the offshore excavation, the ASI's trained underwater archaeologists and the divers of the Navy searched the sunken structural remains. The finds were studied, dated and documented. On land, the excavation was done in the forecourt of the Dwarakadhish temple. Students from Gwalior, Lucknow, Pune, Vadodara,Varanasi and Bikaner joined in to help the ASI archaeologists.

Gulf of Khambat Exploration (Gulf of Cambay)


In 2001, the students of National Institute of Oceanography were commissioned by the Indian Government to do a survey on pollution in Gulf of Khambat, seven miles from the shore. During the survey, they found buildings made of stones covered in mud and sand covering five square miles. Divers have collected blocks, samples, artefacts, and coppers coins, which scientists believe is the evidence from an age that is about 3,600 years old. Some of the samples were sent to Manipur and oxford university for carbon dating, and the results created more suspicion since some of the objects were found to be 9000 years old.


It is indeed overwhelming to find that what had been discovered underwater at the bay of Cambat is an archaeological site, dating back to 7500 BC and older than any previously claimed oldest sites of civilization.


Findings at the Dwarka excavation site


Marine archaeological explorations off Dwarka have brought to light a large number of stone structures. They are are semicircular, rectangular and square in shape and are in water depth ranging from inter tidal zone to 6 m. They are randomly scattered over a vast area. Besides these structures, a large number of varieties of stone anchors have been noticed along the structures as well as beyond 6 m water depth.These findings suggest that Dwarka was one of the most busy port centers during the past on the west coast of India. The comparative study of surrounding sites indicates that the date of the structures of Dwarka may be between Historical period and late medieval period.The ruins have been proclaimed the remains of the legendary lost city of Dwarka which, according to ancient Hindu texts, was the dwelling place of Krishna.


The underwater excavations revealed structures and ridge-like features. Other antiquities were also found. All the objects were photographed and documented with drawings - both underwater. While underwater cameras are used for photography, drawings are done on boards - a transparent polyester film of 75 micron fixed with a graph sheet below. The graph sheet acts as a scale. One or two divers take the dimensions and the third draws the pictures. The Public Works Department routinely conducts dredging in these waters to keep the Gomati channel open. This throws up a lot of sediments, which settle on underwater structures. Brushes are used to clear these sediments to expose the structures.


* Explorations yielded structures such as bastions, walls, pillars and triangular and rectangular stone anchors.


* A semi-spherical single-hole stone which might be the base for flagpost.


* L-shaped edges of stones for proper grip and arresting wave action on bastions.


* Seals, inscriptions, which have been dated to 1500 BC.


* Pottery, which have been dated to 3528 BC.


* Stone sculptures, terracotta beads, bronze, copper and iron objects.


Until recently the very existence of the city of Dwarka was a matter of legends. Now, that the remains have been discovered under water, and with many clues seeming to suggest that this, indeed, is the legendary Dwarka, dwelling place of lord Krishna, could it be that lord Krishna and his heroics were more than just a legend?


Findings at the Gulf of Khambat excavation site


On the other hand explorations conducted in the Gulf of Cambay waters revealed sandstone walls, a grid of streets and some evidence of a sea port 70 feet under water, and artefacts dating back to 7500BC. Among the artifacts recovered were a piece of wood, pottery sherds, weathered stones initially described as hand tools, fossilized bones, and a tooth. Artifacts were sent to the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) in Hyderabad, India, the Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany (BSIP) in Lucknow, India, and the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, India. The piece of wood was carbon dated to an age of 9,500 years old.

NIOT returned for further investigation in the Gulf from October 2002 to January 2003. During these excavations, NIOT reported finding two paleochannels flanked by rectangular and square basement-like features. Artifacts were recovered by means of dredging, including pottery sherds, microliths, wattle and daub remains, and hearth materials. These artifacts were sent for dating at the laboratories of Manipur University and Oxford University and were concluded to be 9000 years old


Mainstream scientists maintain that ancient Indian culture/civilization goes back some 4-5 thousand years. Yet the ruins below the Gulf of Cambay go back at least 9 thousand years proving that the ancient indian civilization is much older than originally believed.


Correlation of Dwarka exploration site with the Dwarka of Mahabharata


A few years ago, when asked as to how sure he was that this was Krishna's Dwarka, Rao had replied, "only the name board is missing." He submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Culture in January 2000, that aimed at preserving the 'underwater cultural heritage of India Dwarka' and also promoting it as a pilgrimage-tourism center. His proposal, in three stages, was to cost Rs 14 crores. It is sad that the proposal was not taken up. The then Secretary, Ministry of Culture, visited Dwarka and promised help, but nothing has been heard so far.


In the project proposal, Rao writes, "The fort walls of the first town of Dwarka said to have been founded at Kusasthali in Bet Dwarka island have been traced on shore and in the sea and also dated by thermoluminescence dating method to 16th century BC." According to him, the clue to the existence of ancient Dwarka near the modern town of Dwarka was found during archaeological excavation near the Dwarkadhish temple in 1979-80. Eroded debris and pottery provided evidence of a port town destroyed by sea about 3,500 years ago. This evidence is what led to the early excavations in the Arabian Sea, near the mouth of the Gomati river, where the modern town of Dwarka stands.


The Indian mythology is replete with accounts of how the original Dwarka looked like. Mahabharat says that Dwarka had 900,000 royal palaces, all constructed with crystal and silver and decorated with emeralds. The city was connected by an elaborate system of boulevards, roads, market places, assembly houses and temples. These legends have been etched into the Indian minds for so long that their authenticity is not questioned. Fortunately, due to the grace of the marine archaeological department of India, the childhood stories have come to be a reality to a great extent.


Marine archaeological explorations have thrown light on a number of structures of different shapes, stone anchors and other artefacts. The exploration has found sandstone walls, a grid of streets and remains of a sea port, some 70 feet beneath the sea. The evidence points to the fact of the existence of a city some 9,000 years ago. Also according to them this was one of the most important and busy ports during historical and medieval periods.


The detailed exploration and excavation of this sunken city was started in 1988 with certain goals and results in mind:

1. The explorations were extended up to the Temple of Samudranarayan (Sea God), in order to trace the extent of the port city and the purpose behind the massive stone walls built on the banks of the ancient Gomati River.

2. Whether the architectural features were in conformity to the ones described in the Mahabharat.

3. To obtain a more corroborative evidence for reclamation referred to in the epic.

4. The nick point where the Gomati River joined the sea had to be determined.

5. The cause of the submergence

Dwarka was supposed to have been built on six blocks, two on the right bank and four on the left. All the six sectors have protective walls built of dressed stones of sandstones. Whatever has been traced so far conforms to the description of Dwarka in the Mahabharat to a large extent. For example, the enclosures may correspond to the Antahpurs (harems) of the texts.


Similarly, the large number of stone anchors is indicative of overseas trade. The large ships were anchored to the sea, whereas the small ones were near to the warehouses on the Gomati, part of which has been submerged.


The layout of the excavated city, the spread and the location of fort walls and bastions match the descriptions mentioned in Harivamsha, a prologue to Mahabharata. Harivamsha described the city of Dwarka in minute details. According to it, the area of Dwarka was 12 yojanas. It was connected to the mainland by a strip, which is visible even now, in low tide. The city excavated is of the same size.


Harivamsha, detailing the security arrangements, says that there were seals, without which one could not enter the city. Seals of a particular description were found on the seabed. A stone image of Vishnu, chert blades and pottery are all part of the recovered objects. Certain coins were found during excavations underwater having inscriptions similar to details found in Mahabharata.


Elaborating on the town plan of first Dwarka, Rao's proposal says, "There were two fortification walls. One in the lower terrace and another in the middle terrace. The walls which extended over a length of 4 km on the eastern shore are mostly destroyed by sea action. The walls of the lower terrace are of massive, dressed sandstone blocks while that of the upper terrace are of rubble. The houses and other public buildings, built of smaller size stones within the enclosure are all destroyed and levelled up by the encroachment of the sea. These structures lie in a depth of 7 to 10 meters, below the present mean sea-level, indicating a rise of 10 meters in sea-level during the last 3,600 years." The reclamation of land from water-logged areas, referred to in Mahabharata, in order to build the city, is also

attested by the boulder foundations over which walls and bastions were raised.


Marine archaeology has proved that the existence of the Dwarka and its submergence in the second millennium B.C referred to in the Mahabharat, Harivamsa, Matsya and Vayu Purans (Sanskrit texts) is a fact and not fiction. The implications of accepting the archeologists’ finds as proof that the sunken city is indeed the legendary Dwarka would be very significant for the understanding of what the Mahabharata is. It would no longer be merely a book of myths and legends, but in fact, at least to some extent, a genuine account of past events.


Speculations and Conclusions


Based on the correlation between the excavated structures and artefacts with the description of Dwarka in Harivamsha purana, and the fact that the carbon dating of artefacts fall around 3500BC, the same period concluded by many astronomical analysts as the period of the Mahabharata war and the submersion of Dwarka, it is more than reasonable to conclude that the excavated site near Bet Dwarka is indeed the legandary city of Dwarka.


The discovery of the second exploration at Gulf of Khambat proves that it was not just Dwarka that got submersed, but more costal regions got encroached by the sea over centuries, and the dating of artefacts to 7500BC indicates that the ancient indian civilization is more than 9000 years old, and the entire coastal regions has been going under sea from 9000BC, and this phenomenon took over the city of Dwarka by around 3500BC.


Before the discovery of the legendary city of Dwaraka, some scholars were of view that the Hindu Epic Mahabharata is only a myth and that it would be futile to search for the remains of the ancient city and that too in the sea. Few scholars also believe that the Mahabharata battle was a family feud which was exaggerated into a war. Excavations of Dr S. R. Rao at Dwaraka prove that the descriptions found in the texts are not to be discarded as fancy stories but are to be treated as based on logic and reasoning.


Thus the results have proved that the account in Mahabharata as to the existence of a beautiful capital city of Dwaraka of Sri Krishna was not a mere figment of imagination but it did exist.


What really happened to Dwarka

The rise in the sea-level in Dwarka is a scientific truth. Studies have proved that the sea considerably and suddenly rose to submerge the city. Harivamsha describes the submerging of Dwarka saying Krishna instructed Arjuna, who was then visiting Dwarka, to evacuate the residents of the city as the sea was going to engulf the city. "On the seventh day (of Krishna saying this), as the last of the citizens were leaving the city, the sea entered the streets of Dwarka."


According to experts, there could have been three reasons why the sea entered the land. One, a change in the level of seabed, two, a massive earthquake and three, sudden increase in the level of sea water. Of the three, the last is the most plausible. If it was a change in the level of seabed, some remains of the "tearing off action" on the shore would be visible, which is absent. Earthquake can be ruled out as the structures have not collapsed because of the shake. The third reason

is most acceptable as a similar phenomenon had occurred in the shores of Bahrain, around the same time, as some recent findings indicate. It is to be noted here that considerable work has been done on shore and offshore underwater excavations in Bahrain, which has indicated a deep and regular trade and other relations between the western coast and the coasts of the present-day Bahrain region.


Unfortunate halting of the excavation.


But the work on further excavation has met a formidable roadblock in the form of academic indifference and government apathy. A proposal submitted to the government by Dr S.R. Rao, renowned marine archaeologist, who led the underwater investigations is collecting dust for over four years now.


It is clear that for almost a decade the Central Government had not shown much interest in the excavations in Dwarka or the one at Gulf of Cambay. Though the discoveries at Gulf of Cambay by the National Institute of Ocean Technology established carbon-14 date of 7,500 to 9,000 years for the wood samples excavated from under the sea and the existence of a civilization dating to that period, it might not be directly connected with Krishna's Dwarka which Shri Rao believes existed some 4,000 years ago. This, however, might help in ascertaining the rise in the sea-level about 30 meters in 7,500 years, approximately at the rate of 10 meters in 3,500-3,800 years. Dr Rao is on record that Dwarka excavation was carried out almost fully but the excavation in the inter-tidal zone of Balapur Bay in Bet Dwarka where further antiquities may be found, has not been carried out partly due to the lack of funds and mainly due to lack of interest in the CSIR.


Dwarka, as of today is still one of the best-studied underwater sites in India.


S.R.Rao's proposals.


The proposal envisaged a three-stage heritage conservation. This was to be done along with further excavations in Bet Dwarka. It was suggested that access to the submerged city in Dwarka water can be given to visitors, in fair season, through underwater acrylic tubes or viewing chambers at specific points. Such facilities exist in Singapore and Auckland (New Zealand). Alternatively, underwater video cameras can be used to project images above water, in monitors.


The project also mooted the idea of a submarine museum of dolphins as they are in good population in deeper water, off Dwarka. There is also a strong case for a Maritime Museum of Antiquities found in excavations at Dwarka, Bet Dwarka, Somnath, Nageswar and dioramas of Lothal port and Dwarka city. As of now, the Dwarka antiquities are lying in NIO, Goa.


It is again a telling story of the system in India, which is the cause of lack of interest in the project. Such a discovery in any other country would have been approved and encouraged. The excavation on Dwarka was done by Rao, who was with the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. Though work remained to be done, the CSIR, under whom falls the NIO, did not release the funds. Further extension to Rao was not given as he had already reached the age of 72.


It is indeed surprising that the history associations, archaeologists and historians have taken little notice of the findings at Dwarka. In its early days, the project received UNESCO support and several foreign marine archaeologists also offered help. However, the government's indifference to the project has kept them away. Unlike several other land excavations, the underwater excavations can be done only with total government help. Several levels of permissions are needed. While land excavations are demanding in labor, the underwater explorations need machinery and equipment. Skillful divers, who are trained to look for meaningful objects are required too.


For an Indian, Dwarka is not a mere archaeological site, nor is it a proof. Indians have all along believed Mahabharata to be a historical narration. But the excavations are a national heritage, a symbol of pride, an honor that is shared by all who are born in this land of Bharata. It is a call for action on Dwarka.



Dwarka to Kurushetra. Dr. S. R. Rao. Journal of Marine Archaeology (1995-96).

Underwater Cultural Heritage. A.S Gaur and K. H Vora. Current Science Volume 86 No 9 May 2004.

Further Excavations of the Submerged City of Dwarka. S. R. Rao. Recent Advances in Marine Archaeology

News Articles (Hindu, Deccan Herald, Reuters)
