Abcánㅣ압칸ㅣ캘트신화속 투아허 데 단난 신족의 난장이

2022. 11. 7. 14:21신화/북유럽신화

Lesser Known Gaelic Figures: Abcán Mac Bicelmois

Here is a look into the lore behind:

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“The Lone Dwarf Tuatha”

(Thanks Elk for that inspired Title)


In the spirit of doing research on lesser known Gaelic figures of significance, I present you everything I could find on:


◇ Abcán Mac Bicelmois ◇

Alternatively known as Senbecc

Introductory Analysis

Abcán is a dwarf figure who may or may not be a deity, though he is a part of, or at least allied with the Tuatha Dé Dannan.

This conclusion is based on a line that is a little difficult to contextualize. He is listed as a member or "ally" among several known gods, when Lugh is being challenged on his acceptance into the Tuatha Dé, which leads me to believe it is quite possible he is among their “ranks” in some form at the least.


He is however also the only among them to have been described as “chosen of the fairy hills”, while other listed God’s of the arts or warriors have no such additional details attached to them (Including well known deity's such as Ogma and Dian Cécht). This begs the question, is he really a deity?

According to translation of a later text, he is referred to as “of the Sidhe”. So one way or another, likely, that is the actual case.


◇ Description ◇

Abcán is described as:

“A little man in purple dress, and a small boat of bronze under him... on the Boyne, without rowing at all.” (Meyer)

He is also stated to be the designated harper of the Tuatha Dé Dannan.

He is portrayed as so skilled in this art, that he influences the hero Cúchulainn’s emotions and actions using it in a later tale.

In one translation, He refers to himself as “a sage, a poet and of the sidhe.”

He claims to have magical clothing which acts as armor, as well as magical spear and shield.

He is also capable of ferrying others to and from the otherworld in his bronze boat with a tin sail, which supposedly moves itself.

Lastly he searched for a sort of enlightenment (imbas: a poetic inspiration or visionary gift) through the gathering of supernatural hazelnuts.


◇ Therefore, Associations Include ◇

Music, poetry, learning, waters/sailing, hazels/nuts, and the otherworld.


◇ Supporting Mythology ◇

When Lugh is being asked what service he offers the Tuatha Dé, in order to establish whether he will be accepted, the doorkeeper challenges him and one of the many arts he offers goes as follows:

‘Question me’, saith he, ‘I am a harper.’ ‘We need thee not. We have a harper already, even Abhcán son of Bicelmos whom the Men of the three gods (chose) in the fairy hills.’ - Second battle of Moytura


Upon being captured by mythological hero Cúchulainn, Senbecc offered great rewards to him in exchange for letting him go free, and Cuchulainn would not grant it:

“I shall give a ransom, to wit, my cloak and my shirt, and they have their virtues, in that, they fit any man, be he small or great. He is not drowned nor burnt, as long as they are on him. No decay comes upon them, nor upon him on whom they are, and any colour you like will be on them.”

“Take my shield and my spear, and thou wilt not be beaten in battle or combat, and thou wilt never be wounded as long as the shield is protecting thee.”

Both offers were denied.

Finally he played his harp.

"He played him a wailing-strain, so that he was wailing and lamenting; he played him a laughing-strain so that he was laughing; and finally he played him a sleeping-strain so that he cast him into slumber. Then Senbecc escaped down the Boyne in his bronze boat."

Abcan was quoted to sing this:

‘I am not a lad, I am not a man,

I am not a child in learning.

The mysteries of God have made me gifted.

I am Abcan, a sage of learning, a poet from Segais.

Senbecc is my name, Ebrecc's grandson from the side.’

-Cuchulainn and Senbecc (Gwynn & Meyer translations)


Lastly in another tale, he was the one to ferry the goddess Ruad on his bronze boat, from the otherworld in order to seduce the human 'Aed Srónmár'.


Quite an interesting figure in his own right. I don't clearly know myself if he is a deity or not, but he very well could be. Depends on how you view the connection between the Irish gods and the Sidhe, what you make out of the literature and depictions, among other factors. Note: It is possible to work with the Sidhe. Anyways that's all for Abcan!


Thanks for the read!

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Xoxo CDLune


◇ Sources ◇

Moytura, Second Battle

Senbecc & Cuchulainn V1

Senbecc & Cuchulainn V2

Encyclopedia of Fairies, T. Bane

덜 알려진 게일어 숫자: 아칸 막 비켈무아
작가의 아바타

이면에 숨겨진 전설은 다음과 같다.

◇ ══════════════════════════ ◇

외로운 난쟁이 투아사

(영감 있는 제목에 대해 엘크에게 감사드립니다)


덜 알려진 게일어 중요 인물들에 대한 연구를 하는 정신으로, 나는 당신에게 내가 찾을 수 있는 모든 것을 제시한다:


◇ 아칸 막 바이셀무아 ◇

또는 Senbecc로 알려져 있다.

소개 분석

압칸(Abcán)은 투아사 데 단난의 일부이거나 적어도 투아사 데 단난(Tuatha Dé Dannan)과 동맹을 맺은 신일 수도 있고 아닐 수도 있는 난쟁이다.

이 결론은 문맥화하기 조금 어려운 선에 기초하고 있다. 루흐가 투아사 데에 가입하는 것에 대해 이의를 제기하고 있을 때, 루흐는 몇몇 알려진 신들 사이에서 "동맹"으로 등재되어 있는데, 이는 루흐가 적어도 어떤 형태로든 그들의 "계급"에 속해 있을 가능성이 상당히 높다고 믿게 한다.


그러나 그는 그들 중 유일하게 "요정 언덕의 선택"으로 묘사된 반면, 목록에 있는 다른 예술이나 전사들은 오그마나 디안 세흐트와 같은 잘 알려진 신을 포함하여 그러한 추가 세부 사항이 없다. 이것은 그가 정말로 신인가 하는 질문을 제기한다.

이후 문헌의 번역에 따르면, 그는 "시데의 사람"으로 불린다. 그래서 어떤 식으로든, 그것이 실제 사례일 가능성이 높다.


◇ 설명 ◇

아칸은 다음과 같이 묘사된다.

"보라색 드레스를 입은 작은 남자, 그 밑에 청동 보트가 있다" 노를 전혀 젓지 않고 Boyne에서."(마이어)

그는 또한 투어허 데 단난의 하퍼로 지명되었다.

그는 이 예술에 매우 숙련된 것으로 묘사되어, 영웅 쿠 훌린의 감정과 행동에 영향을 미친다.

한 번역에서, 그는 자신을 "현인, 시인, 그리고 시인의"라고 지칭한다.

그는 갑옷의 역할을 하는 마법의 옷과 마법의 창과 방패를 가지고 있다고 주장한다.

그는 또한 스스로 움직이는 것으로 추정되는 청동 배를 타고 다른 세계를 오갈 수 있다.

마지막으로 그는 초자연적인 헤이즐넛의 수집을 통해 일종의 깨달음(imbas: 시적 영감 또는 비전적 선물)을 찾았다.


◇ 따라서 협회에는 ◇가 포함됩니다.

음악, 시, 학습, 물/항해, 헤이즐/넛, 그리고 다른 세상.


◇ 조연 신화 ◇

루가 투아사 데에게 어떤 서비스를 제공하느냐고 물었을 때, 문지기는 그에게 도전하고 그가 제공하는 많은 예술 중 하나는 다음과 같다.

"질문해줘." 그가 말했다. "난 하퍼야." "우리는 네가 필요 없어." 우리는 이미 하퍼를 가지고 있고, 심지어 세 신들의 사람들이 요정 언덕에서 (선택한) 비켈모스의 아들 압칸도 있다.' - 모이투라 2차 전투


신화 속의 영웅 쿠 훌린에게 붙잡힌 센베크(압칸)는 그를 풀어주는 대가로 그에게 큰 보상을 해주었고 쿠 훌린은 이를 허락하지 않았다.

"나는 재치와 내 망토와 셔츠에 몸값을 줄 것이다. 그들은 그 덕목을 가지고 있다. 그것은 그가 작든 크든 누구에게나 어울린다. 그들이 그에게 있는 한, 그는 익사하지도, 화상을 입지도 않는다. 그들에게는 부패하지 않고, 그들이 누구인 그에게도 부패하지 않으며, 당신이 좋아하는 어떤 색깔도 그들에게 묻지 않을 것이다.

"내 방패와 창을 가져라, 그러면 너는 전투나 전투에서 지지 않을 것이며, 방패가 너를 보호하는 한 결코 다치지 않을 것이다."

두 제안 모두 거절당했다.

마침내 그는 하프를 연주했다.

그는 그에게 울부짖고 한탄하게끔 울부짖고, 웃게끔 웃게 하고, 마침내 잠꾸러기 놀이를 시켜서 그를 잠에 빠뜨리게 하였다. 그리고 나서 센베크는 그의 청동 보트를 타고 보이네 강 아래로 탈출했다."

아부칸은 다음과 같이 노래했다.

'나는 소년이 아니다, 나는 남자가 아니다,

나는 학문에 소질이 없다.

하느님의 신비로움이 나를 천부적으로 만들었다.

나는 세가이스의 시인인 학문의 성자 아브칸이다.

Senbecc센벡은 옆에서 보면 Ebrecc엡렉의 손자인 내 이름이야.'

-쿠출린과 센베크 (그윈과 마이어 번역)


다른 이야기에서, 그는 인간 '에드 스론마르'를 유혹하기 위해 루아드 여신을 다른 세계에서 청동 보트에 태웠다.


꽤 흥미로운 인물이죠 나는 그가 신인지 아닌지 확실히 알지 못하지만, 그는 그럴 수 있다. 아일랜드 신들과 시데의 관계를 어떻게 보느냐에 따라, 다른 요소들 중에서 문학과 묘사를 통해 무엇을 만드는지에 따라 달라진다. 참고: Sidhe와 함께 작업할 수 있습니다. 아무튼 Abcan은 여기까지입니다.


읽어주셔서 감사합니다!

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Xoxo CD Lune


◇ 출처 ◇

모이투라, 제2차 전투

센베크 & 쿠 훌린 V1

센베크 & 쿠 훌린 V2

T. 베인 요정 백과사전