파라슈라마ㅣ자물쇠를 가진 남자

2023. 3. 12. 23:10신화/인도신화

Dashavatara 및 Chiranjivi의 구성원
도끼가 있는 파라슈라마.jpg
라자 라비 바르마의 파라슈라마
다른 이름들
바르가바 라마
자마다냐 라마
데바나가리 과수람
산스크리트어 음역 Paraśurāma
제휴 Vaishnavism
Vidyudabhi (Parashu)라는 이름의 무기 도끼
개인 정보
Vaishaka Shukla Paksha 또는 Parshurama Jayanti의 셋째 날 출생
형제자매 Ṛumaṇvān, Suhotra, Vasu 및 Viśvāvasu[2]
배우자 다라니(락슈미)[1]
전임 바마나
후계자 라마
파라슈라마(산스크리트어: Прशsurām, 로마자: Paraśurāma, lit.'도끼를 든 라마')는 라마 자마다그냐(Rama Jamadagnya), 라마 바르가바(Rama Bhargava), 비에라라마(Veerarama)로도 불립니다. 그는 비슈누의 10번째이자 마지막 화신인 칼키의 구루로 칼리 유가의 끝에 나타날 치란지비(불멸자) 중 한 명으로 여겨집니다.

Jamadagni와 Renuka 사이에서 태어난 Brahmin Parashurama는 지상에 압도적인 악이 만연한 시기에 나타날 것으로 예언되었습니다. 무기와 권력을 가진 크샤트리아 계급은 권력을 남용하고 다른 사람의 것을 강탈하고 사람들을 압제하기 시작했습니다. 그는 Kshatriya 전사를 21 번 파괴하여 우주 균형을 수정했습니다. 그는 비슈누의 아내인 락슈미의 화신인 다라니와 결혼했습니다.[4] 그는 Shiva의 부러진 활을 놓고 Rama (Ramayana의 주인공)와의 갈등으로 인해 Ramayana에 있습니다. 그는 Mahabharata에서 Bhisma, Drona, Rukmi 및 Karna의 구루로 언급됩니다.[5][6]

Parashurama는 대량 학살 후 피타라스(조상)를 만납니다.

Parashurama는 Jamadagni와 함께 신성한 송아지와 함께 돌아와 분노에 의해 통제되지 않도록 경고합니다.
시리즈의 일부
연꽃 위에 연꽃 자세로 앉아 있는 비슈누의 근접 촬영. 시인 자야데바가 비슈누에게 절하는 모습, 종이 파하리의 구아슈, 맨몸에 머리를 숙이고 다리를 꼬고 손을 접은 헌신의 바로 그 그림에서 자야데바는 왼쪽에 서 있고 연꽃 좌 앞에 예배 도구가 놓여 있습니다. 거기 앉아 시인을 축복하는 비슈누의.

힌두 신화에 따르면, 파라슈라마는 현자 자마다그니와 그의 크샤트리아 아내 레누카 사이에서 태어났으며, 오두막에서 살았습니다(현지 전통에 따르면 자나파브에 있다고 믿었습니다).[7] 그들에게는 그들이 원하는 모든 것을 주는 수라비(Surabhi)라는 천상의 암소가 있었습니다(수라비는 암소 카마데누의 딸입니다).[6][8] Kartavirya Arjuna라는 이름의 왕(Pandava인 Arjuna와 혼동하지 말 것)[9][주 1] – 이 풍요의 소에 대해 배우고 그것을 원합니다. 그는 Jamadagni에게 그것을 줄 것을 요청하지만 현자는 거절합니다. Parashurama가 오두막에서 떨어져 있는 동안 왕은 그것을 강제로 가져갑니다.[6] Jamadagni가 자신의 사건을 변호하고 소의 반환을 구하자 왕은 그를 주먹으로 쳐서 죽입니다. Parashurama는이 범죄에 대해 알고 화가났습니다. 그는 도끼를 손에 들고 왕에게 전투에 도전합니다. Padma Purana에 따르면 그들은 싸우고 Parashurama는 왕을 물리치고 죽입니다.[3][4]
(*켈트신화 쿠훌린의 신화 흡사함)
마음이 악한 자는 자신의 죄로 인해 용기를 잃었습니다. Reṇukā의 강력한 아들은 화를 내며 강력한 Indra가 큰 산의 정상을 한 것처럼 그의 머리를 잘랐고 용감하고 분노한 그는 전투에서 도끼로 Sahasrabāhu와 모든 왕을 죽였습니다. 매우 두려운 존재인 라마를 보고 지상의 모든 왕들은 두려움에 사로잡혀 코끼리가 사자를 보고 도망치듯 도망쳤습니다. 성난 라마는 성난 가루다(Garuḍa)가 뱀을 죽였듯이 왕들이 아버지의 살해에 대한 분노로 도망쳤음에도 왕들을 죽였습니다. 용맹한 라마는 전 세계를 끄샤뜨리야로부터 제거했지만, 그의 외할아버지와 관련된 가족이고 그의 어머니의 말 때문에 Ikṣvāku의 아주 위대한 가족만을 보호했습니다(즉, 아끼지 않았습니다).

Parashurama returning with the sacred calf with  Jamadagni  cautioning him not to be  controlled by anger

— 파드마 푸라나, 241장
전사 클래스는 그에게 도전하고 그는 Manu와 Ikshvaku의 혈통에 속한 사람들을 제외하고 클래스의 모든 구성원을 죽입니다. Kshatriyas의 세계를 제거한 Jamadagni의 강력한 아들은 Ashvamedha 희생을 수행합니다. 그는 브라만 계급에 속하는 주요 리시에게 일곱 섬이 있는 지구를 부여합니다. 지구와 그의 폭력 행위를 포기한 그는 Nara-Narayana의 암자로 은퇴하여 참회에 참여합니다. 전설은 지식 의무를 가진 브라만 바르나와 전사 및 집행 역할을 맡은 크샤트리아 바르나 사이의 고대 갈등에 뿌리를 두고 있을 것입니다.



지리 신화의 파라슈라마

정착민들에 둘러싸인 파라슈라마는 물의 신인 바루나에게 물러나 브라만을 위해 고카르나에서 카냐쿠마리까지 '파라슈라마 크셰트라'로 알려진 땅을 만들라고 명령했습니다.
서해안의 기원을 지리적, 문화적으로 다룬 전설이 있다. 그러한 전설 중 하나는 전사 현인 Parashurama가 바다에서 서부 해안을 회수한 것입니다. 그것은 Mahavishnu의 화신인 Parashurama가 그의 도끼를 바다에 던졌다고 선언합니다. 그 결과 서해안의 땅이 솟아올랐고, 그리하여 바다에서 매립되었습니다. 그가 도끼를 던진 (또는 화살을 쏜) 장소는 Maharashtra의 Nashik 지역의 Baglan taluka에있는 Salher 요새 (Maharashtra에서 두 번째로 높은 봉우리이자 가장 높은 요새)입니다. 이 요새의 정상에는 파슈람에게 바쳐진 사원이 있고 바위에는 보통 사람의 4배 크기의 발자국이 있습니다. 낮은 고원에 있는 이 요새에는 Parshuram의 어머니인 Renuka 여신의 사원과 큰 물 탱크의 둑에 샤미야나를 세우기 위한 장대가 있는 Yagya Kunda가 있습니다.

상감 고전 푸라나누루에 따르면, 체라 왕 센쿠투반은 카냐쿠마리와 히말라야 사이의 땅을 정복했습니다.[11] 합당한 적들이 부족한 그는 창을 던져 바다를 포위했습니다.[11][12] 17세기 말라얄람어 작품 케랄롤파티(Keralolpathi)에 따르면, 케랄라 땅은 도끼를 휘두르는 전사 현인 파라슈라마(비슈누의 여섯 번째 화신)에 의해 바다에서 회복되었습니다(따라서 케랄라는 파라슈라마 크셰트람 '파라슈라마의 땅'[13 ]). Parashurama는 도끼를 바다 건너편에 던졌고 물은 닿을 때까지 물러났습니다. 전설에 따르면 이 새로운 땅은 Gokarna에서 Kanyakumari까지 확장되었습니다.[14] 바다에서 솟아 오른 땅은 소금으로 가득 차서 거주하기에 적합하지 않았습니다. 그래서 Parashurama는 신성한 독을 내뿜고 토양을 비옥하고 무성한 녹색 땅으로 바꾸는 뱀 왕 Vasuki를 불러 들였습니다. 존경심에서 Vasuki와 모든 뱀은 땅의 보호자와 수호자로 임명되었습니다. P. T. Srinivasa Iyengar는 Senguttuvan이 초기 아리안 정착민들이 전한 Parashurama 전설에서 영감을 받았을 것이라는 이론을 세웠습니다.[15]

Konkan의 일부인 오늘날의 Goa(또는 Gomantak)에는 Parashurama에 바쳐진 South Goa 지역의 Canacona에 사원이 있습니다.[16][17][18]

Parashurama는 일반적으로 Renuka와 Rishi Jamadagni의 다섯 번째 아들로 제시됩니다.[10] Parashurama의 전설은 다양한 버전으로 많은 힌두교 텍스트에 나타납니다.

Devi Bhagavata Purana의 6 장에서 그는 모든 전사의 눈을 멀게하는 그를 둘러싼 강렬한 빛으로 허벅지에서 태어나 악한 길을 회개하고 시력이 회복되면 도덕적 삶을 영위하겠다고 약속합니다. 소년은 그들에게 혜택을 부여합니다.[10]
Vishnu Purana의 4장에서 Rcika는 두 명의 여성을 위한 식사를 준비합니다. 후자는 실수로 Renuka에게 먹히고 그녀는 Parashurama를 낳습니다.[10]
Vayu Purana의 2장에서 그는 그의 어머니 Renuka가 Rudra(Shiva)와 Vishnu 모두에게 바친 제물을 먹은 후에 태어납니다. 이것은 그에게 Kshatriya와 Brahmin의 이중 특성을 부여합니다.[20]
Parashurama는 Mahabharata의 일부 버전에서 자신의 도끼로 엄청난 수의 Kshatriya 전사를 죽인 분노한 Brahmin으로 묘사됩니다. 일부 버전에서 그는 아버지가 그에게 요구하고 부모에 대한 시험 경의를 표하기 때문에 자신의 어머니를 죽이기까지 합니다.[9][22] Parashurama가 어머니를 죽이라는 아버지의 명령에 순종 한 후 그의 아버지는 그에게 혜택을줍니다. Parashurama는 그의 어머니가 다시 살아나는 보상을 요구하고 그녀는 다시 살아납니다.[22] Parashurama는 폭력 이후 슬픔으로 가득 차 있으며 회개하고 그의 죄를 속죄합니다.[9] 어머니가 되살아나자 피 묻은 도끼를 닦으려다가 닦지 못한 피 한 방울을 발견하고 여러 강에 핏방울을 치우려 한다. 이것은 그가 도끼를 청소할 수 있는 신성한 강을 찾아 인도 남부로 이동했을 때 마침내 Karnataka의 Shimoga에 있는 Tirthahalli 마을에 도착하여 도끼를 청소하려고 시도하고 놀랍게도 도끼는 퉁가의 성스러운 강. 신성한 강과 관련하여 그는 Shiva linga를 건설하고 pooja를 수행하며 사원은 Rameshwara 사원으로 명명됩니다. Parashurama가 그의 도끼를 닦은 곳은 Ramakunda라고 불립니다.

그는 Mahabharata에서 Bhishma(5.178장), Drona(1.121장) 및 Karna(3.286장)의 멘토 역할을 하는 중요한 역할을 하며 무기 기술을 가르치고 전쟁 양측의 핵심 전사를 돕습니다.[23][24][ 노트 2]

케랄라의 지역 문학에서 그는 땅을 바다에서 가져와 그곳에 힌두교 공동체를 정착시킨 땅의 창시자입니다.[5] 그는 일부 힌에서 Rama Jamadagnya 및 Rama Bhargava로도 알려져 있습니다.

두 텍스트.[3] Parashurama는 Bhagavata Purana의 2.3.47장에 따라 Mahendra 산에서 은퇴했습니다.[26] 그는 결코 죽지 않고 추상적인 비슈누로 돌아가지 않으며 명상적인 은퇴 생활을 하는 비슈누의 유일한 화신입니다.[9] 더욱이 그는 라마야나와 마하바라트의 일부 버전에서 각각 다른 비슈누 화신 람과 크리슈나와 공존하는 비슈누의 유일한 화신입니다.[9][주 3]

사만타 판차카
상그라하 파르바(Sangraha Parva)에 따르면 크샤트리아 21세대를 죽인 후 사만다 판차카(Sanskrit: منه بञ्चк)로 통칭되는 5개의 웅덩이에 그들의 피를 채웠습니다. 그는 나중에 심한 참회를 통해 자신의 죄를 속죄했습니다. 다섯 개의 웅덩이는 신성한 것으로 간주됩니다.

Anukramanika Parva는 Samantha Panchaka가 Kurukshetra 주변 어딘가에 있다고 말합니다. 또한 Pandavas는 Kurukshetra의 Mahabharat 전쟁 전에 Samantha Panchaka 근처에서 몇 가지 종교 의식을 수행했다고 언급합니다.

파라슈라마 크셰트라
Puranas에 언급된 'Parashurama Kshetra'(Parashurama의 땅)에 대한 많은 해석이 있습니다.

Gokarna에서 Kanyakumari까지 인도 서부 해안 지역은 Parashurama Kshetra로 알려져 있습니다.[27]

Konkan 지역은 또한 Parashurama Kshetra로 간주되었습니다.[28]

고대 Saptakonkana는 Sahyadrikhanda에서 Parashuramakshetra("파라슈라마의 땅"에 대한 산스크리트어)로 언급하는 약간 더 큰 지역입니다. Vapi에서 Tapi는 인도 남부 구자라트 지역입니다. 이 지역은 "Parshuram Ni Bhoomi"라고 불립니다.[29]


도끼를 들고 있는 파라슈라마(2개의 표현)
Vishnudharmottara Purana 및 Rupamandana와 같은 도상학에 관한 힌두교 문헌은 그를 두 손에 도끼를 든 두 손을 가진 헝클어진 자물쇠를 가진 남자로 묘사합니다. 그러나 Agni Purana는 도끼, 활, 화살 및 검을 들고 네 손으로 그의 도상학을 묘사합니다. 바가바타 푸라나(Bhagavata Purana)는 그의 도끼, 활, 화살, 전사처럼 방패를 들고 네 손을 가진 것으로 그의 아이콘을 묘사합니다.[30] 전사이긴 하지만 전쟁 장면에서 힌두 사원 내부에서 그의 모습은 드물다(바솔리 사원은 그러한 예외 중 하나임). 일반적으로 그는 앉거나 서 있는 오른손에 도끼를 들고 두 손으로 나타납니다.[30]



이 섹션에서는 출처를 인용하지 않습니다. 신뢰할 수 있는 출처에 인용을 추가하여 이 섹션을 개선하는 데 도움을 주십시오. 출처가 없는 자료는 이의를 제기하고 제거할 수 있습니다. (2021년 4월) (이 템플릿 메시지를 제거하는 방법 및 시기 알아보기)
Ananthehwara 사원은 Parashurama가 lingam의 형태로 숭배되는 Udupi의 유명한 사원입니다.[31]

Thiruvananthapuram Kerala 근처의 Thiruvallam에 Parashurama를 위한 사원이 있습니다. Andhra Pradesh의 Rajempet에 있는 Athyarala라는 사원은 Parashurama에게 헌정되었습니다. Parashurama에 전념하는 Arunachal Pradesh의 Lohit 지구에 힌두교 순례 센터 인 Parshuram Kund가 있습니다. 수천 명의 순례자들이 매년 겨울에 이곳을 방문하는데, 특히 Makar Sankranti의 날에는 죄를 씻는다고 믿어지는 신성한 쿤드에 몸을 담글 수 있습니다.[32][33] Mahurgad는 Renuka 여신의 유명한 사원이 있는 Maharashtra의 Nanded 지구에 있는 Shakti Pitha 사원 중 하나입니다. 마후르가드에 있는 이 사원은 항상 순례자로 가득합니다. 사람들은 또한 같은 Mahurgad에 있는 Parashurama 사원을 방문합니다. 케랄라에 있는 108개의 시바 사원은 파라슈라마가 봉헌한 것으로 여겨집니다.

Parashurama 사원이 발견되는 다른 장소는 Maharashtra의 Ratnagiri District에있는 Chiplun과 Karnataka의 Udupi입니다. Karnataka에는 Parashurama Kshetras, 즉 Kollur, Koteshwara, Kukke Subrahmanya, Udupi, Gokarna, Anegudde (Kumbhasi) 및 Shankaranarayana로 알려진 Tulunadu (해안 Karnataka) 스트레칭에 7 개의 사원 그룹이 있습니다.

Janapav의 언덕 꼭대기에는 Parshurama가 Shiva를 숭배했다고 믿어지는 Shiva 사원이 있으며, 아쉬람은 그의 아버지의 이름을 딴 Jamadagni Ashram으로 알려져 있습니다. 이 장소에는 주 정부에서 개발 중인 Kund(연못)도 있습니다.[34]

Kannada 민속, 특히 Devdasis가 부른 경건한 노래에서 그는 종종 Yellamma의 아들로 불립니다. 파라슈라마 전설은 폭력, 보복의 순환, 크로다(분노)의 충동, 크로다의 부적절성, 회개에 대한 논의로 유명합니다.[35][주 4]

바관 파슈람
바가바드 기타
헤헤야 왕국
칼라추리 왕국
파라수람 익스프레스
  Mahabharata에는 Arjuna에 대한 전설이 포함되어 있습니다. 하나는 dharmic (도덕적)이고 다른 adharmic (부도덕)입니다. 일부 버전에서 Arjuna Kartavirya는 모든 사람에게 다양한 정도의 선과 악이 있다는 힌두교의 믿음과 일치하는 도덕적-비도덕적 특성을 혼합했습니다.[9]
  산스크리트어 서사시는 Parashurama, Jamadagnya, Rama(그의 이름은 축약되었지만 라마야나의 라마와 혼동하지 말 것) 등의 구절에서 Parashurama에 대해 여러 이름을 사용합니다.


  이 텍스트는 또한 Parasurama가 살아있는 동안 Vishnu의 본질을 잃었고 Vishnu는 Rama에서 완전한 아바타로 나타났습니다. 나중에 크리슈나에서.[9]
  Madeleine Biardeau에 따르면 Parasurama는 모순의 융합이며 아마도 군사력을 가진 사람들이 그것을 남용하는 경향이 있고 상황과 행동, 특히 폭력적인 행동의 도덕적 문제를 강조하기 위한 것일 수 있습니다.[36][37]
  Debroy, Bibek (2022년 6월 30일). 비슈누 푸라나 - 비벡 데브로이 - Google Books. ISBN 9789354926617. 2022년 9월 25일에 확인함.
  "자마다니의 이야기". 2019년 1월 28일.
  줄리아 레슬리(2014). 신화와 신화 만들기: 인도 전통의 지속적인 진화. 테일러 & 프랜시스. 63–66페이지 각주 포함. ISBN 978-1-136-77888-9.
  콜터, 찰스 러셀; 패트리샤 터너(2013년 7월 4일). 고대 신들의 백과사전. 루틀리지. ISBN 978-1-135-96390-3.
  콘스탄스 존스; 제임스 D. 라이언(2006). 힌두교 백과사전. 인포베이스 퍼블리싱. 피. 324. ISBN 978-0-8160-7564-5.
  제임스 G. 록테펠드(2002). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: N-Z. 로젠 출판 그룹. 500~501쪽. ISBN 978-0-8239-3180-4.
  "파라슈라마 | 힌두 신화".
  고아의 Khazan 생태계: 지구 환경 변화에 대처하기 위한 토착 솔루션 구축(아시아 인간 환경 연구의 발전)(1995). 고아의 Khazan 생태계: 지구 환경 변화에 대처하기 위한 토착 솔루션 구축. Abhinav 간행물. 피. 29. ISBN 978-9400772014.
  린 토마스(2014). 줄리아 레슬리(에디션). 신화와 신화 만들기: 인도 전통의 지속적인 진화. 루틀리지. 64–66페이지 각주 포함. ISBN 978-1-136-77881-0.
  토마스 E 도날드슨(1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (에디션). U.P. 샤. Abhinav 간행물. 159~160쪽. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  메논, A. Sreedhara (1987). 케랄라 역사와 제작자. 디씨북스. 피. 24. ISBN 978-8126421992.
  고대 인도사 Madhavan Arjunan Pillai 저, p. 204[ISBN 누락]
  S.C. Bhatt, Gopal K. Bhargava(2006) "인도 주 및 연합 영토의 토지와 인민: 14권.", p. 18
  아이야 VN (1906). Travancore 주 매뉴얼. Travancore 정부 언론. 210~12쪽. 2007년 11월 12일에 확인함.
  Srinivisa Iyengar, P. T. (1929). 타밀의 역사: 가장 초기부터 서기 600년까지 마드라스: 아시아 교육 서비스. 피. 515. ISBN 978-8120601451.
  Shree Scanda Puran (Sayadri Khandha) –Ed. Jarson D. Kunha 박사, Marathi 버전 Ed. Gajanan Shastri Gaytonde 저, Shree Katyani Publication 발행, 뭄바이
  Gomantak Prakruti ani Sanskruti 파트 1, p. 206, B. D. Satoskar, Shubhada 간행물
  아이야 VN (1906). Travancore 주 매뉴얼. Travancore 정부 언론. 210~212쪽. 2007년 11월 12일에 확인함.
  코넬리아 딤밋(2012). 고전 힌두 신화: 산스크리트어 Puranas의 독자. 템플 대학교 출판부. 82~85쪽. ISBN 978-1-4399-0464-0.
  토마스 E 도날드슨(1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (에디션). U.P. 샤. Abhinav 간행물. 160~161쪽. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  강굴리 KM(1883). "Drona Parva 섹션 LXX". Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa의 마하바라타. 신성한 텍스트. 2016년 6월 15일에 확인함.
  다니엘 E 바석(1987). 힌두교와 기독교의 화신: 신인의 신화. 팔그레이브 맥밀란. 피. 30. ISBN 978-1-349-08642-9.
  키사리 모한 간굴리(1896). "Mahabaratha, Karna의 Digvijaya yatra". 마하바라타. 신성한 텍스트. 2015년 6월 11일에 확인함.
  린 토마스(2014). 줄리아 레슬리(에디션). 신화와 신화 만들기: 인도 전통의 지속적인 진화. 루틀리지. pp. 66–69 각주 포함. ISBN 978-1-136-77881-0.
  린 토마스(2014). 줄리아 레슬리(에디션). 신화와 신화 만들기: 인도 전통의 지속적인 진화. 루틀리지. 69–71페이지 각주 포함. ISBN 978-1-136-77881-0.
  토마스 E 도날드슨(1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (에디션). U.P. 샤. Abhinav 간행물. 174~175쪽. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  L Eck, Diana (2012년 3월 27일). 인도 : 신성한 지리. 하모니/로데일. 피. 37.
  Stanley Wolpert (2006), 인도 백과사전, Thomson Gale, ISBN 0-684-31350-2, 80페이지
  수레시 찬드라(1998). 힌두 신과 여신의 백과사전. Sarup & Sons. 피. 376. ISBN 9788176250399.
  토마스 E 도날드슨(1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (에디션). U.P. 샤. Abhinav 간행물. 178~180쪽. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  G. Kameshwar (2004). Tulu Tales: A Soota Chronicle. 루파앤컴퍼니. 피. 31. ISBN 9788129104274. 비슈누의 화신인 파라수라마와 링가의 연합은 아난테슈와라로 알려지게 되었으며 예배 장소는 현재의 아난테슈와라 사원입니다.
  "Makar Sankranti에서 신성한 목욕을 위해 수천 명이 Parshuram Kund에 모입니다." 뉴스 밀. 2017년 1월 13일. 2017년 1월 13일에 확인함.
  "70,000명의 신자들이 Parshuram Kund에서 성스러운 목욕을 합니다". 인디언 익스프레스. 1월 18일


2013년 4월. 2014년 6월 29일에 확인함.
  "Janapav는 국제적인 pligrim 센터로 개발될 것입니다". 하나의 인도. 2008년 5월 8일. 2019년 11월 17일에 확인함.
  토마스 E 도날드슨(1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (에디션). U.P. 샤. Abhinav 간행물. 161-70쪽. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  Madeleine BIARDEAU(1976), Études de Mythologie Hindoue(IV): Bhakti et avatāra, Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, École française d'Extrême-Orient, Vol. 63(1976), pp. 182–191, 문맥: 111–263
  프레다 매쳇(2001). 크리슈나, 주님 또는 아바타라?. 루틀리지. 206페이지(주 53 포함). ISBN 978-0-7007-1281-6.
KM, Ganguly (2016) [1883]. Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa의 마하바라타(Drona Parva Section LXX ed.). 신성한 텍스트.
맥켄지, 도널드 A(1913). 인도 신화와 전설. 신성한 텍스트.
외부 링크
파슈람은 아직 살아 있습니까? Lord Parshuram 이야기 by hindugodimage
Parshuram Stuti Jai Bhole의 Purshuram의 Stuti
  Wikimedia Commons의 Parashurama 관련 미디어
108 Parashurama Kshetras Shaivam 및 Google 지도에서 게시



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"Parasuram" and "Parashuram" redirect here. For other uses, see Parashurama (disambiguation).
ParashuramaOther namesDevanagariSanskrit transliterationAffiliationWeaponPersonal informationBornParentsSiblingsSpouse
Member of Dashavatara and Chiranjivi
Parashurama by Raja Ravi Varma
  • Bhargava Rama
  • Jamadagnya Rama
  • Ramabhadra
Axe named Vidyudabhi (Parashu)
Third day of Vaishaka Shukla Paksha or Parshurama Jayanti
Ṛumaṇvān, Suhotra, Vasu, and Viśvāvasu[2]
Dharani (Lakshmi)[1]
Dashavatara SequencePredecessorSuccessor

Parashurama (Sanskrit: परशुराम, romanizedParaśurāma, lit. 'Rama with an axe'), also referred to as Rama Jamadagnya, Rama Bhargava and Veerarama,[3] is the sixth avatar among the Dashavatara of the preserver god Vishnu in Hinduism. He is believed to be one of the Chiranjeevis (Immortals), who will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga to be the guru of Vishnu's tenth and last incarnation, Kalki.

Born to Jamadagni and Renuka, the Brahmin Parashurama was foretold to appear at a time when overwhelming evil prevailed on the earth. The Kshatriya class, with weapons and power, had begun to abuse their power, take what belonged to others by force and tyrannise people. He corrected the cosmic equilibrium by destroying the Kshatriya warriors twenty-one times. He is married to Dharani, an incarnation of Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu.[4] He is present in the Ramayana due to the conflict with Rama (the protagonist of the Ramayana) over Shiva's broken bow. He is mentioned in the Mahabharata as the guru of Bhisma, Drona, Rukmi, and Karna.[5][6]

Parashurama meet his pitaras (ancestors) after his mass killings.
Parashurama returning with the sacred calf with Jamadagni cautioning him not to be controlled by anger
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Supreme deity
Important deities
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According to Hindu mythology, Parashurama was born to the sage Jamadagni and his Kshatriya wife, Renuka, living in a hut (believed in local tradition to be located at Janapav).[7] They had a celestial cow called Surabhi, which gives them all that they desire (Surabhi is the daughter of cow Kamadhenu).[6][8] A king named Kartavirya Arjuna (not to be confused with Arjuna, the Pandava)[9][note 1] – learns about this cow of plenty and wants it. He asks Jamadagni to give it to him, but the sage refuses. While Parashurama is away from the hut, the king takes it by force.[6] When Jamadagni pleads his case and seeks for the return of the cow, the king strikes him with his fist, killing him. Parashurama learns about this crime, and is upset. With his axe in his hand, he challenges the king to battle. They fight, and Parashurama defeats and kills the king, according to the Padma Purana.[3][4]

The wicked-minded one lost his valour due to his own sin. The mighty son of Reṇukā, being angry, cut off his head, as mighty Indra did the peak of a big mountain, and he who was brave and angry, killed Sahasrabāhu and all the kings with his axe in the battle. Seeing Rāma, the very fearful one, all kings on the earth, struck by fear, ran away as elephants do on seeing a lion. The angry Rāma killed the kings even though they had fled due to the resentment against his father’s murder, as the angry Garuḍa killed the serpents. The valorous Rāma made the entire (world) clear of the kṣatriyas, but protected (i.e. spared) only the very great family of Ikṣvāku, due to its being the family to which his maternal grandfather was related, and due to his mother’s words.

— Padma Purana, Chapter 241

The warrior class challenges him, and he slays every single member of the class, save for those belonging to the lineages of Manu and Ikshvaku. The mighty son of Jamadagni, having rid the world of the Kshatriyas, then performs the Ashvamedha sacrifice. He grants the earth with the seven islands to principal rishis belonging to the Brahmin class. Having renounced the earth and his violent deeds, he retires to the hermitage of Nara-Narayana to engage in penance. The legend likely has roots in the ancient conflict between the Brahmin varna, with knowledge duties, and the Kshatriya varna, with warrior and enforcement roles.[5][6][10]

Parashurama in geographical myths

Parashurama, surrounded by settlers, commanding Varuna, god of the waters to recede to make land known as 'Parashurama Kshetra' from Gokarna to Kanyakumari for the Brahmins.

There are legends dealing with the origins of the western coast geographically and culturally. One such legend is the retrieval of the West Coast from the sea, by Parashurama, a warrior sage. It proclaims that Parashurama, an Incarnation of Mahavishnu, threw His battle axe into the sea. As a result, the land of the Western coast arose, and thus was reclaimed from the waters. The place from which he threw his axe (or shot an arrow) is on Salher fort (the second highest peak and the highest fort in Maharashtra) in the Baglan taluka of Nashik district of Maharashtra. There is a temple on the summit of this fort dedicated to Parshuram and there are footprints in the rock 4 times the size of normal humans. This fort on a lower plateau has a temple of goddess Renuka, Parshuram's mother and also a Yagya Kunda with pits for poles to erect a shamiyana on the banks of a big water tank.

According to the Sangam classic Purananuru, the Chera king Senkuttuvan conquered the lands between Kanyakumari and the Himalayas.[11] Lacking worthy enemies, he besieged the sea by throwing his spear into it.[11][12] According to the 17th-century Malayalam work Keralolpathi, the lands of Kerala were recovered from the sea by the axe-wielding warrior sage Parashurama, the sixth Incarnation of Vishnu (hence, Kerala is also called Parashurama Kshetram 'The Land of Parashurama'[13]). Parashurama threw his axe across the sea, and the water receded as far as it reached. According to legend, this new area of land extended from Gokarna to Kanyakumari.[14] The land which rose from sea was filled with salt and unsuitable for habitation; so Parashurama invoked the Snake King Vasuki, who spat holy poison and converted the soil into fertile lush green land. Out of respect, Vasuki and all snakes were appointed as protectors and guardians of the land. P. T. Srinivasa Iyengar has theorised that Senguttuvan may have been inspired by the Parashurama legend, which was brought by early Aryan settlers.[15]

In present-day Goa (or Gomantak), which is a part of the Konkan, there is a temple in Canacona in South Goa district dedicated to Parashurama.[16][17][18]


Parashurama is generally presented as the fifth son of Renuka and Rishi Jamadagni.[10] The legends of Parashurama appear in many Hindu texts, in different versions:[19]

  • In Chapter 6 of the Devi Bhagavata Purana, he is born from the thigh with intense light surrounding him that blinds all warriors, who then repent their evil ways and promise to lead a moral life if their eyesight is restored. The boy grants them the boon.[10]
  • In Chapter 4 of the Vishnu Purana, Rcika prepares a meal for two women, one simple, and another with ingredients that if eaten would cause the woman to conceive a son with martial powers. The latter is accidentally eaten by Renuka, and she then gives birth to Parashurama.[10]
  • In Chapter 2 of the Vayu Purana, he is born after his mother Renuka eats a sacrificial offering made to both Rudra (Shiva) and Vishnu, which gives him dual characteristics of Kshatriya and Brahmin.[20]

Parashurama is described in some versions of the Mahabharata as the angry Brahmin who with his axe, killed a huge number of Kshatriya warriors because they were abusing their power.[21] In some versions, he even kills his own mother because his father asks him to and because to take his test obeisance towards his parents.[9][22] After Parashurama obeys his father's order to kill his mother, his father grants him a boon. Parashurama asks for the reward that his mother be brought back to life, and she is restored to life.[22] Parashurama remains filled with sorrow after the violence, repents and expiates his sin.[9] After his Mother comes back to life, he tries to clean the blood-stained axe but he finds a drop of blood which he was unable to clean and tries cleaning the blood drop in different rivers. This is when he moves towards the south of India in search of any holy river where he could clean his axe, finally, he reaches Tirthahalli village in Shimoga, Karnataka and tries to clean the axe and to his surprise, the axe gets cleaned in the holy river of Tunga. With respect towards the holy river, he constructs a Shiva linga and performs pooja and the temple is named as Rameshwara temple. The place where Parashurama cleaned his axe is called Ramakunda.

He plays important roles in the Mahabharata serving as mentor to Bhishma (chapter 5.178), Drona (chapter 1.121) and Karna (chapter 3.286), teaching weapon arts and helping key warriors in both sides of the war.[23][24][note 2]

In the regional literature of Kerala, he is the founder of the land, the one who brought it out of the sea and settled a Hindu community there.[5] He is also known as Rama Jamadagnya and Rama Bhargava in some Hindu texts.[3] Parashurama retired in the Mahendra Mountains, according to chapter 2.3.47 of the Bhagavata Purana.[26] He is the only incarnation of Vishnu who never dies, never returns to abstract Vishnu and lives in meditative retirement.[9] Further, he is the only incarnation of Vishnu that co-exists with other Vishnu incarnations Ram and Krishna in some versions of the Ramayana and Mahabharat, respectively.[9][note 3]

Samanta Panchaka

According to the Sangraha Parva, after killing 21 generations of Kshatriyas, he filled their blood in five pools collectively known as the Samantha Panchaka (Sanskrit: समंत पञ्चक). He later atoned for his sin by severe penance. The five pools are considered to be holy.

The Anukramanika Parva says that the Samantha Panchaka is located somewhere around Kurukshetra. It also mentions that the Pandavas performed a few religious rites near the Samantha Panchaka before the Mahabharat War at Kurukshetra.

Parashurama Kshetra

There is much interpretation of 'Parashurama Kshetra' (Land of Parashurama) mentioned in the Puranas.

The region on the western coast of India from Gokarna to Kanyakumari was known as Parashurama Kshetra.[27]

The region of Konkan was also considered as Parashurama Kshetra.[28]

The ancient Saptakonkana is a slightly larger region described in the Sahyadrikhanda which refers to it as Parashuramakshetra (Sanskrit for "The Land Of Parashurama"), Vapi to Tapi is an area of South Gujarat, India. This area is called "Parshuram Ni Bhoomi".[29]


Parashurama with his axe (two representations)

The Hindu literature on iconography such as the Vishnudharmottara Purana and Rupamandana describes him as a man with matted locks, with two hands, one carrying an axe. However, the Agni Purana portrays his iconography with four hands, carrying his axe, bow, arrow and sword. The Bhagavata Purana describes his icon as one with four hands, carrying his axe, bow, arrows and a shield like a warrior.[30] Though a warrior, his representation inside Hindu temples with him in war scenes is rare (the Basohli temple is one such exception). Typically, he is shown with two hands, with an axe in his right hand either seated or standing.[30]


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The Anantheshwara Temple is a famous temple in Udupi where Parashurama is worshipped in the form of a lingam.[31]

There is a temple for Parashurama in Thiruvallam near Thiruvananthapuram Kerala. The temple called Athyarala in Rajempet, Andhra Pradesh, is dedicated to Parashurama. There is a Parshuram Kund, a Hindu pilgrimage centre in Lohit District of Arunachal Pradesh which is dedicated to Parashurama. Thousands of pilgrims visit the place in winter every year, especially on the Makar Sankranti day for a holy dip in the sacred kund which is believed to wash away one's sins.[32][33] Mahurgad is one of the Shakti Pitha shrines in Maharashtra's Nanded District, where a famous temple of goddess Renuka exists. This temple at Mahurgad is always full of pilgrims. People also come to visit Parashurama temple on the same Mahurgad. The 108 Shiva Temples in Kerala which are believed to be consecrated by Parashurama.

Other places where temples for Parashurama are found are Chiplun in Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra and at Udupi, Karnataka. In Karnataka, there are a group of 7 temples in the stretch of Tulunadu (coastal Karnataka), known as Parashurama Kshetras, namely, Kollur, Koteshwara, Kukke Subrahmanya, Udupi, Gokarna, Anegudde (Kumbhasi) and Shankaranarayana.


  • A Parasurama temple in Kerala

  • Parasurama in a garden

In popular culture

On top of the hills of Janapav is a Shiva temple where Parshurama is believed to have worshipped Shiva, the ashram is known as Jamadagni Ashram, named after his father. The place also has a Kund (Pond) that is being developed by the state government.[34]

In Kannada folklore, especially in devotional songs sung by the Devdasis he is often referred to as a son of Yellamma. Parashurama legends are notable for their discussion of violence, the cycles of retaliations, the impulse of krodha (anger), the inappropriateness of krodha, and repentance.[35][note 4]

See also


  1. ^ The Mahabharata includes legends about both Arjuna, one is dharmic (moral) and other adharmic (immoral); in some versions, Arjuna Kartavirya has mixed moral-immoral characteristics consistent with the Hindu belief that there is varying degrees of good and evil in every person.[9]
  2. ^ The Sanskrit epic uses multiple names for Parashurama in its verses: Parashurama, Jamadagnya, Rama (his name shortened, but not to be confused with Rama of Ramayana), etc.[25]
  3. ^ These texts also state that Parasurama lost the essence of Vishnu while he was alive, and Vishnu then appeared as a complete avatar in Rama; later, in Krishna.[9]
  4. ^ According to Madeleine Biardeau, Parasurama is a fusion of contradictions, possibly to emphasize the ease with which those with military power tend to abuse it, and the moral issues in circumstances and one's actions, particularly violent ones.[36][37]


  1. ^ Debroy, Bibek (30 June 2022). Vishnu Purana - Bibek Debroy - Google Books. ISBN 9789354926617. Retrieved 25 September 2022.
  2. ^ "Story of Jamadagni". 28 January 2019.
  3. ^ Jump up to:a b c Julia Leslie (2014). Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition. Taylor & Francis. pp. 63–66 with footnotes. ISBN 978-1-136-77888-9.
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b Coulter, Charles Russell; Turner, Patricia (4 July 2013). Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-96390-3.
  5. ^ Jump up to:a b c Constance Jones; James D. Ryan (2006). Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Infobase Publishing. p. 324. ISBN 978-0-8160-7564-5.
  6. ^ Jump up to:a b c d James G. Lochtefeld (2002). The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism: N-Z. The Rosen Publishing Group. pp. 500–501. ISBN 978-0-8239-3180-4.
  7. ^ "Parashurama | Hindu mythology".
  8. ^ Khazan Ecosystems of Goa: Building on Indigenous Solutions to Cope with Global Environmental Change (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research) (1995). Khazan Ecosystems of Goa: Building on Indigenous Solutions to Cope with Global Environmental Change. Abhinav Publications. p. 29. ISBN 978-9400772014.
  9. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g Lynn Thomas (2014). Julia Leslie (ed.). Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition. Routledge. pp. 64–66 with footnotes. ISBN 978-1-136-77881-0.
  10. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Thomas E Donaldson (1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (ed.). Studies in Jaina Art and Iconography and Allied Subjects in Honour of Dr. U.P. Shah. Abhinav Publications. pp. 159–160. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  11. ^ Jump up to:a b Menon, A. Sreedhara (1987). Kerala History and its Makers. D C Books. p. 24. ISBN 978-8126421992.
  12. ^ Ancient Indian History By Madhavan Arjunan Pillai, p. 204[ISBN missing]
  13. ^ S.C. Bhatt, Gopal K. Bhargava (2006) "Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Volume 14.", p. 18
  14. ^ Aiya VN (1906). The Travancore State Manual. Travancore Government Press. pp. 210–12. Retrieved 12 November 2007.
  15. ^ Srinivisa Iyengar, P. T. (1929). History of the Tamils: From the Earliest Times to 600 A.D. Madras: Asian Educational Services. p. 515. ISBN 978-8120601451.
  16. ^ Shree Scanda Puran (Sayadri Khandha) –Ed. Dr. Jarson D. Kunha, Marathi version Ed. by Gajanan Shastri Gaytonde, published by Shree Katyani Publication, Mumbai
  17. ^ Gomantak Prakruti ani Sanskruti Part 1, p. 206, B. D. Satoskar, Shubhada Publication
  18. ^ Aiya VN (1906). The Travancore State Manual. Travancore Government Press. pp. 210–212. Retrieved 12 November 2007.
  19. ^ Cornelia Dimmitt (2012). Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas. Temple University Press. pp. 82–85. ISBN 978-1-4399-0464-0.
  20. ^ Thomas E Donaldson (1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (ed.). Studies in Jaina Art and Iconography and Allied Subjects in Honour of Dr. U.P. Shah. Abhinav Publications. pp. 160–161. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  21. ^ Ganguly KM (1883). "Drona Parva Section LXX". The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa. Sacred Texts. Retrieved 15 June 2016.
  22. ^ Jump up to:a b Daniel E Bassuk (1987). Incarnation in Hinduism and Christianity: The Myth of the God-Man. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 30. ISBN 978-1-349-08642-9.
  23. ^ Kisari Mohan Ganguli (1896). "Mahabaratha, Digvijaya yatra of Karna". The Mahabharata. Sacred Texts. Retrieved 11 June 2015.
  24. ^ Lynn Thomas (2014). Julia Leslie (ed.). Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition. Routledge. pp. 66–69 with footnotes. ISBN 978-1-136-77881-0.
  25. ^ Lynn Thomas (2014). Julia Leslie (ed.). Myth and Mythmaking: Continuous Evolution in Indian Tradition. Routledge. pp. 69–71 with footnotes. ISBN 978-1-136-77881-0.
  26. ^ Thomas E Donaldson (1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (ed.). Studies in Jaina Art and Iconography and Allied Subjects in Honour of Dr. U.P. Shah. Abhinav Publications. pp. 174–175. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  27. ^ L Eck, Diana (27 March 2012). India : A Sacred Geography. Harmony/Rodale. p. 37.
  28. ^ Stanley Wolpert (2006), Encyclopedia of India, Thomson Gale, ISBN 0-684-31350-2, page 80
  29. ^ Chandra, Suresh (1998). Encyclopedia of Hindu Gods & Goddesses. Sarup & Sons. p. 376. ISBN 9788176250399.
  30. ^ Jump up to:a b Thomas E Donaldson (1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (ed.). Studies in Jaina Art and Iconography and Allied Subjects in Honour of Dr. U.P. Shah. Abhinav Publications. pp. 178–180. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  31. ^ G. Kameshwar (2004). Tulu Tales: A Soota Chronicle. Rupa & Company. p. 31. ISBN 9788129104274. The association of Parasurama, an incarnation of Vishnu, with the Linga, came to be known as Anantheshwara and the place of worship is the present Anantheshwara temple.
  32. ^ "Thousands gather at Parshuram Kund for holy dip on Makar Sankranti". The News Mill. 13 January 2017. Retrieved 13 January 2017.
  33. ^ "70,000 devotees take holy dip in Parshuram Kund". Indian Express. 18 January 2013. Retrieved 29 June 2014.
  34. ^ "Janapav to be developed into international pligrim centre". One India. 8 May 2008. Retrieved 17 November 2019.
  35. ^ Thomas E Donaldson (1995). Umakant Premanand Shah (ed.). Studies in Jaina Art and Iconography and Allied Subjects in Honour of Dr. U.P. Shah. Abhinav Publications. pp. 161–70. ISBN 978-81-7017-316-8.
  36. ^ Madeleine BIARDEAU (1976), Études de Mythologie Hindoue (IV): Bhakti et avatāra, Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient, École française d’Extrême-Orient, Vol. 63 (1976), pp. 182–191, context: 111–263
  37. ^ Freda Matchett (2001). Krishna, Lord Or Avatara?. Routledge. pp. 206 with note 53. ISBN 978-0-7007-1281-6.


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