
기괴한 외모의 고대 인류

아이야소피야 2023. 3. 16. 00:03


ancient Egypt






Akhenaten and Nefertiti


Egyptian tablet


Nagada; pre dynastic Egypt


f Copan, Mayan city


Chichen Itza engraving




Chavin de Huantar, Peru



Lambayeque, Peru



Ubaid figure, Mesopotamia


fingers; of Tumaco, Colombia



of the Moche Culture



 Babilonia; 700 to 600 B.C.





engraving with reptilian being in a Dendera crypt; Egypt   Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/



of Angkor, Cambodia, with more than 10,000 years of antiquity, embossed with perfect realization; see they knew the wheel, when the Romans knew 8000 years later; It is observed reptilians beings fighting against humans Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/



Tumaco La Tolita; Colombia and Ecuador   Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/


Tumaco La Tolita



Aztec god, Tlaloc





Tlaloc, of the  Aztec



Mochica Culture, Peru








the Anunnaki were expert geneticists; this could represent the first genetic experiments of the Anunnaki on Earth to have slaves. When the following contact with Nibitu took place (every 3600 years) the Anunnaki saw that some star beings had brought to the Earth men of the Homo Sapiens kind with all their potential (twelve DNA layes); the Anunnaki were upset and proceeded to degrade all men species leaving only two DNA layers  (the rest was disconnected)  Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/



f Carquemis, Turkey; former to  our era Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/


Genetic mutations of the Anunnaki


 Teshud god, Ain Dara, Syria









Gilgamesh and Enkidu






Gilgamesh between  bull men




of Uruk, Sumeria



Tablet of Mesopotamia


Akpallu of Mesopotamia


Statues of Akpallu,



Plaque with Lamashtu, Anunnaki daughter of Anu Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/


Asirian artifact with Lamashtu




of México



strange beings looking to the sky to observe the cosmos; they see the constellations represented on the stone in wich they are based; the constellations glow when the stone is illuminated with ultaviolet light, and also the eyes of this beings. The position of the constellations shown does not correspond to the current, indicating its great antiquity. This is one of the objects  found in the cave of La Mana, Ecuador 







plaque found in the Danube area Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/




Ancient  amulet found in Cyprus; it is believed to represent the mummy of Osiris Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/











Dropa artifact of China  홍산문명









of Indus Valley






f the Guangala Culture, Ecuador



the Bahia Culture


Tlatilco, Mexico




of the Mochica Culture, Peru


f Tumaco La Tolita





Cycladic figurines


Dogu figurine; Nagano, Japan


Terracotta of Mechgahr, Beluchistan; 2800 to 1800 B.C. Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/


Jaina woman dignatary; Mexico; 600 to 900 of our era Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/







of Nagada, Egypt; 4000 to 3600 B.C. Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/


Figure of reptilian being found in Veracruz, Mexico Leer más: https://el-libertario.webnode.es/en/mas-arte-significativo/


Mayan figure







Ancient figurine; Castellar, Spain




More significant art :: El Libertario



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