신화, 전설, 민속의 신화 대장장이 목록 ㅣList of Mythical Blacksmiths from Myth, Legend & Folklore
List of Mythical Blacksmiths from Myth, Legend & Folklore November 9, 2019 Working the Flame is supported by its readers. We may earn commission at no extra cost to you if you buy through a link on this page. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. List of Mythical Blacksmiths from Celtic, Viking, Roman, Greek & Japanese Culture Table of Contents show Blacksmithing is an ancien..
2023.01.14 -
비슈와카르마ㅡ신들의 건축가ㅣ 조물주ㅣVishwa karma
비슈와카르마 – 신들의 건축가 비슈와카르마 비슈와카르마는 힌두교의 장인정신의 신이자 신들의 건축가이다. 그는 궁전, 비행기, 그리고 신들의 신의 무기를 디자인하고 만들었습니다. 그는 또한 우주의 설계자입니다. 그에게 바쳐진 비슈와카르마 푸라나라는 푸라나가 있는데, 그 안에서 그는 브라흐마 주, 비슈누 주, 시바 주의 창조자로 여겨진다. 힌두교도들은 카냐 산크란티의 생일을 축하하는데, 이 날은 그레고리력으로 9월 16일/17일은 비슈와카르마 자얀티이다. 목차: 비슈와카르마라는 단어의 의미: 비슈와카르마라는 단어는 비즈라는 두 단어로 구성되어 있다. 비슈와(세계 또는 우주)와 카르마(창조자). 그러므로 비슈와카르마라는 단어는 "세계의 창조자"를 의미한다. 비슈와카르마의 기원: 비슈와카르마 경은 그를 우주(땅..
2023.01.14 -
Tvastar ㅣ 트바스타 ㅣ신들의 건축가ㅣ삼계의 조물주
Tvastar VIEW SOURCE In Vedic religion,Tvaṣṭṛ (Sanskrit: त्वष्टृ}}), is the first born creator of the universe. In Yajurveda purusha suktha and in 10 mandala of Rg veda his character and attributes are merging with the concept like Hiranyagharbha/Prajapathy or Brahma.The term also transliterated as Tvaṣṭr, nominative Tvaṣṭā, is the heavenly builder, the maker of divine implements, especially Indr..
2023.01.14 -
Nandana Garden in Hindu Religion – The Garden of Indra – the King of Devas
"NANDANA-VANA" - THE PLEASURE GARDEN - WHERE THERE IS NO HUNGER “NANDANA-VANA” - THE PLEASURE GARDEN - WHERE THERE IS NO HUNGER Nandana-vana is Lord Indra’s garden in his swarga located in the city of devas, Amravati, located in the realm of the stars, where stands the "Kalpataru" tree under which all desires are fulfilled. Nandana-vana is similar to Garden of Eden in the paradise where Adam and..
2023.01.14 -
Nandana Garden in Hindu Religion – The Garden of Indra – the King of Devas
"NANDANA-VANA" - THE PLEASURE GARDEN - WHERE THERE IS NO HUNGER “NANDANA-VANA” - THE PLEASURE GARDEN - WHERE THERE IS NO HUNGER Nandana-vana is Lord Indra’s garden in his swarga located in the city of devas, Amravati, located in the realm of the stars, where stands the "Kalpataru" tree under which all desires are fulfilled. Nandana-vana is similar to Garden of Eden in the paradise where Adam and..
2023.01.13 -
박티베단타 베다베이스: 스리마드 바가바탐10.2 ~10.2.42ㅣBhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam SB 10.2 Summary SB 10.2.1-2: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Under the protection of Magadharāja, Jarāsandha, the powerful Kaḿsa began persecuting the kings of the Yadu dynasty. In this he had the cooperation of demons like Pralamba, Baka, Cāṇūra, Tṛṇāvarta, Aghāsura, Muṣṭika, Ariṣṭa, Dvivida, Pūtanā, Keśī, Dhenuka, Bāṇāsura, Narakāsura and many other de..