요한묵시록의 "질그릇"은 "수메르 애가"점토판에 쓰여졌다.ㅣ질그릇=살육된 시체
고대수메르석판 우르의애가 中에서 that day did the storm leave the city; that city was a ruin. ... O father Nanna, that town was left a ruin. The people mourn. On that day did the storm leave the country. The people mourn. Its people('s corpses), not potsherds, littered the approaches. The walls were gaping; the high gates, the roads, were piled with dead. 그 날에 폭풍우가 도시를 떠났다. 그 도시는 폐허가 되었다. 아버지 난나, 그 마을은 폐허로 남겨졌..